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Features: |
AS3-I.1 | Correa, P & Correa, A (2001) Consequences of the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment: the demise of the stationary aether, the rise of Special Relativity, and the heuristic concept of the photon First published in Infinite Energy #38 |
46 pp.
AS3-I.2 | Correa, P & Correa, A (2001) The Sagnac and Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiments: the tribulations of General Relativity with respect to rotation First published in Infinite Energy #39 |
42 pp.
AS3-I.3 | Correa, P & Correa, A (2001-2008) Linear and angular light Doppler shifts and the Sagnac experiment: Aetherometry vs. Relativity (1) |
45 pp.
AS3-I.4 | Correa P, Correa A, Askanas M, Gryziecki G, Sola-Soler J (2007-2008) A test of Aetherometry vs Relativity, Special and Larmor-Lorentz: The 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment - Aetherometry vs. Relativity (2) |
28 pp.
AS3-I.5 | Correa, A & Askanas, M (2008-2009) Death by peer-review: Analysis of the 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment as a sociological test of the legitimacy of so-called "peer review" in mainstream scientific publications |
24 pp.
AS3-I.6 | Correa, P & Correa, A (2008) The Silvertooth experiment as a confirmation of the aetherometric galactic compression flux |
AS3-I.7 | Correa, P (2001-2008) A note on Dayton Miller's supposed discovery of Aether drift |
16 pp.