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Abstracts of ABRI MonographsSeries 3 - Aetherometric TheoryVol. I - Interferometric Aetherometry
SR's second principle postulates that the speed of light is a constant for every inertial frame of reference, that is, is the same in all directions and for all observers, and independent of the motion of the source of light or the motion of the receiver, for as long as we are considering solely 'substantial translatory motions'. SR's position in this respect is somewhat paradoxical: one can say that it satisfies Machian relationism by positing all electromagnetically valid observers as being at rest in inertial frames of translation, their speeds being all relative and none absolute. But with the second principle, it explicitly recognizes some form of absolute velocity, an absolute speed of radiation in vacuo which is constant for all inertial frames in 'sufficient translation'. Where SR had proposed that one should conclude from the MM experiment that there is no stationary aether, and that the propagation of light is independent from the inertial frame of the observer, Einstein's photon theory proposes a new model where there is no need to take recourse to an aether in order to explain the propagation of light.
The authors propose that, whereas SR was correct in positing the abolition of the
stationary aether and in postulating as invariant the electromagnetic speed c, its requirements
for adoption of the Lorentz transformations rely entirely upon the classical electrodynamic
interpretation of the Kauffman-Bucherer-Bertozzi-type experiments. Since there are critical
alternative evaluations of these experiments, this is a tenuous foundation for the abolition of
synchronicity. Furthermore, the authors propose that Einstein's heuristic hypothesis be
taken as factual - the result being that electromagnetic radiation becomes secondary to an
energy continuum that is neither electromagnetic nor amenable to a four-dimensional
reduction. It follows that the second principle of SR only applies to photon production,
which is always and only a local discontinuity. It does not apply to non-electromagnetic
radiation, nor, a fortiori, to the propagation of energy responsible for local photon
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That the MGP experiment was voted to oblivion is all the more glaring an omission, since it was supposed to provide a test for Einstein's "principle of equivalence" of inertial and gravitational masses, the actual basis for GR. The relativistic expectation sanctioned by Einstein in 1924, was that the MGP experiment should detect a full fringe shift in order to confirm General Relativity, whereas a null result would have been compatible with the notion of a partial aether drag. Note that the expectations regarding the null result had now been inverted with respect to the MM experiment, because the MGP experiment tested for rotation and not translation of the earth. So argued Einstein. In this context, the authors wonder: why should rotation be measurable because of a Space-Time drag of inertial frames in rotation, and translation remain unmeasurable and unable to elicit the dragging of its own inertial frame, when translation is also a gravitational motion and there must be equivalence in principle between inertial and non-inertial frames? The problem is further highlighted by GR's later confrontation in the early 1930's with the 1913 Sagnac effect, because GR is here constrained to admit that, 'for non-inertial frames', the speed of light is no longer constant. After all, to be consistent with itself, as Aspden has pointed out, Relativity should have followed Mach's lead and proposed that one should not be able to electromagnetically measure any speed of rotation with respect to Space. To achieve this somersault, Einstein adopted the relativistic dragging of inertial frames from aether drag theory, and even went as far as claiming in 1920 that with GR, "the conception of the ether has again acquired an intelligible content, although this content differs widely from that of the ether of the mechanical undulatory theory of light". But did Einstein's trajectory remain loyal to this program? The authors contend that it did not. Central to the GR paradox was the axiomatic assumption that gravitational field energy can be treated as reducible to the interval metric structure of Space-Time itself. From an energeticist perspective, this was an essential metaphysical lapse - emptying gravitation of its energetic content and replacing it with the structure of a manifold that is susceptible to the criticism that it essentially confuses Time with Space. Moreover, there is no intrinsic or heuristic requirement on the part of the Sagnac effect for any time-dilation transformations. Einstein was in fact obliged to treat the continuum as a pseudo-Riemannian manifold that had a separate physical reality distinct from the spatiotemporal relations between material objects. This clearly introduced substantivalist considerations into what was originally deemed to be a relationist project. These considerations lead one to become suspicious of Einstein's utterances about an aether compatible with Relativity. The problem is that the 'aether' that Einstein increasingly appeared to have in mind, rather than becoming, as promised, a 'non-material, non-mechanical and gravitational aether', turned instead into a pure metaphysical fiction; a disembodied Spatial reality endowed solely with a mathematical existence and barred from any access to Time and synchronicity. Einstein operated a reduction of gravitational theory to geometry, and ultimately precluded therefore any recourse to the notion of gravitational energy. With this mystification, rotation was indeed made to appear as a mystery of nature.
Subsequent evolution of relativistic cosmology at the hands of Einstein's successors
has resurrected the problem of absolute motion in the measurement of peculiar velocity with
respect to the CBR. A cosmic universal frame of reference for the propagation of
electromagnetic energy has been found, in direct contravention of Special Relativity - yet, as
soon as it was made, this discovery was co-opted by Big-Bang ideologists as evidence for a
cosmic entropy. Relativist metaphysics succeeded in keeping its cake and eating it too. Such
are the privileges of theories that become part of the organon of royal science.
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Without any employ of LF transforms, we present an aetherometric analysis of the linear light Doppler based strictly upon the law of the geometric mean composition of velocities and without invoking a transformational second-order effect - and we arrive at the same results that SR obtained. We do likewise for the Sagnac effect, to demonstrate the latter is nothing other than an angular light Doppler where a 'light loop' is also set in (apparent) motion. VIEW (0.8 MB)
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Scientific discovery is often carelessly looked upon as the creation of some new knowledge which can be added to the great body of old knowledge - and the machinery of "peer review" is aligned with precisely such a perspective. But while this perspective may indeed apply to ordinary, trivial discoveries, it is blatantly untrue for fundamental discoveries. This paper examines the case of one such discovery, and shows the total inability of the "peer" mechanism to engage with it as a scientific work. The national and global societies are reaping the fruits of an ever-spreading collective dearth of intelligence, which is effectively also the slow death of science. VIEW (HTML)
veRes = [(Wvo ± Wεcomp) Wk]0.5Thus, they are found to match the results of the analysis of the Silvertooth experiment, such that the Silvertooth quantity Δv is shown to be a function of Wεcomp and, therefore, veRes, as per: Δv = {vo[1+(ΔveRes2/c)]0.5} - vo = (v2 - vo) -Δv = {vo[1-(ΔveRes1/c)]0.5} - vo = (v1- vo)where ΔveRes = [(veRes2 - vo) + (vo - veRes1)]/2 ≈ (veRes2 - vo) ≈ (vo - veRes1)It is apparent that the Silvertooth quantity Δv is a function of the velocity difference ΔveRes acquired by lasing electrons that are accelerated by the impinging ambipolar flux, and this is confirmed by the correct and uniquely aetherometric functions for the shifted wavelengths that provide the equivalence for first and second order effects: λ1 = λo (vo/v1)2= λo [vo2/(vo - Δv)2] = c/(WkWv1/e) = λo /[1-(ΔveRes1/c)]Far from proving the existence of an absolute frame of reference for all motion, and far from proving the existence of a stationary Aether, the Silvertooth experiment appears to constitute evidence for the existence of a dynamic Aether, specifically, the existence of a flux of massfree ambipolar electricity that is released from the local Aether lattice and drives the spiral pattern of the galaxy. This monograph must be purchased before it can be viewed.
Dayton Miller's claims to have measured an aether drift and the absolute velocity of the Solar System, are succinctly compared with the currently accepted values of astrophysical velocities and those predicted by Aetherometry. Miller's model of the Aether is also contrasted to Wilhelm Reich's 'orgonomic cosmology' and the aetherometric model of a dynamic Aether.
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