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SPECIAL OFFER: Order the entirety of Volume 2B (monographs AS2-15 through AS2-17C) in electronic format, at a 15% discount. |
AS2-15 | The aetherometric approach to solving the problem of magnetism
Correa PN, Correa AN |
Dimensional analysis of accepted fundamental functions of magnetic flux density
B (Maxwell's 'magnetic induction') and magnetic field intensity H (Maxwell's
'magnetic force') exposes discrepant functions that are systematically
inconsistent. In the cgs system, both B and H are treated as frequency
functions, but in the SI or mks systems, B is shown to function as the reciprocal
of a wavelength and H as an acceleration. The problem is further compounded
by Maxwell's wrong dimensionality of current, by his admission of a variable
dimensionality for the two fields in the electrostatic system of units, and the fact,
uncovered by Aetherometry, that the field B relates to an angular length function,
whereas H does not. These inconsistencies do not permit a correct
understanding of what are the effective curls of H and B.
To resolve the problem of magnetism means to solve for these H and B functions from first principles, seeking to make consistent both the functions and their dimensionalities. This is precisely the task of the present communication, which puts forth a comprehensive solution based upon the aetherometric treatment of J.J. Thomson's relation between balanced electric and magnetic forces. We begin by demonstrating how the gauss and the tesla, which are supposed to be equivalent measures of the magnetic field B in separate systems of units, are dimensionally inconsistent with each other. By employing aetherometric tools, we demonstrate how the gauss should actually be defined as -
in compliance with the conventional and aetherometric definition of the tesla as:
This leads us to directly extract the expression of the field B from the cyclotron frequency function Fcyclo, such that the value of B corresponding to a field of X gauss is given by:
Once the Thomson relation for H and the electric field
is considered, the fine
structure of magnetic wave functions can be elucidated, whether they apply to
massfree charge, to the kinetic energy of massbound charge or to the mass-
energy of charge carriers. The relation between the occluded frequency term of
the gauss and the cyclotron frequency of the empirical gauss measured for
electrons is shown to differ solely by the Eta-Correa constant:
After differentiating between the H and B functions for massfree and massbound
charges, we are led to conclude that whereas H-1 is the magnetic wavelength of
massfree waves in "a vacuum", 2/B
is the magnetic wavelength of the same
waves in a "material medium". For electronic charges in a material medium, the
magnetic wavelength is then simply a function of the radial magnetic vector r:
The findings suggest a totally new way of treating the magnetic permeability of a
medium, and very different relations of the magnetic field functions to the current
density terms Jfree and Jbound. These functions are systematized, for both
massfree and massbound charges, and contrasted to those of Maxwell and
accepted electromagnetic theory. Lastly, we demonstrate how the
dimensionalities of H and B are the same, ,
even if one is the reciprocal of a radius and the other of a
wavelength (composite or not), in contrast to the electric field
which is
effectively a frequency function with dimensionality of t-1.
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In the present communication we focus upon the theoretical and
experimental demonstration that the century-old Tesla coil has all along,
unbeknownst to modern science, functioned - when properly tuned and loaded -
as a massfree electric energy generator that, in defiance of the corollary of the
second law, outputs aether energy in electric form greatly in excess of the energy
spent at the input by the 60Hz alternate current of massbound charges. This
energy output has remained heretofore ignored because experimental and
theoretical Physics is incapable of differentiating the electromagnetic energy
associated with these coils from both types of electrical energy involved in the
coil action - and incapable of differentiating further between these variants of
electric energy that are affected to massfree and massbound charge. In the
present communication, we propose an aetherometric method to determine the
massfree ambipolar radiation of Tesla coils, as consisting of the superimposition
of primary electric and magnetic massfree waves, and differentiate it from the
aetherometric determination of the kinetic energy of massbound charge
oscillating in the coil, as the latter deploys a secondary form of superimposition of
capacito-inductive waves. The understanding of how ambipolar radiation is
captured by massbound monopolar charges in the form of field-acquired
electrokinetic energy is, in turn, critical to functionally comprehend, physically and
mathematically, how blackbody electromagnetic spectra are indirectly produced
from aether electric energy, via the shedding of the kinetic energy of massbound
In parallel with the core endeavour of the present communication, we also present the new aetherometric theory of the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of a medium, demonstrating how these functions must, under well defined conditions for both massbound and massfree charges, be treated either as constants or as variables. As constants, the aetherometric values experimentally and theoretically arrived at are - for electrical permittivity:
and for magnetic permeability:
Complete aetherometric current and power functions for the `alternating'
currents of pulsed damped waves associated with either massfree or massbound
charge, at or near resonant load operation of Tesla coils are also provided.
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AS2-17A | The indirect 'orgone effect' of Tesla radiation: ambipolar aether and blackbody radiation spectra
Correa PN, Correa AN |
The authors demonstrate how Tesla coils produce an electrically ambipolar aether
radiation field analogous to that emitted by the Sun, and explain how such massfree aether
radiation fields interact with Faraday cages to produce two distinct types of radiation inside them:
(1) a pool of 'latent heat' experimentally detected (in the dark) by a local increase in the
antigravitic kinetoregenerative power of charged electroscopes
irrespective of polarity; (2) blackbody spectra of high frequency LFOT photons generated
by the shedding of electrokinetic energy from electronic and molecular charge carriers -
energy that was captured from the electric aether energy radiated by the
original source. Experiments performed with Tesla coils tuned to the modal spectrum of
solar ambipolar radiation (OR subspectrum), show indirect generation of LFOT photons,
and the tuning of such coils to generate ambipolar radiation in the DOR subspectrum
is shown to generate HFOT photons. It is proposed that all blackbody radiation
spectra result from aether (massfree) energy spectra formed within an aether electric
(ambipolar) continuum of massfree energy, and a formal aetherometric model is introduced
to permit correlation between the two energy spectra, aether and photonic,
employing solar radiations as an example.
This effectively constitutes the first time that in the history of science the spectrum of
ambipolar energy is characterized and identified, along with its two subspectra, ORgone
and DORgone.
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We have previously identified and reconstructed the complete allotropic cycle of
atmospheric water, oxygen and ozone, balanced its step-reaction photochemical enthalpies
and noted both the contributions of electrons that arise by asymmetric creation via
secondary superimposition, rather than pair creation, and the distinctive involvement of
HFOT and LFOT photons, respectively, in the DOR- and OR-driven portions of the
energy cycle.
In the present communication we provide the final energetic understanding of the ambipolar radiation fluxes (OR and DOR) responsible for the production of HFOT and LFOT photons that is characteristic of, and even essential for, the allotropic cycle of water and oxygen-ozone.
The major virtue of the present report is how it rigorously demonstrates, at last, with hard chemical, physical and aetherometric data, that it is not photons, of either the HFOT or the LFOT type, which are responsible for the cycle of formation and dissociation of oxygen, ozone and water. These photons are specifically shown to be either cycle byproducts or intermediaries for the action of ambipolar radiation. Whether directly, as in the case of OR energy, or indirectly, via HFOT photons as in the case of DOR energy, it is ultimately and always massfree ambipolar radiation that drives the allotropic cycle of oxygen, ozone and water.
However, three other salient findings are of nearly equal importance. The present report, for the first time, identifies the exact energy magnitudes, frequencies and wavelengths of the ambipolar OR and DOR electric radiations responsible for specific photon production in the context of driving the allotropic cycle of oxygen, ozone and water. This leads us directly to propose a basic ambipolar radiation structure to the photon signatures characteristic of the basic layers of the atmosphere, and correlate these layers to critical transition processes in the allotropic cycle. Our findings indicate that the aetherochemical and physical processes underlying this cycle play the most fundamental role in structuring the layers of terrestrial atmosphere. Finally, as the most poignant example of the previous statement, we note that the blue light emanating from the last chemical step in the specific formation of water, occurs very near the ambipolar solar radiation mode we have discovered, and indicates how its dominant atmospheric role in producing a blue sky (azure) is the result of an aether electric resonance in the process of water formation.
We should note, with regard to this communication, that it took over a century to
characterize the exact physical properties of the ambipolar electric radiation first
discovered by Tesla, and over a half-century to identify those properties as characteristic
of the OR and DOR radiations discovered by Reich. As Nietzsche felt while writing Thus
Spake Zarathustra, one can only await, with baited breath, the baboons who will peddle
the very caricature of what was said herein.
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The authors examine the microwave cosmic background radiation (CBR) -
composed exclusively of LFOT photons - with aetherometric tools developed in the
preceding reports, and the results demonstrate that, unlike what is held by the accepted
neo-relativist interpretations of the CBR, its true mode lies - not at 7.35 cm and a
frequency of 4.08GHz, but at 7.76 cm and a frequency of 3.861GHz. Still more
disturbing is the fact that the conventionally accepted temperature distribution of the CBR
blackbody is off by more than an order of magnitude with respect to the real and
aetherometric temperature scale that is demanded by a Planckian quantization of the
spectrum. The CBR temperature mode is found to lie between 0.1863 and 0.1853
degrees Kelvin. This fact alone is sufficient to dismantle any pretensions of
(neo-)Relativity to actually and adequately understand the physical significance of the CBR and
grasp the physical processes of its production - thus putting into serious doubt the validity
of the so-called Big-Bang hypothesis.
But the results of the aetherometric analysis of the CBR blackbody cut still deeper into the Princeton Gnosis and its interpretation of the microwave CBR: a discrete set of LFOT photon bands is found to co-inhabit the near-smooth CBR distribution, and a microfunctional model is proposed for their manifestation as being indicative of the successive phase states of aether energy, as if these bands underlay the very changes in, and characteristics of, the known chemical phases of Matter. In accordance to this aetherometric model, the CBR photon mode is an indicator that most of the aether energy of the universe has a fluid lattice structure. Likewise, the limit discrete band of the CBR blackbody would suggest the existence of a limiting solid-state phase for the Aether lattice, below which all photon production would result simply from the harmonic decay of the kinetic energy of cosmological electrons. Moreover, our aetherometric analysis indicates that the near-smooth CBR distribution appears to be bimodal, with the main peak (the ordinary mode) lying at 16µeV (at 3.861GHz), and the secondary peak at a higher energy of 26.5µeV (at 6.4GHz), corresponding to the critical-state aetherometric microenergy constant c2T/NA.
The critical contribution of Aetherometry in the present report to the functional, physical and mathematical understanding of the CBR spectrum lies, however, still somewhere else, in the fact that the cosmic CBR can be shown to be the manifestation of a higher energy spectrum of ambipolar massfree energy, lying well within the ORgone energy range which previous experimental investigations (AS2-09 to AS2-17B) have painstakingly identified and delimited. Furthermore, since the massbound (electronic) charges that adsorb this ambipolar ORgone energy as their own electrokinetic energy, are themselves created by the physico-energetic process that produces the cosmic microwave CBR, the latter must be grasped functionally as evidence for the asymmetric cosmological creation of light leptonic mass constructs (first atoms of Matter) with discrete minima of transiently associated kinetic energy reflective of the minima of ambipolar ORgone energy permeating the entirety of the cosmos.
An analysis of the main mode of the identified cosmic spectrum of ORgone
radiation demonstrates that packet formation in tetrads of the fundamental electron-
resonant aether energy element we have identified
(AS2-10), underlies the fluid
supperlattice structure of the main mode of the kinetic energy imparted to cosmological
electrons. The main mode of kinetic energy responsible for the production of the main
CBR photon mode is found to be a perfectly resonant state of this fundamental aether
energy element, conforming to the whole number -
From this simple fact written into the photonic body of the CBR, the authors derive final
aetherometric determinations of the fine structure constant and the Eta-Correa constant
Independently from their more speculative features, these findings are stark scientific evidence that there never was an originary hot hadronic epoch to the universe, and that the latter did not begin by any form of an explosion of Space (or, a fortiori, of Matter). The universe is eternal, even if Space is fragmented and finite at any moment of Time - because Time itself is indestructible and eternal. At its most distended Space and most relaxed pace of the Time (Simultaneity) manifold corresponding to the solid phase lattice of the Aether, the substrate of the universe or of the Space-and-Time continuum consists of a nonelectric, nonelectromagnetic and nongravitic radiative form of massfree energy (referred to as free 'latent thermal' or 'antigravitic' aether energy). However, the main body of this energy distribution throughout the cosmos is in a state of secondary superimposition with itself, forming a fluid phase lattice (a liquid Space manifold) where the energetic relations between distinct manifolds or multiplicities are treated as a function of Phase-Space and Phase-Time properties of the Aether. The secondary superimposition process entails - by the folding or collapse of the Phase-Space manifolds - an auto-electrification of the fine structure of massfree energy. It follows that ambipolar massfree electric energy is cosmically generated, in situ, from the free 'latent thermal' or 'antigravitic' aether energy, at the same time that it is injected into the process of secondary superimposition which, in turn, generates leptonic Matter, ie cosmological electrons with their gravitons (that is, with their gravitokinetic energy). In the Phase process of superimposition, the ambipolar massfree electric radiation is subsequently adsorbed to the created massbound charges as their electrokinetic energy. It is the shedding of this electrokinetic energy which produces the near-isotropic and near-smooth CBR distribution of cosmological LFOT photons with quantum frequencies of 1 to 400 GHz.
For a simple Phase Space formed by the superimposition of two Space manifolds, one responsible for the emergence of mass-energy and the other for the emergence of its coordinatized graviton energy (non-Planckian quanta), the total spatial collapse involved in the creation of an electron mass-energy is found to be equal to a factor of:
and is entirely allocated to just one of the Space manifolds involved. A model for complex Phase superimposition of more than two sets of manifolds which addresses the kinetic energy minima of cosmological electrons is also proposed.
Lastly, a prediction of radio CBR blackbodies issued from cosmological protons and other hadrons in resonance with the identified spectrum of cosmological ORgone energy is presented, together with a model of how it might account for observed anisotropies of the microwave CBR spectrum. There are thus three distinct cosmological spectra: an ambipolar Cosmic Background Orgone Radiation spectrum, the CBOR, and the derived photon spectra - a lepton-based microwave Cosmic Background Radiation blackbody (mCBR) and a predicted hadron-based radio Cosmic Background Radiation blackbody (rCBR). We claim identification of both the CBOR and the rCBR spectra, as well as of their physics.
The conclusions from this aetherometric investigation can be summarized as follows. The microwave CBR spectrum composed exclusively of LFOT photons constitutes proof of:
1. the cosmological creation of electrons, with attendant gravitons, and having
discrete minima of kinetic energy, with a main mode at
4 -2
2. the existence of a minimal spectrum (which we identify) of ambipolar electric radiation throughout the cosmos - confirming Reich's notion that there is a minimum of ORgone energy that permeates the entirety of Space.
3. the existence of a physical process that converts free, nonelectric, nonelectromagnetic, nongravitic, 'latent thermal' or 'antigravitic' massfree energy into ORgone energy, or ambipolar electric radiation and, in the process, also converts other elements of the free nonelectric Aether into mass-energy (and thus monopolar electricity) and into gravitational energy.
Armed with these findings, we are bound to conclude that the CBR does not
present any direct or indirect evidence that permits its interpretation as a fossil radiation,
or its being construed as proof for an originary hadronic era of the universe. On the
contrary, the CBR constitutes instead effective evidence for the continued cosmological
generation or ongoing production of leptons, and the very eternity of the cosmos.
Contents of the Results section:
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