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For the pleasure of our readers, we include below an email exchange with Jack Sarfatti that took place in January, 2002. Sarfatti peddles himself as the "magus" of the so-called "new physics movement". This movement, bored with the traditional aspiration of science to study and articulate the laws of nature - a commodity of which there isn't much left anyway -- devotes itself, instead, to the study and articulation of the laws governing the events in Hollywood SF movies, a commodity of which we have plenty. As Sarfatti's quaintly punctuated signature says, "What I cannot create. I do not understand." (he puts this on every one of his messages). Clearly, then, nature is out, and Hollywood is in.
Sarfatti writes stuff like:
Let Psi (P) be a local macroscopically phase coherent order parameter from a spontaneously broken continuous symmetry in the "superconducting" quantum vacuum of the action of the unified boson field of integer spins 0, 1,2. This includes Higgs, electroweak-strong and gravity fields. We shall worry about spin ½ leptoquarks and possible supersymmetry partners later. Also we are right at the edge between point particles, i.e. infrared limit, and strings. The coherent phase order derandomizes the ZPF of the unified field. This cohering of the ZPF is ignored in the Haisch-Rueda m from EM ZPF model. Without Psi , one cannot, obviously, extract useful work from the metastable quantum vacuum.
Jack Sarfatti, The World Crystal Lattice Quantum Vacuum
but seems incapable of performing the operation of substitution of length for mass in a simple algebraic formula.Sarfatti has a piece of software that converts all his correspondence into reams of unfathomable HTML and displays it on the Web, at http://www.stardrive.org/library.shtml. Since the reams are unfathomable, the only conceivable purpose for this display is to have his orations come up in as many search-engine queries as possible. He also likes to have his individual messages widely disseminated. In the exchange posted below, for example, each message was sent to a recipient list of about 50 people.
Sarfatti picks up, from a posting by Eugene Mallove, an announcement for monographs
AS2-13 and AS2-14 of Experimental Aetherometry, looks at one of the abstracts
on the Aetherometry website, and dribbles bile upon the formula
for massfree energy.
Subject: Re: Tesla Coil Monographs from Correas Creon et-al This seems obviously goofy.
E here is one "energy" formula in the abstract Mallove cites below. The physical dimensions are not even correct! So much for Mallove's credibility for promoting this crackpot stuff. For the record, so far especially after the ISSO experience when we got our hands dirty with actual tests of several goofy claims, I know of no claim for "over unity" zero point energy and for "propellantless propulsion", or for "tractor beams", or for "anti gravity" or for over unity electrical magnetic motors that 1. Have a clear mathematical formulation 2. Work as advertised With one possible exception, "Eugene F. Mallove" wrote:
> Dear Colleague, apart from my own relatively conservative theory rooted solidly in Einstein of the local cosmological field, which remains to be seen, this whole fringe energy propulsion field is a complete strikeout, an interesting case study of bogus pseudo-science used politically in the "UFO Disclosure" show. Who is "Corums"? Not "Jim Corum"?
2. Eugene Mallove posts a reponse from the Correas (who are not among the 50 recipients).
Subject: Re: Tesla Coil Monographs from Correas
On 1/11/02 8:56 AM, "Jack Sarfatti" <sarfatti@well.com> wrote:
> Creon et-al ***The Correas graciously provided me with the following response: The equation Sarfatti alludes to: 1. Does not appear on the abstracts you forwarded our notice about (AS2-13 & AS2-14). It appears on the abstract for AS2-09. Sarfatti cannot even count itemized abstracts. 2. The equation is correct and has the correct dimensionality: any schoolboy could realize this by simple dimensional analysis:
- the mass-equivalent wavelength of the electron is squared: L[exp2] Result - which the only pseudo-relativist we know of would dream of disputing is Sarfatti:
L[exp3]*T[exp-2]or, in meters per second: cubed meters per second squared. So, this gives rise to two simple questions: 1. What is Sarfatti doing when he purports to be able to know and perform complex mathematics - such as those involved in Relativity, QM or QCD - when he cannot verify a simple dimensionality AND FALSELY ACCUSES THE CORREAS OF HAVING GOTTEN IT WRONG? 2. Forget about the scientist: what kind of a human beast freely passes judgments to the right and the left on that which he has never read, studied or even knows ANYTHING ABOUT? Since Sarfatti never read even a page of our work, any further engagement with this moron is ipso facto useless. Of course, under these conditions, he would have to be equally ignorant of the aetherometric notation for the dimensionality of massfree energy. Paulo & Alexandra
Gene Mallove
3. Sarfatti cannot muster the grade-school algebra proficiency required to substitute length for mass. Since the formula for massfree energy demands of him this mathematical leap, he declares it "goofy deluded nonsense". He refers his 50 recipients to Lorentzian Wormholes by Matt Visser, a text which - one can only presume - does not utilize algebraic substitution. He decries physics which utilizes such substitution; it ain't what he learned at Cornell from Hans Bethe, he says.
Subject: Re: Tesla Coil Monographs from Correas "Eugene F. Mallove" wrote:
> The equation Sarfatti alludes to: Bull Tweedle I simply clicked on the URL provided by Mallove http://www.aetherometry.com/abs-AS2v2A.html#abstractAS2-13 and in a split second noticed
E which is obvious goofy deluded nonsense. Is there anyone else here who defends the above formula?
> 2. The equation is correct and has the correct dimensionality: any What does this mean? Looks goofy to me. What is the meaning of "mass-equivalent wavelength of the electron"? How is it an area? Nonsense. Mass is a length in geometrodynamic units not an area. So much for "aetherometrodynamics". If this is the quality of "Infinite Energy", then remainder it for toilet paper. This guy Carreras is an incompetent idiot. Throw the poseur out. note that when m is the electron mass 9.1093897 x 10^-28 grams Gm/c^2 = 6.764 x 10^-53 cm = gravity radius of the electron hbar/mc = 3.861592 x 10^-11 cm is the quantum Compton wavelength of the electron. So what is this asshole foaming at the mouth about? What is "L[exp2]" What notation is that? I assume it means L^2 I see no factors of G/c^2 in the given formula, for example.
E If you want to use geometrodynamic units c = G = 1 mp = Lp = Tp = hbar^1/2 e.g. 4.3.2 p. 41 "Lorentzian Wormholes" by Matt Visser. So what is that number 3.851949 meters^3 sec^-2 supposed to mean as an energy? Correas's remarks here are
> - the frequency f of the electron-graviton gives: T[exp-1] This is not even wrong crap.
> So, this gives rise to two simple questions: Eugene if you do not see this is goofy nonsense then it is you who are deluded.
> 2. Forget about the scientist: what kind of a human beast freely passes No need. I have seen enough.
E is quite enough.
> any further I rest my case. QED. Eugene you must have been sleeping through your 3 semesters of physics at MIT if you cannot see how stupid this "rebuttal"from Paulo and Alexandra is? What mental institution are they in? What these idiots above are saying ain't the kind of physics I learned from Hans Bethe at Cornell. What academic credentials in physics do they have?
4. Sarfatti again, doing geometrodynamics - a branch of physics in which the mass of the Earth comes out to be 0.4438 cm. A rather piddling length, no? Let us not be so crude as to speculate what might have suggested it to Sarfatti. Not the Earth, certainly.
Subject: Re: Tesla Coil Monographs from Correas PS in GMD units
E giving the crackpots benefit of the doubt would ~ 4 meters. The mass of the Earth in these same units is only GM(Earth)/c^2 = 0.4438 cm Mass of Sun is ~ 1.5 10^5 cm So the energy mass equivalent in the idiot's formulae is on the astronomical scale about a thousand times bigger than the Earth's mass.
5. Once more, Sarfatti. He cites from an undisclosed almanac a set of guidelines - most of which seem to apply to Sarfatti himself - for diagnosing scientists as crackpots without having to examine their work. He also cites a confirming opinion about the Correas from a fellow "new physicist", Saul-Paul (a man with a dual passport to heaven) Sirag, who, like Sarfatti, hasn't read the Correas' work, but who remembers having gone to highschool.
Subject: Re: Tesla Coil Monographs from Correas
Memorandum for the Record
bcc list
Gene I am sorry to say that this exchange proves that you are a complete crackpot and that your Magazine "Infinite Energy" along with "Journal of New Energy" by Hal Fox and "Electrifying Times" by Bruce Meland are in the same category as the National Inquirer - not to be trusted as reliable sources of technical information and news. Until this point I took your claims seriously, but no longer. What is below is not even good enough for a comedy shtick by Professor Irwin Corey, though with a lot of editing it could be made so. Dean Swift's "Laputa" is alive and well in the above Cargo Cult pseudoscience "journals". ;-) LOL
> ... wrote:
> This feedback I got from a competent engineer is evidently justified, as is
"> >> You have not presented anything that is verifiable by reliable
witnesses. I'm about 98% of the way to the same conclusion. My reasons for it, he has all the earmarks of it. It is as if it is now those people's day. They behave as if they consider it an urgent mission to deceive as many people as possible, in as gaudy a fashion as possible. Here are a couple of pointers on how to spot such people: 1. Words, non-stop (as they try to over-load your brain with words to a point where your head says, "Heck with it, let me just put some time into this to arrive at a real conclusion." The main goal is to short-circuit your reasoning capacity). 2. Childlike airs (portraying themselves as simple and in some ways care-free. This is a deliberate tactic to disarm you). 3. Lack of metered self-control (full of themselves, a lack of humility). 4. Aggressive (extremely confident and insistent that others do as they say based on persuasion rather than logic). 5. Both derision and glorification of others (one of the primary keys of their tactics for manipulation, push-pull. One of the main ways for this to play out is extreme pats on the head to you for agreeing with even the smallest item, and equally extreme spite for disagreeing. They do the same *about others* while using things the *others* said). 6. Void promises. (I was told twice the inventor would call me, no dice, only excuses. The promises are to create optimism. Follow-thru would be counter-productive for them.) 7. Name-dropping (So-and-so is going to talk to us becomes, so-and-so believes, and is going to get what could have been yours. But so-and-so was told the same thing using a different so-and-so lever.) 8. Physically large people. (I have seen this game played many times, and the individuals are always overweight. A little-known fact is that an overweight condition is often a shield or buffer that the person has formed around them, either to mask a deep hurt from the past or to try to hide their unethical tendencies of today). 9. Copious use of catch-phrases (can you say "linear" yet?). 10. None of them know how to spell, and make no attempt at proper grammar, and couldn't care less about that. You can do an easy litmus test to find out if you are dealing with a person like this. Simply feed back to them something they said, slightly reworded, in a paragraph. If they pounce on that and do a laser-focus launch into overdrive in rewarding you while ignoring the other things you said, you've got them pegged. Additionally, such people usually consider themselves expert liars. They are so proud of this fact that they deliberately tell unnecessary lies just to get off on watching people accept a falsehood. This is practice. Obviously, it derives out of a lack of respect for others, and lack of concern for honorable behavior, and that in turn comes from their own hidden low self-esteem in their desperate condition, which stems in large part from the wrongs they commit. So they are in an endless loop, are a bit lonely there, and want you to join it. In one sense, it could be regarded an embarrasing cry for help, except for the fact that they will not accept help. So it's like cryptography or DNA. Line up the holes and see if there is a match. Jack, a lot of this comes from other people I have observed. I don't know you that well. Simply put, if the shoe fits, it is probably yours. If this pattern belongs to you, then I would say to the rest of you, be afraid, be very very afraid. Yes, they are starkly and blatently evil, period, case-closed. And some of them even know that. They serve the master that once overcame *them*. If this sort of person believes they have you on the hook, and you get away, they then seek to do you as much harm as they possibly can. Their lies at that point become despicably sadistic and truly real-world dangerous."
Finally from Saul-Paul Sirag: Jack, I have looked at the context of the Correa equations, i.e., section AS2-10. The experiment involved is in electrostatics, using a gold-leaf electroscope (thus the term "gold-graviton" is coined). The experiment is not actually described, but some conclusions are drawn. As you know, electrostatics is a very tricky area experimentally. I remember working with electroscopes in my high-school physics class in Alberta. These worked pretty well because the air in Alberta is usually very dry (especially in the winter). Without any details of their experimental set-up and methods, I can only wonder how they controlled for moisture content in the atmosphere to prevent leakage of charge. I agree with you that their equations make no dimensional sense. We have better ideas to work on than this. I have looked at many of their pieces of writing on the AKRONOS website. They seem to be at loggerheads with a host of people--especially the Reichians, although they base many of their experimental ideas on Reich's experiments. Of course, they eschew the standard ideas of physics, and claim to be creating a new physics, while using some terminology from standard physics, such as "energy" and "graviton". So it's very confusing to read their very verbose (but uninformative) writings. They have some patents. But I believe that patents don't require working models. There are many things patented that don't really work. We have other fish to fry. I recommend that we leave the Correa people alone. Assuming that they are wrong, they will fail--like many others we know about. It's definitely not worth our time to argue with them :-) All for now. Saul-Paul (January 12, 2002)"
6. The Correas reply.
Subject: Re: E=Y(L^3)/(T^2) ? Re: Tesla Coil Monographs from Correas Dear Gene, Message for Sarfatti -- forwarded through Gene Mallove **** Here is a response to the absurd mail forwarded to us from the Sarfatti list. Please forward it for us. We do not intend to ping-pong further with this [expletive deleted!] Sarcophagus. But this much should be said - Thanks - Alexandra & Paulo Correa _____________________________________________________ If we had more time we would love to play ad hominem with epileptic psychotics bred by the Princeton Gnosis. Yes, those who cannot understand what it is they have not created or is even uncreated, as of all eternity. Who foam at the mouth while accusing others of being 'foaming assholes'. Who care so very little about the audience they invade with their e-mails that their writing everywhere declares 'Screw the syntax! Screw understanding!". Fine, there is nothing here to go on save ad hominems. This statement is therefore not for Sarfatti, or whatever amor fatti it may have been that condemned him to chronic scarlatine. 1. Mass is not just a length in geometrodynamic units - it is also an actual wavelength function in Aetherometry. 2. The exact equivalence of mass and wavelength was first proposed by Reich in 1948, and was quantitatively rediscovered by us over ten years ago. This was published last summer in AS2-01. 3. Scarfatti asks: "Is there anyone else here who defends the above formula?" Since Kafka taught us that bureaucratic systems are characterized by having the sentencing predate the trial - one could wonder if this is a question by a self-elected tribunal or an attempt at developing science by democratic vote? In either case, it is devoid of interest. 4. Unlike the structure of energy bound to mass - whether kinetic or 'electromagnetic' (eg mass-energy) - the existence of massfree energy directly demonstrates that energy can be measured in a system of units that employs only meters and seconds. The conversion of joules into the aetherometric system of units is given in AS2-02. 5. The fine structure of the electron graviton (AS2-01; AS2-09; AS2-10) shows that one of its wave functions carries the electron mass-equivalent wavelength (provided in AS2-09 and AS2-12), and that this same wave function is constitutive of the electron-resonant aether energy element described by the equation pointed out by FrassCati. And since the electron-graviton is affected to an electron, to its mass, the same mass-equivalent wavelength appears twice in the aetherometric system of units for both the energy of the graviton and that of the aether-resonant unit - hence the square, ô ScarPato! Yes, undoubtedly this has volumetric implications for the structure of Matter and associated gravitational field(s), but this is hardly the place or the time to discuss such matters when the interlocutor is a rabid and ignorant 'cabotin' and the audience de facto knows nothing about what is being discussed - Aetherometry. What fits here, into this sordid cubicle, is Simplicitas, which advises directness: 6. Aetherometry demonstrates that the formula Gm/c2 is not only meaningless as a radial function for the electron gravity, but is off from its real value by three orders of magnitude: its aetherometric value is 6.763 x 10^-58 m. Hop all you want, Spartutti. And may your cute little crackpot labels - so lovingly designed by you - provide you some needed comfort in your parodic pontifications.
7. What you call the quantum Compton wavelength of the electron is a
radial function of the same, the wavelength being 2 So, we ask again: 1. What is StarPotty doing when he purports to be able to know and perform complex mathematics - such as those involved in Relativity, QM or QCD - when he cannot verify a simple dimensionality AND FALSELY ACCUSES THE CORREAS OF HAVING GOTTEN IT WRONG? 2. Forget about the scientist: what kind of a quadruped freely passes judgments to the right and the to left on something which he has never read, studied or even knows ANYTHING ABOUT? Since Sarfascio never read even a page of our work, we wish him bon voyage! Ah yes - we almost forgot - he asks: "What mental institution are they in? What these idiots above are saying ain't the kind of physics I learned from Hans Bethe at Cornell. What academic credentials in physics do they have?" Here is an answer that fits this Sassfarti: "Evan and Andrieu defended themselves nonchalantly, arguing that 'after all, false hopes are better than no hope at all'. Their ignorance was too great for them to recognize this argument as a precise and complete disavowal of the spirit of science; as the one which had historically always served to endorse the profitable daydreams of charlatans and magicians, long before such people were put in charge of hospitals." Or schools, or universities. We will not bother anyone with our credentials. Indeed, when our SalsaFarila affirms what other selenites in charge of the asylum have declared as the sacred truth: "The mass of the Earth in these same units is only GM(Earth)/c^2 = 0.4438 cm Mass of Sun is ~ 1.5 10^5 cm So the energy mass equivalent in the idiot's formulae is on the astronomical scale about thousand times bigger than the Earth's mass." we can grasp, at last, the complete dementia now in authority, and even get a feel for the measure of their false hopes at guessing the sizes of things: In the useless units of geometrodynamicists, the mass of the earth, whose length equivalent is 3.6*1049 m, becomes 0.4438 cm (who would believe that one?), and that of the Sun - well let's not even talk about it. After all c=G...Result: off by 50 orders of magnitude... Lastly - any reader of Aetherometry will know by now what is the electron-volt equivalent to the formula that Charfatti has focused on - which, by the way, is not to be found in the abstract for AS2-13... Good Luck.
Paulo Correa MSc, PhD PS - Incidentally - the meaning of the equation Sarfatti brought up is simple for anyone who can read and calculate: it is the energy of the electron-resonant aether element expressed in massfree aetherometric units of meters cubed times frequency squared, which has exact equivalence to the usual massbound measures of energy in joules or ergs or eV, and the equivalences are provided in our monographs at various points.
7. Sarfatti posts on the Usenet groups sci.physics and sci.skeptic a letter from the same heavenly Sirag, who, continuing to draw enlightment from not having read the Correas' work, and from not having understood anything from the little he has supposedly "read", pronounces that their electroscope experiments were "plagued by moisture problems".
From: Jack Sarfatti (sarfatti@well.com)
> Just as I suspected (cf. my email to you) the gold-leaf electroscope Yes, I am not longer spending any time on this. You are correct.
8. Laura McFinlay of Akronos Publishing responds on Usenet.
From: Laura McFinlay (mcfinlay@aetherometry.com) One has to wonder why there are people like this Saul-Paul Sirag who willfully and knowingly engage in spreading malicious rumors. It certainly has nothing to do with issues of science. If it did, Sirag would have read carefully the passage he quotes from the Correas, and would have understood how his claims of 'experiments plagued by humidity' are simply stupid. That's right. Stupid. Those who have actually accessed the Correas' AS2-01 Monograph at http://www.aetherometry.com can realize by themselves that what the Correas claim to have discovered with the electroscope - the antigravitic kinetoregenerative phenomenon - IS ONLY APPARENT OR MADE MANIFEST IN SUNNY WEATHER WITH VERY LOW HUMIDITIES, IN THE FORM OF A MEASURABLE ANTIGRAVITATIONAL NONELECTRIC WORK THAT REGULARLY EXCEEDS THE MEASURED AND WELL-KNOWN CLASSICAL ENERGY OF THE ELECTROSTATIC INTERACTION. If what the Correas had found out was what Sirag says it is - that electroscopes discharge more slowly on dry days - then they would have only 'discovered' what everybody already knows. AND, AS IS TYPICAL OF BAD READERS, SIRAG FOCUSES ON THE ABSENCE OF THE PHENOMENON, RATHER THAN ON THE PHENOMENON ITSELF- THAT IS, THE PERTINENT DISCOVERY OF THE CORREAS: HOW SOLAR-ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION REGULARLY INDUCES THE ANTIGRAVITIC REGENERATIVE PHENOMENON IN OUTDOOR ELECTROSCOPES EXPOSED TO MIDDAY RADIATION, INDEPENDENTLY OF THEIR CHARGE POLARITY. It is a gratuitous and malicious lie to suggest the very opposite - that the Correas' findings with atmospheric electroscopes were 'plagued by humidity' - when they were stringently controlled, as is shown by the data being presented in AS2-02, which neither Sirag nor his 'petty despot' Sarfatti have ever bothered to read. Unlike most studies of the electroscope made en passant, the Correas employed calibrated electroscopes so sensitive that they took up to 12 hours or more to discharge in the experiments of AS2-01, and if the environment was rich in latent heat (as a result of exposure to solar atmospheric radiation or inside ORACs), the same electroscopes might not discharge at all, for periods ranging from 4-6 hours to several days. So the question arises - WHY DO SIRAG AND SARFATTI CHOOSE TO SPREAD DISINFORMATION? Well, that's a long story, and the reasons are many. Sirag's mentor has not been happy with the Correas' pointed attack on Relativity, nor with their Experimental Aetherometric discoveries, nor with Dr. Mallove's support of the Correas work, nor with his friendship with them. Then, very recently, the Correas have embarassed Sirag's mentor on his own list, by explaining how all energy can be measured in an equivalent massless system and with massless dimensionality - where mass is treated as a length (in fact, as an exact wavelength confirmed experimentally by the gravitational pendulum) - and how this can be done without falling into the nonsensical propositions of neo-relativist geometrodynamics a la Wheeler, where dimensionality is thrown out the window with the bogus equation of c=G=1. Lastly, perhaps - since this is just a summary - Sirag and others of his ilk are tired physicists. They are Nietzsche's proverbial 'exhausted hens' who have laid too many, smaller and smaller, eggs, and do not know what to do with them. You see, the best thought they are capable of mustering to further develop physics can no longer be differentiated from the scholastic obsession which once aspired to determine how many angels could dance on the head of a pin: "SIRAG: Yes, and the way we test these theories, actually, is that each dimension actually corresponds, in the old way of thinking about things, actually to a different type of subatomic particle. So that's the way we would test these theories, is to find evidence for the existence of these subatomic particles. But these subatomic particles aren't like little BBs at all. They're very different from that, and so that's why they can really correspond to dimensions of hyperspace. To explain that would take us into maybe too mathematical a direction -- MISHLOVE: Well, we don't want to go into that. Let me throw another question at you. (...) Is there some sense in which inner space, as we experience it, might be describable in the same language that you're referring to -- hyperspace? SIRAG: Well, that's really what I believe. I believe that from the full hyperspace, however many dimensions that is -- and in some sense it's probably infinite-dimensional -- there are many projections, subprojections you might say, down from an infinite-dimensional space, say, to a 192-dimensional space, to an 96-dimensional space, to a 48-dimensional space, and then down to a twelve-dimensional space, and then down to a four-dimensional space-time. And each of these projections entails different things being left out, so to speak." Such is the 'hyper-fiber' of this so-called "thought" - the sad inheritance of the Gnosis from Princeton. Having thus turned Physics on its head, they bank on tenures, invent cute logos and n dimensions - and last, but not least, spend their time devising idiotic Java programs which juxtapose their faces with the face of Albert Einstein, fast enough to warrant a hope that their readers will confuse who is which. There was once a time-honoured tradition amongst scientists and fellow researchers - that you do not speak of that which you know nothing about because you have not read the sources. Today, one rarely finds someone that carefully reads even an abstract. Sirag clearly is no exception. BTW, the Correas do not claim that Reich's orgone energy is 'latent heat'. That is just more bad reading.
Laura McFinlay |