Abstracts of ABRI Monographs
Series 2 - Biophysics Research
Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 4
SPECIAL OFFER: Order both AS2-25 and AS2-26 at a 20% discount. |
AS2-25 |
Modified Orgone accumulator (HYBORAC) as drive for
low delta T Stirling Engines
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 25:1-19 (January 2002)
First published in
Infinite Energy #41
![[AS2-26 cover]](/images/AS2-25cover.jpg)
In the present report, the first of a two-part series, the authors demonstrate a
method to optimize the solar-sourced anomalous To-T difference registered in
Orgone Accumulators (ORACs) invented by W. Reich in 1939-1940, and employ
this optimized difference to drive low delta T Stirling engines of the MM6 type,
thereby putting into evidence how this thermal anomaly can be exploited to
perform 'free' work. For this purpose, we employed a novel ORAC design - a
specially-built hybrid arrangement designed to be directly exposed to solar
radiation (as filtered by the terrestrial atmosphere) and partly composed of a
black-painted ORAC and a Faraday cage - which we termed the HYBORAC, and
a few simple modifications of the Stirling motor, to achieve hour-long midday
motor speeds on the order of 20 to 140 rpm, with delta T's ranging from 5.7 to 21°C.
Prospects of further approximating the engine delta T to the full value of To-T, and
increasing the To-T difference to >30°C, are discussed and proposed in the
present report. Results from the continuation of this work are presented in the
companion essay.
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AS2-26 |
Modified Orgone accumulator (complete HYBORAC)
as nighttime drive for low delta T Stirling Engines
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 26:1-23 (January 2002)
First published in
Infinite Energy #42
![[AS2-26 cover]](/images/AS2-26cover.jpg)
In the first report of this two-part series, we demonstrated that it was
possible to drive low delta T Stirling engines of the MM6 type from the solar-
sourced anomalous To-T difference registered in modified Orgone Accumulators
referred to as HYBORACs, partly composed of a matte black-painted ORAC and
Faraday cage. The design optimized response to solar radiation as well as heat
retention, yielding motor speeds up to 140 rpm with delta T's on the order of 21°C. In
the present report, our focus lies in maximizing the HYBORAC structure so that it
can sustain outdoor operation not just when exposed directly to atmosphere-
filtered solar radiation, but above all during the nighttime hours when the device
cools together with the cooling air and in the absence of solar radiation. It should
be noted that this is not simply a problem of maintaining a positive temperature
difference (To-T), since the motor action continually pumps sensible heat out
from the HYBORAC. But by increasing the retention of heat, we can also
maximize utilization of the sensible heat being generated from other energy
conversions occurring inside ORACs.
The solution lay in an arrangement that employs both the HYBORAC and
inverted BORACs as components of a more traditional ORAC arrangement, into
which they can be inserted. With this improved combination - referred to as the
'complete HYBORAC' - we were able to achieve speeds of 150 rpm during
daytime (with delta T values reaching 22.5°C), and speeds of 30 to 80 rpm during
nighttime (with delta T values of 3.1 to 9°C). Maximum duration of Stirling Motor
operation with the complete HYBORAC was 399 minutes (nearly seven hours),
frost effectively bringing the motor to a halt even in the presence of a suitable delta T
value (3.5°C). The To-T values measured at the top plate of the complete
HYBORAC reached 32°C during daytime, with delta T recovery efficiencies of 65 to
86%, whereas nighttime To-T values exceeded delta T by no more than 2°C, and
when they became smaller than the delta T (with recovery efficiencies greater than
100%),the motor began to exhaust heat generation inside the complete
HYBORAC. From that point until it stopped, nearly two hours elapsed.
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![[AS2-27 cover]](/images/AS2-27cover.jpg)
AS2-27 |
Atmospheric electricity, latent heat, and ambipolar radiation:
a new view of geophysics and meteorology,
challenging the primacy of ionization theory
Correa PN, Correa AN, Askanas M
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 27:1-58 (September 2002)
The present communication compares and contrasts two views of atmospheric physics:
one based upon ionization theory, the other upon Aetherometry. It also reviews the impact of Vol.s 1
and 2 of Experimental Aetherometry upon a reformulation of basic geophysical and
atmospheric processes.
(See Table of Contents below)
1. Does molecular work need to be considered in addressing the problem of the
spontaneous electroscopic discharge?
We argue that it does, and discuss how. The gravitational interactions of the
2. Cyclonic weather: can ions account for the electroscopic response to cloud
They cannot account for the equal acceleration of leakage and seepage observed
during the passage of clouds.
3. Anticyclonic weather: can ions account for the diurnal variations in electroscopic
3a. Is there a correlation between the diurnal variation of the earth's electric
field or potential gradient, reported in the literature, and the diurnal pattern of
electroscopic discharge in anticyclonic weather?
Since leakage and seepage show the same basic pattern of diurnal
variation, this pattern cannot be caused by variations in the (negative) electric field of
the earth, but may rather serve as a clue towards explaining it.
3b. Do ion concentrations present characteristic diurnal variations in
anticyclonic weather?
The various diurnal patterns of varying concentrations of ions of
different classes are examined, along with the two fundamental ion concentration
patterns of fair weather days in the warm season.
3c. How do these findings regarding the diurnal variations of ion concentrations
affect the findings of Vol. 1 of Experimental Aetherometry?
The diurnal pattern observed for leakage and seepage of atmospheric
electroscopes in fair weather cannot be explained by the mass-spectrographic diurnal
patterns of air ion concentrations, neither in amplitude, nor by correlation with the
pattern of burst days. Determination of the ion fluxes and concentrations that would be
implied by the electroscopic observations is also carried out.
4. Is there covariation between increasing relative humidity during nighttime and
increasing concentrations of ions of both polarities? Between nighttime temperature
drops and ion concentrations? What of the relation between water evaporation and
latent heat?
We suggest that the only way to make sense of the relationship between the
electroscopic curve and %RH is by considering the higher environmental availability of
latent heat indirectly caused by the lowering of the dewpoint.
5. Can ion concentrations explain the soft correlation between high pressure and slow
electroscopic discharge rates?
The answer follows from the findings of Sections 2 and 3.
6. Can the deceleration and arrest of seepage and leakage inside ORACs and Faraday
cages be explained by mechanical ion blockage by the walls of these enclosures?
No. Encased and caseless identical electroscopes present the same rate of
discharge in spite of mechanical ion blockage by the case. And neither can the
observed discharge patterns inside ORACs and Faraday cages be accounted for by
mechanical ion blockage.
7. Positive demonstration of a gravitokinetic energy flux: photoinduced
antigravitokinetic regeneration with LFOT photons.
8. What are the actual main atmospheric effects of solar ambipolar and blackbody
9. A better systematization of electroscopic processes.
10. What, then, is the source of the earth's electric field in fair weather? Can
anticyclonic days be exhaustively defined by monopolar charge parameters? What are
the roles of the latent and sensible heat byproducts of ambipolar radiation?
We suggest that monopolar mechanisms do not sufficiently explain these
phenomena, and that one must bring to bear upon them both non-electric factors and
massfree ambipolar interactions.
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AS2-28 |
Fundamental measurement of biological energies 1:
Overview of bioenergetic investigations
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 28:1-49 (October 2002)
![[AS2-28 cover]](/images/AS2-28cover.jpg)
From its shamanistic and religious origins to the current scientific schools of thought, we trace the main stages of our understanding of the nature of the energies deployed by living systems. Before a scientific approach to the nature and functions of bioenergy was possible, perceptual notions of bioenergy had to extricate themselves from mystical notions and metaphysical ideas. Galvani initiates a scientific approach to bioenergetics by focusing on the ambipolar electricity emitted and absorbed by the living, while Volta retorts with the discovery of ordinary, massbound electricity in the living. From Volta, through Faraday, Burr, etc, to modern biochemistry, accepted versions of biological science have carefully excluded the existence and role of massfree or ambipolar electricity in the living. Even Reich's attempt at characterizing this electric massfree energy of the living failed, reducing it to either the interactions of massbound charges (during his 1930's studies) or to a somewhat nebulous "massfree energy" that carried a different type of charge than the electric charge - an "orgonotic charge".
However, the problem of a unitarian bioenergetics capable of accounting for the incredible discoveries of biochemistry in the last hundred years, is not limited to the realm of electricity. A similar reductionism exists in thermodynamics as applied to the living, never more in evidence than when it remains unable to account for the ability of the living to store "latent heat" in strictly biomolecular interactions (viz role of noncovalent bonds, electron stacks, etc).
We propose therefore a novel, or aetherometric, approach to the problem of an integral bio-energetic science: an account that integrates the electrodynamic interactions of massfree and massbound electricities in the living, together with the "thermodynamic" interactions of "sensible and latent heats" in chemical reactions, in the role of fundamental biological molecules (hemoglobin, ATP, DNA structures, etc). We apply our aetherometric tools to an original analysis of Kirlian photography, and explain its 'mysteries' as a function of bio-emitted plasmas driven by ambipolar radiation released by biological systems and molecules. We suggest that neural transmission and biological pulsation involve auto-electronic emission by synchronized molecular emitters, and that the polarization and rectification responses are everywhere secondary to the biological production of ambipolar fields.
This essay was written as a condensed introduction to our later, more detailed work, Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy (2005).
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AS2-29 |
Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics, Volume 2:
Human Experimental Bioenergetics
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 28:1-1178 (April 2020)
![[AS2-29 cover]](/images/AS2-29cover.jpg)
For an abstract of this book and to order it, please see the Akronos Bookstore page.
AS2-31 |
On the wave structure of energy:
Fundamental differences between de Broglie's theory of matter-waves
and the aetherometric theory of wave superimposition
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 31:1-20 (January 2003)
![[AS2-31 cover]](/images/AS2-31cover.jpg)
Part of the present-day derangement concerning the duality of particles and
waves stems from epistemological errors that are intrinsic to either the
classical or the relativistic treatments of de Broglie's theory of
matter-waves, linear velocity and inertial momentum. To this day, these
errors have adversely impacted any dynamic account of wave functions in the
treatment of mass-energy and kinetic energy. In the present communication,
we analyze the fundamental errors in de Broglie's theory and propose an
alternative model for the wave functions of very different energy forms,
some massbound and others massfree - electrokinetic energy, thermokinetic
energy, electromagnetic energy, mass-energy and ambipolar massfree energy.
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AS2-32 |
Around-the-clock free power from improved HYBORACs
driving low delta-T gamma Stirling engines
(Part IV)
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 32:1-47 (November 2003)
![[AS2-32 cover]](/images/AS2-32cover.jpg)
In this fourth report on the HYBORAC/Stirling technology, the Correas
present their power dynamometer calibration and power performance (input and
output) studies for the HYBORAC capture (>173kJ per day) of solar radiation and
its transformation into sensible heat and thermomechanical work, by a coupling
to a low delta-T, gamma-type Stirling engine. They report on an improved
HYBORAC design that permits uninterrupted 48h motor action - at comparable
daytime and nighttime speeds - with To-T values that reach 30°C and 48h mean
values of nearly 19°C, and demonstrate how this technology is >1.5x more
efficient at capturing solar radiation than passive solar collector standards, and
nearly 3x more efficient at outputting work-equivalent energy than photovoltaics.
The evidence for the existence of a viable grid-independent new energy
technology, silent and without pollutants, driven from solar-derived ambient
massfree energy, and which has already substantially outperformed current solar
technologies (not to mention expensive and dangerous so-called LENR/CANR
cells!) is now irrefutable.
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AS2-33 |
Transiently induced hyperthermia
in humans exposed to a controlled ORAC environment
Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 4, 33:1-28 (May 2007)
![[AS2-33 cover]](/images/AS2-33cover.jpg)
Experimental proof is presented for the immediate physiological effect of
human exposure to a "medical ORAC" on body temperature taken orally. The
effect is objective, reproducible and weather dependent; it is always
positive on anticyclonic days, plateaus at 15 to 30 min of exposure, is
independent of time of day and tested subject. Time course studies indicate
that the temperature elevation increases with time of exposure, up to 45
min, with significant elevations occurring as early as 5 min of exposure. The
coefficient of temperature rise is steeper for start temperatures closer to
the normal temperature floor (35.7-35.9°C) than to the normal temperature
ceiling (37.1°C). At the 35.7°C starting level and at 15 min, the
coefficient is 0.04°C/min, whereas starting 1.1°C higher, at 36.8°C and at
15 min, the coefficient is lower - at 0.02°C/min. A typical mean ΔT value
for the observed induced functional hyperthermia at 15-30 min is 0.6°C, with
typical errors (SEM) of 0.06 to 0.13°C, irrespective of time of day on
anticyclonic days.