Akronos Publishing · Concord, Ontario, Canada · www.aetherometry.com
ISSN: 1915-8408
Journal of Aetherometric Research
To Volume 1 Contents
To Volume 2 Contents
To Volume 3 Contents
To Volume 4 Contents
Editors' Introduction
The Journal of Aetherometric Research (J Aetherom Res, or JAR) is
intended as an electronic vehicle for the publication of aetherometric
investigations in pure or applied sciences, or in the philosophy of science.
Its primary task is to convey results of ongoing original work at the Aurora
Biophysics Research Institute. But the journal will accept any rigorous
contribution from outside authors, and commits to reviewing it openly,
either through a non-anonymous reviewer, or through a collective process of
evaluation at the International Society of Friends of Aetherometry (ISFA).
The journal also intends to accept commentary from outside sources that
might be sent to us as part of an open and ongoing review process. Moreover,
the Editorial Board reserves the right to publish
contributions that may be rejected by the review process, along with the reviewer's comments. In fact, an integral part of our open-review policy is the desire to publish papers along with their reviews. We have long ago
learned that errors, too, can be rigorous, and that there is no replacement
for being confronted with them and having to think through their correction.
In other words, the policy of this journal is to treat the act of
publication as a process that is part and parcel of science and its method.
The reader should be apprised of the fact that JAR is run entirely as a
volunteer publication. Accordingly, we cannot at this time commit to a periodic
publication nor offer subscriptions. We hope that JAR will be able to do
that in the future. Only your support can determine that, and we appeal to
you to help us out - with purchases, donations, reviews or submissions. This
journal serves no political, religious or economic interests, and it has no
advertising revenue. If it matters to you, you should help it out.
Thank you,
The JAR Editorial Board:
Dr. Paulo Correa, MSc, PhD
Dr. Jordi Sola, PhD
Dr. Malgosia Askanas, PhD
Author Contributions
Please read the Editors' Introduction above.
To submit a paper for publication, please send the manuscript in PDF
format. If you do not directly mount the figures and tables in the text,
then please follow the traditional order of placing figures first and tables
last. If the paper is accepted for publication, we will contact you for the
final formatting as a PDF manuscript.
Please read our copyright policy terms below.
Please send all manuscripts via email to:
editor.JAR@aetherometry.com .
Expect a response within 4 weeks of your submission.
Copyright Policy
In keeping with our policy to minimize bureaucracy, all we request is
that, following acceptance of a manuscript and prior to publication, any and
all authors will state that JAR retains a non-revocable right to publish the
submitted manuscript. We do not request exclusive transfer of copyrights.
Open Review Contributions
Please send us your comments and any review of articles published by
JAR. If it is cogent, we will publish it, with or without editorial coments.
E-mail all comments or reviews to:
editor.JAR@aetherometry.com .
To Volume 1 Contents
To Volume 2 Contents