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Abstracts of ABRI Monographs

Series 3 - Aetherometric Theory

[Electrodynamics of Heat cover]





Vol. VI - The Electrodynamics of Heat:
Entropy and Order in Thermal and Biological Systems

Chapter 1: What is Heat?     (20 pages, 77 kB)
Front Cover
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AS3-VI.1 What Is Heat?

Correa PN, Correa AN, Askanas M
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 6, 1:1-20 (June 2024)

The present introductory monograph poses the general problem of understanding heat, its dynamics and how these are thought to obey a strange function and even stranger concept that goes by the name of entropy. It also casts a perspective on what is to come in the present disquisition on thermodynamics.

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AS3-VI.2 Foundations of Thermodynamics

Correa PN, Correa AN, Askanas M
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 6, 2:1-111 (June 2024)

This communication presents the foundations of modern thermodynamics and then question them, to provisionally arrive at some new concepts of basic thermal functions. What exactly is meant by heat as a form of energy? What are the heat capacity, specific heat and heat content of a body, substance or system? How does enthalpy differ from the heat content of a body? How is heat transferred? Are there thermal forces responsible for holding the heat content of bodies, or deployed in heat transfer? Does the conventional function of entropy denote a thermal force? What are and have been the various conventional definitions of entropy? How do they differ and how are they ascertained? How does entropy relate to Gibbs free energy? What is reversible heat and what is reversible work? Are they fictional concepts and functions? What is the potential energy of a system? Is it the same as its internal energy function? In the course of answering these questions and presenting the conventional theory of thermodynamic functions, the authors propose an alternative view: an algebraic theory of thermodynamics based on the calculus of discernible quantities, including an algebraic treatment of entropy - instead of treatments based on a calculus of infinitesimal units of non- existent "reversible" fluxes. The present chapter introduces the map that will be explored at length in subsequent communications of this volume.

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AS3-VI.3 Entropies of State and of Transfer, and the Functions of the Calorimeter:
A Different Granulation of Heat

Correa PN, Correa AN, Askanas M
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 6, 3:1-80 (September 2024)

The Carnot ideal engine led to Kelvin's and Clausius' discovery of an absolute scale of temperature, but the emergence of a statistically-dependent quantum theory of heat failed to provide the linear relationship of absolute temperature to thermal energy - in particular, to photon (electromagnetic) energy. The mistake harks back to Planck's law and his second radiation constant. The authors correct this with a simple law that permits them to distinguish between electromagnetic and thermokinetic heats, whether of state or involved in thermal energy transfer. They uncover for the first time the real dimensionality of temperature and demonstrate how it is both a molal electromagnetic production and a photon property. This leads them to examine the functions of the calorimeter - an instrument that, since Joule and Nernst to the present, has not ceased being the object of development - in light of their original theoretical framework and as applied to an entirely experimental approach. The authors then systematize the aetherometric algebra of discrete quantization for heating and cooling processes of the calorimeter.

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AS3-VI.4 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and the 2-Body Problem of Thermal Equilibrium

Correa PN, Correa AN, Askanas M
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 6, 4:1-81 (October 2024)

The Zeroth Law is not about relations between numbers, like numerical equalities, but between states of physical substances; and it is only needed if the notion of thermal equilibrium is axiomatically taken as being primary with respect to temperature. Accordingly, the authors first seek the conditions under which thermal equilibrium occurs by exploring different facets of the 2-body problem, while contrasting the conventional treatment of entropy with the aetherometric two-headed treatment of distinct entropies of state and heat flow. They find that, in all cases, determination of the final common temperature of the system is the critical parameter that permits definition of thermal equilibrium. Ultimately, this determination is extrinsic to the system and reduces to the temperature of the environment. But this does not abrogate the existence of intrinsic energy-based determinations of the equilibrium temperature whose function is demonstrated using a fluid-based physical treatment of the 2-body problem and without taking recourse to the fiction of an isolated system. This leads to the conclusion that the Zeroth Law has no role within Aetherometry, since the aetherometric concept of thermal equilibrium is based on a numerical relationship between photon energies, and is therefore ipso facto transitive. Two bodies are in thermal equilibrium when their molal electromagnetic heats of state are identical, irrespective of whether their molal thermokinetic heats of state are the same or different. This does not imply that the heat contents of the two bodies will be identical. It only requires that the primary (modal) photons of state in both substances have the same quantum energy. Accordingly, in Aetherometry, temperature does not need to have its existence axiomatically postulated.

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AS3-VI.5 The Concept and Function of Work and its Entropy:
The Heat Engine and the Thermodynamic Turbine with No Moving Parts

Correa PN, Correa AN, Askanas M
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 6, 5:1-58 (November 2024)

Continuing their development of an energy-based algebra of discernible differences or quantitites, the authors demonstrate that, whether in ideal or actual heat engines, or in thermodynamic turbines, work has an entropy which must be taken into account if the sum of heat entropies is to abide by the First Law. While in the ideal heat engine the conventional net entropy is given by

ΔS =(QH/TH) - (QC/TC) = 0 J °K-1,
the authors demonstrate that in every heat engine the real net entropy is
ΔSTtot = (ΔQH/TEnv) - (ΔQC/TEnv) - (PΔV/TEnv) = 0 J °K-1
Likewise, for the thermodynamic (Ranque-Hilsch) "vortex turbine", the authors demonstrate that
ΔSTtot = SinTank + (SoutTurb - ΔSWflTurb) = SinTank + (SoutTurb - ΔSΔT) = SinTank + SoutTurb - (ST - ΔSCpT) = 0 J °K-1
and yet, using an optimal performance example, the sum of the molal entropy changes associated with the internal thermomolecular heat fluxes of the turbine is found to be
ΔSinT = ΔS1 + ΔS2 = 24.943 J °K-1 mol-1 =∫= 44.772 nN mol-1
and not the conventional result
ΔS = ΔS1 + ΔS2 = 22.538 J °K-1 mol-1
Since its medium has a constant heat capacity, the thermodynamic turbine presents changes in the entropy of state that are functionally identical to changes in the entropy of heat transfer, even though analytically the former remain distinct from the latter.

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