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Abstracts of ABRI Monographs

Series 3 - Aetherometric Theory


Vol. III - The Electric Aether and the Structure of the Electron


Introduction to Volume III of AToS     (8 pages, 0.5 MB)
Correa PN, Correa AN

Excerpted from the first monograph of the volume.



AS3-III.1 A nonclassical and nonrelativistic treatment
of the so-called de Broglie "Matter-Waves" (1)
(The Photoinertial treatment)

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 1:1-48 (December 2010)

[AS3-III.1 cover]




The aetherometric analysis of de Broglie waves, as a function of input energy, is presented as a solution that is distinct from the classical and relativistic treatments of wave, momentum and energy functions. This monograph only addresses the photoinertial treatment, the electroinertial treatment being the subject of a follow-up communication.

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AS3-III.2 The physical nature of electric charge, massbound and massfree

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 2:1-57 (January 2011)

[AS3-III.2 cover]


The physical nature and dimensionality of charge is neither understood nor established in existing physics. In part, this is due to the opaque relationship between mass and charge, with the former being attributed to the charge-carrier and the latter often treated as a property distinct or separable from the rest energy of the carrier. We analyze the various dimensionalities that have been proposed for charge in the ESU, EMU, CGS and SI systems, and contrast this with the correct dimensionality of charge, and its expression in the meter-second system that we have proposed. Using the electron as an example, our aetherometric approach demonstrates (1) that mass is an intrinsic component of the elementary charge in every inertial particle, and (2) that electric charge in massbound particles is a special variant of linear momentum which is constitutive of their rest energy. We also identify the distinct algebraic fine-structures of massbound and massfree charge, and propose, as a consequence of our analysis, a thorough revision and novel determinations of fundamental electric quantities and constants, foremost among which the electron-volt, the volt and the value of charge in esu and coulomb. We formally identify the Duane-Hunt wavelength as a fundamental quantum-electric wavelength that entirely complies with the application of de Broglie's relation to electroinertial interactions. Finally, we demonstrate how the mass-energy of all particles of matter obeys Planck's "quantum of action" in both photoinertial and electroinertial configurations.

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AS3-III.3 Massfree and massbound momenta and moments of momenta

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 3:1-80 (February 2011)

[AS3-III.3 cover]

We complete the theory of linear momenta and charge begun in the preceding communication, and integrate it with a theory of moments, in particular, of Planckian moments for monopolar massbound charge and of non-Planckian moments for ambipolar massfree charge. The fine structure of the mass-energy of massbound charges is contrasted to the fine structure of the energy of massfree charges, using the electron as an example. Novel determinations of the magnetic moment of electrons in the spin and the transfer states are presented, and the magnetic wave and speed of the electron is identified. Variation of magnetic wavespeed with kinetic energy is formally demonstrated, and proposed as an alternative explanation to the relativistic increase in mass with velocity. The validity of both the Bohr radius and the classical electron radius are questioned, and the constituent radii of the electron mass-energy are derived from first principles. A better determination of the Bohr radius for the 'hydrogen ellipsoid' is shown, and Aspden's model of the electron and his theory of electron diamagnetism are critically evaluated. A new theory of the diamagnetism of monopolar charge is proposed for the electron, and new derivations of the gyromagnetic ratio and the anomalous Landé factor are obtained that reject as superfluous the traditional concept of electron spin. The moment of electron spin is demonstrated to be already the diamagnetic moment of the electron charge.

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AS3-III.4 The electron mass-energy flux as a deformable nanometric torus
- fine and hyperfine structures and flux topogeometries

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 4:1-86 (July 2011)

[AS3-III.4 cover]

We examine the physical functions behind classical theory, Bohr’s neo-classical approach, and the most recent quark model of the electron, and propose an alternative model that finds the electron rest energy to have (1) fine and hyperfine structures that conserve mass, force, linear and angular momenta; (2) volumetric flux geometry and (3) a singular deformable topology that varies with states of motion. We determine the ring current (e τk-1) = 1.03074229*10-3 C sec-1, the wattage and rate of time-flow of the electron mass-energy flux and its natural synchronization with the Time-manifold of the Aether lattice. We differentiate the topogeometric models of the (globular) photon and the (toroidal) electron brought out by aetherometric analysis, and suggest distinct torus geometries for the electroinertial and photoinertial flux configurations. We find that so-called “states of spin” present a cylindrical hypercoiled conformation of the photoinertial configuration, and that inertial acceleration may involve coniform hypercoiled transitions of the spin-state electron mass-energy flux, that bridge between the distinct flux configurations. The anomalous magnetic moment (modified by the Landé factor g) is derived as a property of the hypercoiled conformations of the mass-energy flux in the photoinertial configuration. The ‘spin state’ value of electric charge as a linear momentum is found to be

(g pe) = λe(g Wk) = λeh2 υk) = λe Wk2 = 13.98664191 m2 sec-1

as opposed to the value of electric charge in the electroinertial configuration which is

pe = λe Wk = λeh υk) = λe Wk = 13.97017654 m2 sec-1

We contrast, feature by feature, the aetherometric analysis of the electron mass-energy flux with the most recent model proposed by quark theory (QED/QCD). In fact, no real fine or hyperfine structures are brought out by the latter, and we formally show that the determination of the electron mass sought, but missed, by QED is simply

me = h υδe/c2 =∫= h /λce c = (λce pe η/c2) υδe= (λx pe/c2) υδe= λe

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AS3-III.5 Alpha - the fine structure constant and the hydrogen spectrum

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 5:1-88 (August 2011)

[AS3-III.5 cover]

Previous redefinition of the electron mass-energy as a closed toroidal flux now permits reexamination of the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and the identification of its fundamental errors, strictly on the basis of an analysis of the kinetic energy of the permissible excited states of the electron. Foremost amongst these errors was the incapacity to separate the magnetic frequency of the electron and associated kinetic energy, from the quantum frequency of the maximal kinetic energy of the satellized electron in the hydrogen atom - which we find to be equivalent to the Hartree energy. We identify two basic modes of kinetic energy storage - the band-flywheel and the precessionary flywheel - and provide the solution for magnetic Larmor precession of the electron torus in kinetic states. These findings lead to a re-appraisal of Eddington's fundamental physical ratios, and to the correct and consistent re-determinations of the fine structure constant, alpha, presented in the meter-second, SI and CGS systems. Three analytical tests are constructed that compare the distinct aetherometric determinations of alpha with the conventional determination, and demonstrate how only the former can be correct and consistent. These tests also predict the correct meter-second value of electric charge and the exact hydrogen spectrum - with virtually no deviation from the observed localization of the photon emission bands.

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AS3-III.6 The Hartree Energy of Hydrogen and the Impedance of the "Vacuum"

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 6:1-68 (September 2012)

[AS3-III.6 cover]

We identify the systematic errors in the determinations of the Bohr radius and the "classical electron radius", and trace the inconsistencies of classical theory in its treatment of orbital electrons. We demonstrate that the maximum kinetic energy of atomic hydrogen is the Hartree energy, and suggest that Hartree-size photons can only be emitted from hydrogen anion because of the special kinetic properties of the electron stack in the anion. Stack interactions are briefly discussed, and so is the failure of the Millsian hydrino model. We show, physically and chemically, how no surplus energy can be extracted from redox or acid-base reactions of hydrogen. We propose a Hartree-energy-based formal demonstration and quantitation of the electric linear momentum property of charge, and a corrected and complete system of Atomic Units. We provide error-free, consistent dimensional analyses and exact meter-second equivalents of essential physical units and their quantities - the coulomb, the ampere, the farad, the ohm, the henry, the joule and the watt. From first principles, we ascertain the correct magnitudes and functions of electric permittivity, magnetic permeability and the impedance of "the vacuum". Analytical corrections are also made to our previous experimental work. The impedance of "the vacuum" is treated as a massfree electric reaction to the displacement of charge and photons, around which is formed a cluster of subbarrier (so-called "phonon") channels apparently involved in "spontaneous fusion" events. A single 99.7 MeV ambipolar emission appears to be responsible for the ohmic "vacuum" reaction, with a Tesla electric frequency of 3.396*1024sec-1.

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AS3-III.7 Aetherometric Theory of Magnetism

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 7:1-69 (January 2013)

[AS3-III.7 cover]

The aetherometric theory of magnetism proves that there is no independent physical reality to the notions of a "magnetic energy" or magnetic monopoles. There is only electric energy associated with massfree and massbound charges, and in the case of the latter, this encompasses kinetic energy and mass-energy. All forms of electric energy deploy constitutive magnetic waves and diamagnetic fields, but the energy associated with magnetism is electric, and not magnetic. Similarly, all the magnetic frequency functions that we have identified and analyzed are found to be subtypes of electric (nonquantum or Teslan) frequency functions. In this context, we systematize the fundamental rules and formalism of the aetherometric treatment of energy, power, and the quantum and non-quantum frequency functions of massbound and massfree charges. Even though we demonstrate under what conditions in vacuo H and B have the same value -

         μ = B/(2π H) = μ0AToS ε0AToS c2 = μ0 ε0AToS c2/2 = 1
- H is also shown to be a measure of the linear density of superimposed wavelines, and always associated with the geometric mean velocity of a flux, be it kinetic or merely "kinemassic"; whereas B is shown to be a measure of the linear density of the radial lines of magnetic waves, and to depend on the characteristic magnetic waves of a charge. In other words, the only truly magnetic field functions are the B-type functions associated with the cyclotron frequency - the frequency of magnetic waves. The H-type functions are not truly magnetic, but 'electromagnetic' geometric-mean functions of the superimposition of magnetic and electric waves. The two measures of so-called "magnetic fields" only coincide when one is dealing with massfree charges in vacuo, but they are distinct from the start when dealing with massbound charges. We also suggest that the correct measure of the linear density of magnetic wavelines in material media is B/2π, not B.

The analytical power of the aetherometric technique is underlined by a series of fundamental and practical determinations. Amongst the fundamental examples we highlight the linear density of "electromagnetic" wavelines with speed v = c in the electron mass-energy given by its "intrinsic magnetic field" function H

HMBδe = λq-1 = 2.145946*107 wavelines m-1
and the exact determination of the B (true) magnetic field of the electron mass-energy
BMBδe = 2π Fcycloe/Wk = rh-1 = η/rq = 2π η HMBδe = 1.5873*1010 rad m-1 =∫=
         =∫= 2.29825*105 (real) tesla
On the practical side, we demonstrate how only the determination of the magnetic field BMBδe in real gauss or tesla matches the detection at the gaussmeter of the angular velocity of the same magnetic field in read gauss or tesla; for the electron mass-energy:
BMBδe = rh-1 = 2π η HMBδe = 2.298*105 real tesla =∫∫= ωcycloe = 2π Fcycloe =
         = 2.298*105 read tesla
The gaussmeter does not exactly measure (real) gauss, or the reciprocal of radial length, but in fact it measures angular 'velocity' or frequency (read gauss), which we have noted is calibrated for the electron magnetic field wave. Indeed, the same numerical value of a cyclotron frequency can result in very different values of field B, depending upon whether the field B in question arises from a flux of massbound versus massfree charges. Lastly, we provide exact equivalences for the correct fundamental magnetic field units of the CGS and SI systems:
1 real gauss = 1 dyne rad/esu*c = 10-5 newton rad/esu *c =∫= 6.90652 rad m-1
1 real tesla = 1 newton rad/meter*amp = 6.90652*104 rad m-1 = 104 gauss
and determine the angular cyclotron frequency of a magnetic field of 1 gauss for massfree charge with speed Wv = c:
ωcycloMFg = c B = 2.0705*109 rad sec-1 = 1 dyne rad/esu

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AS3-III.8 Electroinertial Treatment of the de Broglie "Matter-Waves", Particle Acceleration, and the Compton Effect

Correa PN, Correa AN
Aetherom Theor of Synchronicity, Vol. 3, 8:1-89 (August 2013)

[AS3-III.8 cover]

We propose an electroinertial analysis of particle acceleration, tested with electrons or beta particles, that makes superfluous the relativistic contention of mass increase with acceleration as explanation for the asymptotic behavior of linear speed in the range of subluminal values. Likewise, the hypothesis of a magnetic brake is also tested and found not to be satisfying. Instead, we propose an electric brake sourced in the limitation that the mass-energy of a charge-carrier imposes upon the kinetic energy of the charge, as the very condition for the conservation of its mass and inertia, and which operates at the level of the electric (voltage) wave of that kinetic energy. Charge and mass are both found to be conserved. With this new method, the Bertozzi experiment and variants, as well as the Kauffmann-Bucherer beta decay experiments, are re-analyzed. New algebra is provided that treats this electric brake without recourse to any relativistic transformations, while matching the empirical data more closely than Special Relativity. Essentially, above a minimum limit found to lie at 284 keV, the kinetic energy and voltage increasingly ("asymptotically") diverge from the applied field input energy and voltage, up to a limit de Broglie wavelength given by the Compton-electron wavelength. Similarly, the de Broglie total energy of the accelerated particle is found to have half this wavelength as its limit.

The implications of this analysis for the "elastic interaction" of an X-ray photon and an electron in Compton scattering are brought out: foremost amongst them are the demonstration that Compton scattering depends upon the de Broglie total energy of the accelerated particle, and its corresponding wavelength; that the re-emitted (outgoing) X-ray photon also has an energy and a wavelength limit, and that the lowest limit wavelength of the outgoing X-ray photons occurs with an incoming X-ray energy just shy of 1.022 MeV:

λ'mean0-180 = λBT + λ = 0.012Å + 0.012Å ≈ λce
Below or beyond the 0.012Å limit, and in full accordance with empirical data regarding X-ray absorption, any incoming X-ray "colliding" with an electron will generate a lepton and a "recoiling" nanoatom of dipositronium which will collapse into a gamma ray.

For anticathode X-ray production by accelerated electrons, the same process of physical limitation of kinetic energy places a maximum X-ray energy at 511 keV, with a minimum wavelength given by

λmin = λce = λpmin
in full conformity with the Duane-Hunt law.

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