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Akronos Publishing is happy to announce the addition of the following paper to Volume 4 of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR04-04-01:We tested ChatGPT on selected scientific topics (the Biefeld-Brown Effect, the Reich-Einstein Experiment, Aetherometry) and had a riot of a time: the bot lies like any compulsory liar; it invents authors and papers or books as it sees fit; it falsifies what effects, theories or experiments are; it consistently produces the same false attributions; it libels honest, independent and credentialed researchers as pseudoscientists. It behaves like a poker player addicted to bluffing. It is Wikipedia on methamphetamines. One could fail to see what all the fuss was about, all the more so since the CCP DeepSeek drastically brought it down to scale. But thereby one would gloss over its most fundamental role in social control: deception through false information. AI is simply a machinery of "intelligence warfare" designed to control the thoughts and feelings of every individual human being.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2025)
A (Dis)conversation with ChatGPT on Science
We report, with considerable amusement, that the Correas' 21-year-old article "'Global Warming': An Official Pseudoscience" (2004) has been insufflated with new life by being rejected as inflammatory by the open-access repository viXra.org.
According to its own description, "viXra.org is an open access repository for preprint papers from all areas of science, mathematics and other scholarly topics. It was founded in 2009 to help overcome problems increasingly experienced by independent researchers who wish to disseminate their original research. The founders of viXra believe that the universal right of free speech applies to all works of science, mathematics and other scholarly areas, and all researchers and scholars, both formally trained and self-taught, should be allowed to place their ideas in public view for scrutiny."
The repository is operated by the not-for-profit organization Scientific God, whose name should not be interpreted as immodestly referring to the organization itself, but rather to its stated goal of conducting and promoting scientific research into God. It was founded by a husband-and-wife team, Dr. Huping Hu and Dr. Maoxin Wu, who are also the chief editors of viXra. Their sentiments may be inferred from a Cyber Speech posted by Dr. Hu in 2008, whose abstract reads:
In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr., we call all men and women of Science and Religion to rise up in the pursuit of truth.However, this "rising up" is apparently not supposed to be quite as vigorous as the phrase and the quoted antecedents might suggest. The viXra guidelines, which one would expect to share the sentiment, considerably tone it down:
Submissions may be rejected or withdrawn because of legal risks/concerns (e.g., threats, defamation, copyright violations or obscenities).It is hard to imagine Jefferson, Lincoln or King reigning-in their risings-up due to such concerns. On the other hand, Dr. Hu is a practicing New York lawyer in the 21 Century, and it is not surprising that his concept of "rising up" is one that has historically degenerated since these antecedents, even as he freely invokes them.
So, coming back to the revitalization (by attribution of legal risks/concerns) of "'Global Warming': An Official Pseudoscience", here is the rejection slip that viXra generated:
Please be kindly advised that an author may argue against and/or show evidence against climate change or any other scientific consensus/dogma but an author may not use inflammatory and/or potentially defamatory languages in a scholarly article. Please also keep the abstract < 400 words.As a result, Dr. Correa withdrew from viXra the 5 papers he had previously deposited there, giving the following reason for the withdrawal:
You proclaim the freedom of scientific publication, but then - as has just become apparent - take it upon yourselves to censor submissions that you deem insufficiently inoffensive (as if being inoffensive was a criterion for being scientific and thus having a right to publication). My collaborators and I do not wish to be associated with such a project.
It is our pleasure to announce the addition of two thematically related papers to Volume 4 of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR04-02-01:Quite aside from the totalitarian measures taken by the smashing majority of governments worldwide to force consumers to replace the IC automobile by the so-called Electrical Vehicle (EV), the ongoing colossal failure of the EV can be attributed to two correlated scientific and technological shortcomings which conventionally-funded academic basic research has proven unable to address: 1) the problem of energy storage, which was falsely solved by the uneconomic and unsafe lithium battery technology; and 2) the inability to create an EV that carries onboard its own power plant, an energy- autonomous EV, or AEV in our terminology. The first shortcoming is also illustrated by the utter failure of the hydrogen fuel cell solutions. Yet, back in the 1990's, we presented GM with a technological proposal to create such an AEV (disclosed for the first time as an accompanying report in the Journal of Aetherometric Research) employing massfree energy extraction from the local "medium of space" by electron plasmas. But we were told by GM executives that the electric vehicle was just good PR.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2025)
Critical Appraisal of XXIst Century Energy Science and Technology (2):
Causes of the Failure of the Electric Vehicle (EV) and
Basics of the Autonomous Electric Vehicle (AEV)JAR04-03-01:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2025)
Design of XS NRG™ Autonomous Electric Vehicles
Akronos Publishing is happy to announce that after years of being out of print - to the disappointment of many of our readers - the following book has now been re-published in electronic form and is once again available:
Correa, P & Correa, AThis work, the first part of a two-volume publication on the Aether Motor/Converter, is dedicated to the investigation and reproduction of - and improvement upon - both the work of Nikola Tesla in his search for an Aether Motor, and Wilhelm Reich's discovery and invention of the Orgone Motor in 1947-1948. Reich's quest took its point of departure, in large measure, from where Tesla had left the quest he had initiated.
Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 3A
The Discovery of the Aether Motor (1):
(Re-)Discovery of the Orgone Motor
In the present volume, the Correas present the main principles behind the Aether Motor/Converter. In broad terms, these concern: operation of resonant ambipolar transmitters; the decoding and identification of Reich's secret Function Y that served as key to operating the Orgone Motor; the receiver circuit required to magnify the transmission and convert latent heat into ambipolar electricity; and the plasma and plasma-less methods employed to drive drag-cup motors and Reich's Spinners - KS-8624 and KS-9154 - or to charge batteries and capacitors. Included also is the extraordinary history of these KS-series motors and their special applications.
The book marks the beginning of a new age in science and technology - the age of massfree energy. It has been long in coming - but, at last, our epoch may be able to begin to understand and utilize intelligently the work of those two pioneers who laid the foundations for massfree science and technology: Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich. May these volumes stand as a tribute to both of them, to their perseverance and to the finest of perceptive intelligences.
For more detail and to order, please go to the catalog of this volume.
We are excited to announce the inauguration of Volume 4 of the Journal of Aetherometric Research with the release of the first of a series of related monographs currently scheduled for publication:
JAR04-01-01:This report is the first of a series of three reviews of the status of present-day energy science and technology. Its first part is dedicated to a succinct examination of the main inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla relating to those two topics: the polyphase AC system; the AC induction motors and generators; the Tesla coil and wireless resonant transmission at a distance of ground AC currents; the wireless transmission of AC power through the atmosphere; the operation of electrodeless lamps with wireless transmission of power through the ground or the atmosphere; Tesla's directed energy "ray gun"; his invention of the first drone (Teleautomaton) equipped with an onboard electroanalog computer; and his systems for energy capture from natural sources.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2025)
Critical Appraisal of XXIst Century Energy Science and Technology (1):
Relevance of Nikola Tesla's Inventions and Discoveries,
from the Perspective of Aetherometry
In the second part, these inventions and Tesla's theory of their operation and underlying physics are evaluated from the perspective of, and the contributions from, the analytical and experimental science of the massfree electric Aether (Aetherometry) that the Correas have pioneered. The authors stress both the relevance of Tesla's work to the status of present-day energy science and technology, and the analytical and practical insufficiencies of that work. In this context, they review their theory of massfree and massbound electric charge, with an emphasis on the discovery of the finite-size structure, topogeometry and energy functions of the electron.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the release of the fifth chapter of Volume VI of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VI.5:Continuing their development of an energy-based algebra of discernible differences or quantitites, the authors demonstrate that, whether in ideal or actual heat engines, or in thermodynamic turbines, work has an entropy which must be taken into account if the sum of heat entropies is to abide by the First Law. While in the ideal heat engine the conventional net entropy is given by
Correa, P; Correa, A; Askanas, M (2024)
The Concept and Function of Work and its Entropy:
The Heat Engine and the Thermodynamic Turbine with No Moving Parts
ΔS =(QH/TH) - (QC/TC) = 0 J °K-1,the authors demonstrate that in every heat engine the real net entropy is
ΔSTtot = (ΔQH/TEnv) - (ΔQC/TEnv) - (PΔV/TEnv) = 0 J °K-1Likewise, for the thermodynamic (Ranque-Hilsch) "vortex turbine", the authors demonstrate that
ΔSTtot = SinTank + (SoutTurb - ΔSWflTurb) = SinTank + (SoutTurb - ΔSΔT) = SinTank + SoutTurb - (ST - ΔSCpT) = 0 J °K-1and yet, using an optimal performance example, the sum of the molal entropy changes associated with the internal thermomolecular heat fluxes of the turbine is found to be
ΔSinT = ΔS1 + ΔS2 = 24.943 J °K-1 mol-1 =∫= 44.772 nN mol-1and not the conventional result
ΔS = ΔS1 + ΔS2 = 22.538 J °K-1 mol-1Since its medium has a constant heat capacity, the thermodynamic turbine presents changes in the entropy of state that are functionally identical to changes in the entropy of heat transfer, even though analytically the former remain distinct from the latter.
Adding to the current publication-stream on the aetherometric theory of electro-thermodynamics, Akronos Publishing has just released the following new communication in the 3rd volume of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR03-06-01:A simple experiment shows that the true-rms AC voltages measured at the cold and hot plates of a Stirling heat engine are fully predicted by the aetherometric theory of electro-thermodynamics, as the potentials corresponding to the absolute temperatures of the modal photons of state in the hot and cold engine reservoirs. The implications for quantum-mechanics and thermodynamics are dire and succinctly stated.
Correa, P & Correa, A & (2024)
Experimental Confirmation of the Aetherometric Theory of Temperature
and the Conversion Equivalence of Electric and Thermal Energies
Akronos Publishing has happily added to its website the fourth chapter of Volume VI of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VI.4:The Zeroth Law is not about relations between numbers, like numerical equalities, but between states of physical substances; and it is only needed if the notion of thermal equilibrium is axiomatically taken as being primary with respect to temperature. Accordingly, the authors first seek the conditions under which thermal equilibrium occurs by exploring different facets of the 2-body problem, while contrasting the conventional treatment of entropy with the aetherometric two-headed treatment of distinct entropies of state and heat flow. They find that, in all cases, determination of the final common temperature of the system is the critical parameter that permits definition of thermal equilibrium. Ultimately, this determination is extrinsic to the system and reduces to the temperature of the environment. But this does not abrogate the existence of intrinsic energy-based determinations of the equilibrium temperature whose function is demonstrated using a fluid-based physical treatment of the 2-body problem and without taking recourse to the fiction of an isolated system. This leads to the conclusion that the Zeroth Law has no role within Aetherometry, since the aetherometric concept of thermal equilibrium is based on a numerical relationship between photon energies, and is therefore ipso facto transitive. Two bodies are in thermal equilibrium when their molal electromagnetic heats of state are identical, irrespective of whether their molal thermokinetic heats of state are the same or different. This does not imply that the heat contents of the two bodies will be identical. It only requires that the primary (modal) photons of state in both substances have the same quantum energy. Accordingly, in Aetherometry, temperature does not need to have its existence axiomatically postulated.
Correa, P; Correa, A; Askanas, M (2024)
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and the 2-Body Problem of Thermal Equilibrium
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of the third chapter of Volume VI of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VI.3:The Carnot ideal engine led to Kelvin's and Clausius' discovery of an absolute scale of temperature, but the emergence of a statistically-dependent quantum theory of heat failed to provide the linear relationship of absolute temperature to thermal energy - in particular, to photon (electromagnetic) energy. The mistake harks back to Planck's law and his second radiation constant. The authors correct this with a simple law that permits them to distinguish between electromagnetic and thermokinetic heats, whether of state or involved in thermal energy transfer. They uncover for the first time the real dimensionality of temperature and demonstrate how it is both a molal electromagnetic production and a photon property. This leads them to examine the functions of the calorimeter - an instrument that, since Joule and Nernst to the present, has not ceased being the object of development - in light of their original theoretical framework and as applied to an entirely experimental approach. The authors then systematize the aetherometric algebra of discrete quantization for heating and cooling processes of the calorimeter.
Correa, P; Correa, A; Askanas, M (2024)
Entropies of State and of Transfer, and the Functions of the Calorimeter: A Different Granulation of Heat
Akronos Publishing has just released the following new communication in the 3rd volume of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR03-05-01:In a previous work, Human Experimental Bioenergetics, the authors reported on the experimental discovery of an electron bioplasma. They then put forth a series of interconnected hypotheses regarding how bioplasma formation and re-energization is gated by the electron transport chain (ETC) component of aerobic catabolism. Following the publication of the book's second edition, the authors concluded that these analytical proposals could be further developed to include biochemical and biophysical details that at the time were left unaddressed. The present paper focuses on these details, such as they concern how aerobic metabolism gates bioplasma formation and re-energization, and controls the production of electromagnetic heat in the mitochondria of the human body. Bioplasma currents are differentiated from other biological electron currents - namely, the ETC flux and the biochemical flux that is stocked up in ATP production. The analysis indicates the existence of two main classes of free electrons in the aqueous phase of the body - modal electrons of state, to which bioplasma electrons belong, and supramodal chemically-active electrons, to which ETC electrons belong. The authors close by briefly exploring the effects of hypoxia upon bioplasma formation.
Correa, P & Correa, A & (2024)
Understanding Metabolism:
aerobic catabolism, heat production and bioplasma formation
in mitochondria and the human body
Akronos Publishing is happy to announce the inauguration of Volume VI of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity, titled The Electrodynamics of Heat: Entropy and Order in Thermal and Biological Systems. The inaugural release consists of the first two monographs of that volume:
AS3-VI.1:This introductory monograph poses the general problem of understanding heat, its dynamics and how these are thought to obey a strange function and even stranger concept that goes by the name of entropy. It also casts a perspective on what is to come in the present disquisition on thermodynamics.
Correa, P; Correa, A; Askanas, M (2024)
What is Heat?
AS3-VI.2:This communication presents the foundations of modern thermodynamics and then question them, to provisionally arrive at some new concepts of basic thermal functions. What exactly is meant by heat as a form of energy? What are the heat capacity, specific heat and heat content of a body, substance or system? How does enthalpy differ from the heat content of a body? How is heat transferred? Are there thermal forces responsible for holding the heat content of bodies, or deployed in heat transfer? Does the conventional function of entropy denote a thermal force? What are and have been the various conventional definitions of entropy? How do they differ and how are they ascertained? How does entropy relate to Gibbs free energy? What is reversible heat and what is reversible work? Are they fictional concepts and functions? What is the potential energy of a system? Is it the same as its internal energy function? In the course of answering these questions and presenting the conventional theory of thermodynamic functions, the authors propose an alternative view: an algebraic theory of thermodynamics based on the calculus of discernible quantities, including an algebraic treatment of entropy - instead of treatments based on a calculus of infinitesimal units of non- existent "reversible" fluxes. The present chapter introduces the map that will be explored at length in subsequent communications of this volume.
Correa, P; Correa, A; Askanas, M (2024)
Foundations of Thermodynamics
In celebration of the end of winter. Akronos Publishing has just released the Second Edition of "Human Experimental Bioenergetics", containing a full revision of the text and equations, and in particular extensive re-writes of sections 5 and 6.5 of chapter 3 in Part II. Typos, omissions and discrepancies throughout the text were also corrected.
Purchasers of the First Edition of the book will be able to download the Second Edition without extra cost. Otherwise, the book can be ordered from The Akronos Bookstore.
We are most happy to announce the publication of the tenth, and final, chapter of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.10:After reviewing the conventional theory of star evolution, the authors propose a novel theory of the relation of star size to mass as the main determinant of distinct lines of stellar evolution. They also introduce the reader to the complete new aetherometric method of computing exact nuclear reaction equations that fully balance energy and mass-energy, and explain how and why it is so. They use two foundational cases to formally and factually demonstrate the non-existence of neutrinos. Neutrinos were born from errors in calculations of so-called mass-deficit; they simply do not exist. The authors re-analyze all the known cycles of nuclear fusion, and demonstrate what energy terms and pathways are missing in each case, and how they are relevant to specific evolutions of star types. They identify the real nuclear gluons (that are unrelated to the fiction of quarks), their multi-particle structures and spins, and how they may decay into either gamma rays or ambipolons. The authors show how particular gluon structures are responsible for both the so-called "electron degeneracy" of dwarf stars, and the "neutron degeneracy" of neutron stars. Then they connect the various processes of fusion cycles to stellar evolution and differentiation, so as to entirely reconstruct the latter's evolutionary paths. The authors conclude by speculating about the fates of stars, and whether other dark stars arise besides neutron stars.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Evolutions of Stars and the Secrets of Nuclear Fusion
Akronos Publishing is pleased to let you know that it has released the ninth monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.9:The role of π in the Space and Time manifolds of the solar system is investigated, along with the roles of the fine-structure constant and the napierian in the kinetic order of growth and differentiation of the solar system. The aetherometric expressions for the energy-dependent growth rate of a system and its half-maximal velocity are introduced. The "near-4" values relating alpha and the napierian in the context of planetarian orbitals and their lawful periodicities are determined by a series of correlated tests. A novel theory of planet formation is proposed that is consistent with the order and growth rate of the solar system. The authors revisit the energy-analysis of the barycentric and solar-apical motions of the Sun, and their constant K, as well as compute the individual and total mean velocities of the barycentric oscillation of the Sun with respect to all planets. Then they do the unthinkable - they compute the energy and power driving the Sun's rotation and the barycentric-cum-apical translation, and speculate on the power and energy driving its galactic translation. The authors also estimate the total number and power of the ambipolons emitted from all layers of the Sun, and of those that are able to exit its plasmasphere, as well as their densities at the distances of particular planets. The powers and energy driving the Earth's rotation and translation are equally computed, along with those of the terrestrial RVGE.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Kinetic and Growth Order of the Solar System
It is with great pleasure that we announce the publication of the eigth monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.8:The investigation opens with a definitive demonstration that in the presence of an equilibrium between the opposing forces of gravity and ambipolar radiation, planets orbit the Sun with the electrokinetic energy and velocity provided by their plasma envelopes (plasmaspheres), in the same direction as that of the rotation of all three solar layers. Newton's second law of motion is not a causal law per se, and the authors propose that it be substituted by one that is, which they formulate. They find there is transfer of the ambipolar energy that counteracts the gravitational work, into the energy of orbital motion.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Toroidal Plasmaspheres of Stars and Planets
under Gravitational-Ambipolar Equilibrium
and the Dual-Sourced Geomagnetic Fields
Next, the monograph presents a long investigation and computation of two related physical plasma structures responsible for : 1) solar and planetarian geomagnetism, which the authors propose to have a dual causation (translational and rotational); and 2) the solar and planetarian plasmaspheres - whose concept replaces current understanding of so-called magnetospheres.
A detailed analysis of the Earth's geomagnetic field identifies the complex relation between its internal structure and the toroidal and vortico-poloidal ambipolar fluxes responsible for the plasma field distribution. It is proposed that the Earth's core is powered by substellar fusion cycles, in particular those that generate oxygen, silicon and iron. Experimental results lead the authors to the determination of the energy and voltage of the terrestrial ambipolons emitted from the core, which drive the terrestrial geoplasma. The surface geoplasma is measured and its value consistent with the analytical expectations from surface atmospheric pressure and the proposed terrestrial inner core model. A parallel analysis of the geomagnetic field of the Sun and sunspots is carried out.
In contrast to the particularities of the Sun's regular toroidal plasmasphere, all planetarian plasmaspheres are shown to form distorted but isomorphic plasma toruses, and their magnetic fields to be distinct from, though interrelated with, the geomagnetic fields of each planet. The ambipolar voltages of the planetarian and solar plasmaspheres are identified and calculated. A ratchet-like process is suggested to connect solar rotation to the planetarian orbitals and the rotation of their plasmaspheres. While the impulses from the solar ambipolar radiation buffets each planet to compensate for the gravitational pull of the entire system, the plasmaspheres trap plasmas of opposite charge at the voltages induced by capture of the solar radiation at a distance. They also store and deliver the electrokinetic energy of translation, while rotating slowly via the ratchet-like process that captures solar ambipolar radiation. The result is that planets float on a double torus of electric charge, whose slow magnetic wave serves as minor driver of planetarian rotation, while the plasmaspheres surf forward on the sweeping ambipolar wavefronts. The authors find that the magnetic waves of the plasmaspheres of all the primary planets of the solar system have a near-constant velocity.
Whenever possible, similar analyses of the geomagnetic and plasmaspheric fields are carried out for the other planets, and the data compared to conventional values.
Akronos Publishing is happy to announce the release of the seventh monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.7:Planet by planet, this essay moves through the petals of the solar flower to tease out fundamental characteristics ("strange ratios" that invoke π, α and "root-time" numbers) linking their translation(s), rotation and precession(s). Mercury's translation and apsidal precession affords the most amusing case: the apparently objective hoax of its anomalous perihelion advance. Formally, analytically and factually, the authors rigorously prove that there is no anomalous advance of the perihelion of Mercury, only a persistently a-scientific way to compute orbital velocities that introduces everywhere a systematic error. If the claimed advance were anything other than this error, what it would correspond to is the physical difference in time between the computation of the real motion of the planet on the plane of the ecliptic with reference to the rest of the mass of the solar system, vs. computation of the same motion relative to the Sun alone. But finding this real physical difference requires that either motion be computed correctly by reference to the mean geometric radius of each planet's orbit, and not by reference to the semi-major axis of such orbits. Thus, even the real difference was never properly computed by astrophysics, or by Einstein's Relativity for that matter. As computed, the difference itself is merely an artifact of wrong computation.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Wandering Petals of the Sun Flower:
Dances of Translation, Rotation and Precession
Akronos Publishing has the pleasure to announce the publication of the sixth monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.6:This report is about the physics of Time in astrophysical motions. After briefly surveying the state of helioseismography, the authors chisel further the computations of the acoustico-ambipolar waves emitted by the Sun and the differential rotations of its structural layers, and explore how the sweeping fronts issued from these layers synchronously and spatially situate the planets. The fusion unit-reaction time and the rotational speed of the solar core are shown to be interconnected. The true or real solar year becomes an exact physical value; slowly, all the measures of the terrestrial year acquire exact physical relations, while the true or real years of the Earth's translation - around the Sun and around the system barycenter - finally emerge. Accordingly, the computations of the Great Equinoctial or Platonic Year and of the Great Apsidal Year are re-examined, along with Wilhelm Reich's specification of the "lawful galactic numbers" of the Sun and Earth (those of the Moon are also computed). These are found to be root-time numbers, and their significance is explored. Lastly, the authors re-analyze the gravitational acceleration on the surface of a "pulsatile" Sun, correcting the value of the Sun's radius and uncovering its surface ejection velocity filter.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Clockwork of the Formless: How the Sun Is a Rhythm-Maker
(Synchronography and Helioseismography)
We would like to bring to your attention two recent articles: a report by the Heartland Institute documenting the incredible sloppiness of the thermometry that feeds the so-called "science" of "global warming":
2022 Surface Station Reportand a gutsy commentary by the Spectator Australia on the ongoing Canadian forest fires:
(copied from https://heartland.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/2022_Surface_Station_Report.pdf)
Spectator Australia on Canadian Forest Fires
Akronos Publishing has just made available the fifth monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.5:The present monograph puts forth a radically different understanding of the hydrogen and electron economy of the Sun based upon a totally new treatment of the primary nuclear fusion processes that are ongoing in its core. It shows how sunspots function as two-way (truly ambipolar) plasma channels, and identifies their most important function - to vehiculate modal ambipolar radiation to the surface of the Sun and, magnetically, past the solar plasmasphere. The authors formally demonstrate how solar physics and present-day theory of hydrogen fusion are in error. The solar core is even darker than Herschel thought! It gives off no heat and has no temperature. It is a giant non- thermodynamic fusion reactor and ambipolar generator - and the monograph reveals the exact fusion reactions and the atomic lattice structure of the core that are responsible for the modal solar emissions. To this day, the process is unknown to conventional nuclear physics, though these same authors published the key reactions back in 2005! In the same vein, they provide, in this monograph, a cogent theory of the solar photosphere, of its ionic and free-radical chemistries, as well as of its role in forming the molecular inputs and outputs of the Sun. They demonstrate that all speculations on the fundamental values (mass, volume, pressure, temperature, etc) of the Sun and its core must be re-evaluated and re-computed.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
Sunspots and the Internal Structure of the Sun:
A Little Lesson in Nuclear Physics and Photochemistry
Akronos Publishing is happy to announce the release of the fourth monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.4:Using the Earth's orbital as example, the authors present a novel theory of the eccentricity of planetarian orbitals, where a solar drift on the orbital plane combines with the barycentric oscillation of the Sun. The solar barycentric oscillation is analyzed as a component of the rotary wake which the Sun and the solar system execute in the direction of the solar apex, since the two motions share the same periodicity. The drift of the Sun with respect to the Earth defines a velocity vector v1 on the plane of the ecliptic towards the winter solstice, 5.9° away from the apex of galactic ambipolar radiation (+28.988°, 5.708h) and outgoing H• wind. The total solar drift (which includes the linear displacements caused by the equinoctial and apsidal precessions) points to perihelion. The directions of either vector will vary from planet to planet as per their orbital plane, and will precess with time.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Wake and the Spin of the Solar System:
How the Barycentric Motion of the Sun Is Coupled to the Solar Apex
and, Together with the Sun's Drift, Accounts for Orbit Eccentricity
Re-analysis of the direction and velocity of the solar apex raises doubts regarding the formation of the helium/hydrogen cone of the local interstellar medium (LISM). Rather, the cone appears to be the result of atomic hydrogen collisions between the outgoing wind and the incoming, extra-galactic nebular hydrogen, and the crossover of the latter with an inleading galactic compression wave appears to be the real wavefront driver of the solar apex, since it affects nearby stars. The solar-apical motion surprisingly abides by Kepler's second law, even as an entirely new, energy-based (aetherometric) algebraic treatment of the gravitational work involved in a two- body system is provided that demonstrates how Kepler's second law breaks down and identifies the consequences that follow with respect to his third law. Together with the solar-apical motion, the barycentric oscillation of the Sun appears to be determinant of the sunspot cycle, and itself the result of a combination of epicycloidal motion and excentric revolution. It generates 3 types of loops, in agreement with existing data, and it is suggested that the overall cycle is 64 years: (2*10.667 yrs)*3 loops. A phase energy structure is also found for the barycentric and solar-apical motions, and their velocity-squared constant identified.
Akronos Publishing has just added the following new communication to the 3rd volume of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR03-04-01:This paper by longtime Akronos and ABRI collaborator Gene Gryziecki has first appeared in the Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume23/1-The-Toroidal-Fine-Structure.pdf). It summarizes the essential features of the aetherometric structure of the electron, in particular the novel understanding of the electron as a torus ring, and a heuristic conception of the Bohr radius and the Bohr-Heisenberg model of the atom.
Gryziecki, G (2023)
The Toroidal Fine-Structure of the Electron
The Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, theorized by Niels Bohr (1885-1962), includes a negatively charged point-mass electron that travels in a circular orbit about a positively charged nucleus. In the atoms lowest energy (or ground) state, the distance between the two particles is called the Bohr radius and is equal to 0.529 x 10-10 m. Since then, further investigation indicated that sometimes the electron behaves like a wave and sometimes like a particle. Thus, the Bohr-Heisenberg model of the atom arose, in which the electron exists only as a cloud or fuzzy cavity about the nucleus and measurements are based upon the probability of a point particle being found at a certain location in the cloud. However, the Correas' research in the past two decades has resulted in expanding the well-known mass-energy equation into a rigorous set of relations that provide the electric and magnetic fine-structure and the volumetric structure of the electron as a closed-flux torus, all in agreement with 2018 Codata values. These developments put into question the physical meaning of the Bohr radius and its implications the Bohr-Heisenberg theory of the hydrogen atom and its description of an electron as a point-mass particle that only exists when its probability wave collapses.
We have just released the third monograph of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-VII.3:Kepler's problem was to find the rationale of the places occupied by planets, at once an astrophysical and a mathematico-geometric problem. To find the hidden structure of the solar system raises the fundamental question of the physical relations between Time and Space, and their commensurability. Newton's "third law" throws no light upon Kepler's problem, since it would hold no matter how many planets there were, or what their distances from the Sun might be. In parallel, the definition of Kepler's constant (the Keplerian) that applies to all planetarian orbits, raises the twin questions of what the accurate measures are of radial distance and duration of a revolution. In the present monograph, the authors show how the reciprocal of the Keplerian provides the massfree gravitational energy unit of the solar system, and how it varies from planet to planet. They find that the variation abides by an orderly wave pattern that invokes the fine-structure constant and is the result of the conjunction of three distinct ambipolar wavefronts emitted by the Sun. The authors determine the ambipolar and sonic frequencies of the sweeping wavefronts, and suggest that the latters' structure depends upon differential rotation of three distinct solar layers. Following Kepler's intuition, they provide the musical map of the solar system; but it is different from Kepler's "harmony of the spheres". The authors also determine the power and energy of the basic modal ambipolon emitted by the Sun.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
Kepler's Problem and the Problems with the Keplerian
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of the first two monographs of Volume VII: The Solar System of the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity. The present release also includes the Introduction and Table of Contents for the entire volume. The two monographs are as follows:
AS3-VII.1:Having previously decoded the existence of elementary massfree gravitons, the authors set out in search of the free gravitons that may aptly describe the gravitational field of any and every construct of mass-energy, no matter how small or large. in the specific cases of the fields of the Earth and Sun, those were found to be high-energy massfree gravitons. The authors then return to the world of cycloids and trochoids to understand pendular (SHM) motion (the swing) and how pendula behave when the suspension point is set in motion, in particular when linear and rotary wakes occur. They uncover the functional relation between the massfree energy of the swing and the kinetic energy of a swinging mass, and compare the swing and the wake to the spin of a top or gyro. They show how gyros cancel most of their weight, not inertial mass. Integration with pendular motion then leads to an algebraic theory of rotary vacuum-gravitational envelopes (RVGE) of massfree gravitonic energy surrounding astrophysical bodies, that are responsible for rotational states, proximal satellite motion and the local acceleration of free fall. The RVGEs of the Earth and Sun are studied.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Swing, the Wake and the Spin: Of Gravitational Cycloidal Waves and Gravitons
AS3-VII.2:In search of a measure relating distance and time across the cosmic vastness, the authors put forth the notion that the speed of light cannot, and does not, serve as such a yardstick. They sharpen their novel interpretation of the Bradley aberration of stars as applied to "light from the Sun", that makes the aberration dependent on the velocity of star-emitted modal ambipolar waves, and thus a variable that tallies with the electromagnetic spectrum of a star, barring necessary interpretation of any red or blue shifts that would be present. The authors had previously put forth this proposal, but presently correct it.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2023)
The Bradley Aberration Revisited
Akronos Publishing has just released the following new communication in the 3rd volume of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR03-03-01:This monograph concludes the three-part re-examination of aether-drift and light-Doppler experiments. It begins by surveying the wide range of conflicting and controversial interpretations of the various experiments, whether based on mainstream relativity theory or on alternative concepts such as a stationary or entrained aether or absolute space, and exposes their inadequacies. It then presents a detailed account of how Aetherometry offers a consistent explanation of the experimental results, based on the concept of a dynamic, electric and massfree Aether.
Correa, P & Correa, A & Pratt, D (2021)
Re-examination of the Experimental Evidence for a Nonzero Aether Drift
Part 3: Controversy and Aetherometry
Readers of Monograph AS3-II.9 are encouraged to download the following just-published revisions to it:
Page 68:
Page 68 of Monograph AS3-II.9 cites the text surrounding, and including, Eq. 515 on p. 14 of Monograph AS3-II.6. This is a corrected version of this text.
Section 3.2 (revised last on Oct 20):
A revised, fully aetherometric analysis of starlight aberration and its consequences (replaces subsection 3 of section 3.2).
It gives us pleasure to announce the release of the following new communication in the 3rd volume of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR03-02-01:This monograph is the second of a three-part re-examination of aether-drift and light-Doppler experiments. It begins with a review of linear experiments conducted from 1930 onwards. These include Kennedy-Thorndike and Ives-Stilwell-type experiments, which are usually cited in support of Special Relativity, but also the Silvertooth experiment and several subsequent experiments that allegedly detected a nonzero aether drift. The monograph then proceeds to review the Sagnac and Michelson-Gale rotational experiments, which showed that absolute rotation can be detected optically.
Correa, P & Correa, A & Pratt, D & Askanas, M (2020)
Re-examination of the Experimental Evidence for a Nonzero Aether Drift
Part 2: Rotational and post-1930 linear experiments
We are happy to inform our readers that we have just inaugurated a new volume of the Journal of Aetherometric Research. The first issue features the following communication:
JAR03-01-01:This monograph is the first of a three-part review of aether-drift and light Doppler experiments conducted from the early 1880s to the present day. Part 1 examines the controversy surrounding contradictory interpretations of Michelson-Morley-type experiments. In particular, it re-analyzes the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment and selected experiments by Miller. It concludes that none of the Michelson-Morley-type experiments conducted from 1881 to 1930 detected a significant aether drift.
Correa, P & Correa, A & Pratt, D & Askanas, M (2020)
Re-examination of the Experimental Evidence for a Nonzero Aether Drift
Part 1: Michelson-Morley-type experiments 1881-1930
In Other News has released the second part of their 2-hour radio interview with Dr. Paulo Correa. You can access it at the In Other News website.
Some of the topics Dr. Correa talks about in this part of the program are his friendship with Dr. Eugene Mallove, cold fusion, and research into "energy from the vacuum".
We are pleased to to let you know of a newly-released radio interview with Dr. Paulo Correa, available at the In Other News website.
This is Part 1 of a two-hour interview in which Dr. Correa talks about his and Alexandra Correa's scientific and technological discoveries, the nature of massfree energy, and many related topics.
Akronos Publishing is thrilled to announce the publication of Volume 2 of the Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics:
Human Experimental Bioenergetics:In this magisterial work, the Correas detail their experimental and theoretical studies of the bioelectricity of the human body, made possible by application of the novel bioelectric meter (BEM) that they have designed and built.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2020)
Published in electronic form only.
Download includes electronic version of Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy
Most prominent among the results are the experimental confirmation of the potential aetherometrically predicted 15 years ago for the ambipolar (electric) energy field of a typical human body, and the discovery and measurement of the associated electron bioplasma in its native state, including its resonant capacito-inductive frequency. The BEM has permitted rigorous investigation of very distinct electric actions of the human body, many of them previously unknown or never studied - such as:
For a full abstract of the book and to order it, please see the Akronos Bookstore page.
Akronos Publishing is proud to present the 8th, and final, monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.8:We propose an electroinertial analysis of particle acceleration, tested with electrons or beta particles, that makes superfluous the relativistic contention of mass increase with acceleration as explanation for the asymptotic behavior of linear speed in the range of subluminal values. Likewise, the hypothesis of a magnetic brake is also tested and found not to be satisfying. Instead, we propose an electric brake sourced in the limitation that the mass-energy of a charge-carrier imposes upon the kinetic energy of the charge, as the very condition for the conservation of its mass and inertia, and which operates at the level of the electric (voltage) wave of that kinetic energy. Charge and mass are both found to be conserved. With this new method, the Bertozzi experiment and variants, as well as the Kauffmann-Bucherer beta decay experiments, are re-analyzed. New algebra is provided that treats this electric brake without recourse to any relativistic transformations, while matching the empirical data more closely than Special Relativity. Essentially, above a minimum limit found to lie at 284 keV, the kinetic energy and voltage increasingly ("asymptotically") diverge from the applied field input energy and voltage, up to a limit de Broglie wavelength given by the Compton-electron wavelength. Similarly, the de Broglie total energy of the accelerated particle is found to have half this wavelength as its limit.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2013)
Electroinertial Treatment of
the de Broglie "Matter-Waves", Particle Acceleration,
and the Compton Effect
The implications of this analysis for the "elastic interaction" of an X-ray photon and an electron in Compton scattering are brought out: foremost amongst them are the demonstration that Compton scattering depends upon the de Broglie total energy of the accelerated particle, and its corresponding wavelength; that the re-emitted (outgoing) X-ray photon also has an energy and a wavelength limit, and that the lowest limit wavelength of the outgoing X-ray photons occurs with an incoming X-ray energy just shy of 1.022 MeV:
λ'mean0-180 = λBT + λ = 0.012Å + 0.012Å ≈ λceBelow or beyond the 0.012Å limit, and in full accordance with empirical data regarding X-ray absorption, any incoming X-ray "colliding" with an electron will generate a lepton and a "recoiling" nanoatom of dipositronium which will collapse into a gamma ray.
For anticathode X-ray production by accelerated electrons, the same process of physical limitation of kinetic energy places a maximum X-ray energy at 511 keV, with a minimum wavelength given by
λmin = λce = λpminin full conformity with the Duane-Hunt law.
NOTE: This monograph is available exclusively to ISFA members, or by special arrangement.
It is our pleasure to announce the release of the 7th monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.7:The aetherometric theory of magnetism proves that there is no independent physical reality to the notions of a "magnetic energy" or magnetic monopoles. There is only electric energy associated with massfree and massbound charges, and in the case of the latter, this encompasses kinetic energy and mass-energy. All forms of electric energy deploy constitutive magnetic waves and diamagnetic fields, but the energy associated with magnetism is electric, and not magnetic. Similarly, all the magnetic frequency functions that we have identified and analyzed are found to be subtypes of electric (nonquantum or Teslan) frequency functions. In this context, we systematize the fundamental rules and formalism of the aetherometric treatment of energy, power, and the quantum and non-quantum frequency functions of massbound and massfree charges. Even though we demonstrate under what conditions in vacuo H and B have the same value, H is also shown to be a measure of the linear density of superimposed wavelines, and always associated with the geometric mean velocity of a flux, be it kinetic or merely "kinemassic"; whereas B is shown to be a measure of the linear density of the radial lines of magnetic waves, and to depend on the characteristic magnetic waves of a charge. In other words, the only truly magnetic field functions are the B-type functions associated with the cyclotron frequency - the frequency of magnetic waves. The H-type functions are not truly magnetic, but 'electromagnetic' geometric-mean functions of the superimposition of magnetic and electric waves. The two measures of so-called "magnetic fields" only coincide when one is dealing with massfree charges in vacuo, but they are distinct from the start when dealing with massbound charges. We also suggest that the correct measure of the linear density of magnetic wavelines in material media is B/2π, not B.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2013)
Aetherometric Theory of Magnetism
The analytical power of the aetherometric technique is underlined by a series of fundamental and practical determinations. Amongst the fundamental examples we highlight the linear density of "electromagnetic" wavelines with speed v = c in the electron mass-energy given by its "intrinsic magnetic field" function H, and the exact determination of the B (true) magnetic field of the electron mass-energy. On the practical side, we demonstrate how, for the electron mass-energy, only the determination of the magnetic field B in real gauss or tesla matches the detection at the gaussmeter of the angular velocity of the same magnetic field in read gauss or tesla. The gaussmeter does not exactly measure (real) gauss, or the reciprocal of radial length, but in fact it measures angular 'velocity' or frequency (read gauss), which we have noted is calibrated for the electron magnetic field wave. Indeed, the same numerical value of a cyclotron frequency can result in very different values of field B, depending upon whether the field B in question arises from a flux of massbound versus massfree charges. Lastly, we provide exact equivalences for the correct fundamental magnetic field units of the CGS and SI systems, and determine the angular cyclotron frequency of a magnetic field of 1 gauss for massfree charge with speed c.
NOTE: This monograph is available exclusively to ISFA members, or by special arrangement.
The newest issue of the Journal of Science and the Politics of Thought brings you the following communication:
JSPT01-03-01:Subjective relativism was reintroduced into philosophy and made into a dogma of science by the Copenhagen School's treatment of the quantum, whose error we have demonstrated. Its most extreme interpretation rejoins the old idealist forms of solipsism, and it has been rekindled anew under the guise of biology, not physics, in the theory of "Biocentrism". However, only too many doubts arise as to whether the proposed centrism is biological at all, and whether its concept of the subject does not reduce a subject to a mere detector, or network of detectors. Moreover, it seems that Biocentrism completely missed the biophysical particularities of the living.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2012)
Aetherometric view of Biocentrism - Microfunctionalist perspectives of Life and Aether
In February 2012, we published a Critical Biography of Wilhelm Reich in French; now we are pleased to announce the release of an English version of the same publication:
JAR02-11-01:This short biography of the work of Wilhelm Reich has the great virtue of being the only existing critical appreciation of his research. His life and work have been for so long the subject of gross distortion and malignant attacks - by detractors and followers alike - that all criticism addressed to him has only served to further debase his legacy. But this text by Adrien Lucca and the ISFA Editorial Committee shows that with a solid understanding of Reich's pioneering scientific research, of its insights, discoveries and mistakes, it is possible to arrive at a constructive criticism of his lifetime work. The text also leaves us with the realization that the work of this very special man continues to this day through the work of a handful of scientists, amongst them the late Dr. Eugene Mallove.
Adrien Lucca & the ISFA Editorial Committee (2012)
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) - Critical Biography
Simultaneously with its publication in the Journal of Aetherometric Research, this text has also been released in the Encyclopedia Nomadica.
Akronos Publishing is happy to announce the release of the 6th monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.6:In this communication, we identify the systematic errors in the determinations of the Bohr radius and the "classical electron radius", and trace the inconsistencies of classical theory in its treatment of orbital electrons. We demonstrate that the maximum kinetic energy of atomic hydrogen is the Hartree energy, and suggest that Hartree-size photons can only be emitted from hydrogen anion because of the special kinetic properties of the electron stack in the anion. Stack interactions are briefly discussed, and so is the failure of the Millsian hydrino model. We show, physically and chemically, how no surplus energy can be extracted from redox or acid-base reactions of hydrogen. We propose a Hartree-energy-based formal demonstration and quantitation of the electric linear momentum property of charge, and a corrected and complete system of Atomic Units. We provide error-free, consistent dimensional analyses and exact meter-second equivalents of essential physical units and their quantities - the coulomb, the ampere, the farad, the ohm, the henry, the joule and the watt. From first principles, we ascertain the correct magnitudes and functions of electric permittivity, magnetic permeability and the impedance of "the vacuum". Analytical corrections are also made to our previous experimental work. The impedance of "the vacuum" is treated as a massfree electric reaction to the displacement of charge and photons, around which is formed a cluster of subbarrier (so-called "phonon") channels apparently involved in "spontaneous fusion" events. A single 99.7 MeV ambipolar emission appears to be responsible for the ohmic "vacuum" reaction, with a Tesla electric frequency of 3.396*1024sec-1.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2012)
The Hartree Energy of Hydrogen and the Impedance of the "Vacuum"
Akronos Publishing is proud to present its first publication in French, released as the newest issue of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR02-10-01:This short biography of the work of Wilhelm Reich has the great virtue of being the only existing critical appreciation of his research. His life and work have been for so long the subject of gross distortion and malignant attacks - by detractors and followers alike - that all criticism addressed to him has only served to further debase his legacy. But this text by Adrien Lucca and the ISFA Editorial Committee shows that with a solid understanding of Reich's pioneering scientific research, of its insights, discoveries and mistakes, it is possible to arrive at a constructive criticism of his lifetime work. The text also leaves us with the realization that the work of this very special man continues to this day through the work of a handful of scientists, amongst them the late Dr. Eugene Mallove.
Adrien Lucca & the ISFA Editorial Committee (2012)
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) - Biographie Critique
Simultaneously with its publication in the Journal of Aetherometric Research, this text has also been released in the Encyclopedia Nomadica and, thanks to Professor Jean-Marie Tremblay, on the website Les Classiques des sciences sociales.
We promise to publish an English translation of this text just as soon as someone volunteers to make one.
We are happy to inform our readers that we have just published a new issue of the Journal of Aetherometric Research, featuring the following communication:
JAR02-09-01:The monograph succinctly compares electromagnetic and aetherometric theories of the photon. Experimentally and theoretically, photons are shown to be massfree particles devoid of electric charge or structure. The fundamental types of photons - ionizing and blackbody, and amongst the latter, high and low frequency ones - are distinguished by their physical fine structure, and their chemical and biological effects. Production of photons is shown to always be local and referenced to the inertial frame of the emitter (massbound charge), even when photons display significant ballistic-like displacement, as is the case with ionizing photons. The theorized mass of photons is functionally found to be the amplitude wavelength for the displacement of the photon energy flux, and the latter analyzed by the particularities of its Space- and Time-manifolds. Photons are shown to have a globular wave envelope. The energy flux of all photons obeys a universal timing constant, but because the globular envelope of blackbody photons is a composite one, the duration of the formation of a complete blackbody envelope is given by the reciprocal of the quantum frequency of its light and energy.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2012)
What is a photon? And how and why are photons massless?
It gives us great pleasure to inform our readers that we have released the 5th monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.5:The redefinition, in the 4th monograph of this volume, of the electron mass-energy as a closed toroidal flux now permits reexamination of the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and the identification of its fundamental errors, strictly on the basis of an analysis of the kinetic energy of the permissible excited states of the electron. Foremost amongst these errors was the incapacity to separate the magnetic frequency of the electron and associated kinetic energy, from the quantum frequency of the maximal kinetic energy of the satellized electron in the hydrogen atom - which we find to be equivalent to the Hartree energy. We identify two basic modes of kinetic energy storage - the band-flywheel and the precessionary flywheel - and provide the solution for magnetic Larmor precession of the electron torus in kinetic states. These findings lead to a re-appraisal of Eddington's fundamental physical ratios, and to the correct and consistent re-determinations of the fine structure constant, alpha, presented in the meter-second, SI and CGS systems. Three analytical tests are constructed that compare the distinct aetherometric determinations of alpha with the conventional determination, and demonstrate how only the former can be correct and consistent. These tests also predict the correct meter-second value of electric charge and the exact hydrogen spectrum - with virtually no deviation from the observed localization of the photon emission bands.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2011)
Alpha - the fine structure constant and the hydrogen spectrum
Akronos Publishing is proud to announce the publication of the 4th monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.4:We examine the physical functions behind classical theory, Bohr’s neo-classical approach, and the most recent quark model of the electron, and propose an alternative model that finds the electron rest energy to have (1) fine and hyperfine structures that conserve mass, force, linear and angular momenta; (2) volumetric flux geometry and (3) a singular deformable topology that varies with states of motion. We determine the ring current, the wattage and rate of time-flow of the electron mass-energy flux and its natural synchronization with the Time-manifold of the Aether lattice. We differentiate the topogeometric models of the (globular) photon and the (toroidal) electron brought out by aetherometric analysis, and suggest distinct torus geometries for the electroinertial and photoinertial flux configurations. We find that so-called “states of spin” present a cylindrical hypercoiled conformation of the photoinertial configuration, and that inertial acceleration may involve coniform hypercoiled transitions of the spin-state electron mass-energy flux, that bridge between the distinct flux configurations. The anomalous magnetic moment (modified by the Landé factor g) is derived as a property of the hypercoiled conformations of the mass-energy flux in the photoinertial configuration. We determine the ‘spin state’ value of electric charge as a linear momentum, as well as the value of electric charge in the electroinertial configuration. We contrast, feature by feature, the aetherometric analysis of the electron mass-energy flux with the most recent model proposed by quark theory (QED/QCD), and formally show the determination of the electron mass sought, but missed, by QED.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2011)
The electron mass-energy flux as a deformable nanometric torus -
fine and hyperfine structures and flux topogeometries
Akronos Publishing has had the pleasure of releasing the third monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.3:We complete the theory of linear momenta and charge begun in the preceding communication, and integrate it with a theory of moments, in particular, of Planckian moments for monopolar massbound charge and of non-Planckian moments for ambipolar massfree charge. The fine structure of the mass-energy of massbound charges is contrasted to the fine structure of the energy of massfree charges, using the electron as an example. Novel determinations of the magnetic moment of electrons in the spin and the transfer states are presented, and the magnetic wave and speed of the electron is identified. Variation of magnetic wavespeed with kinetic energy is formally demonstrated, and proposed as an alternative explanation to the relativistic increase in mass with velocity. The validity of both the Bohr radius and the classical electron radius are questioned, and the constituent radii of the electron mass-energy are derived from first principles. A better determination of the Bohr radius for the 'hydrogen ellipsoid' is shown, and Aspden's model of the electron and his theory of electron diamagnetism are critically evaluated. A new theory of the diamagnetism of monopolar charge is proposed for the electron, and new derivations of the gyromagnetic ratio and the anomalous Landé factor are obtained that reject as superfluous the traditional concept of electron spin. The moment of electron spin is demonstrated to be already the diamagnetic moment of the electron charge.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2011)
Massfree and massbound momenta and moments of momenta
The following newly released communication constitutes the second monograph of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.2:The physical nature and dimensionality of charge is neither understood nor established in existing physics. In part, this is due to the opaque relationship between mass and charge, with the former being attributed to the charge-carrier and the latter often treated as a property distinct or separable from the rest energy of the carrier. We analyze the various dimensionalities that have been proposed for charge in the ESU, EMU, CGS and SI systems, and contrast this with the correct dimensionality of charge, and its expression in the meter-second system that we have proposed. Using the electron as an example, our aetherometric approach demonstrates (1) that mass is an intrinsic component of the elementary charge in every inertial particle, and (2) that electric charge in massbound particles is a special variant of linear momentum which is constitutive of their rest energy. We also identify the distinct algebraic fine-structures of massbound and massfree charge, and propose, as a consequence of our analysis, a thorough revision and novel determinations of fundamental electric quantities and constants, foremost among which the electron-volt, the volt and the value of charge in esu and coulomb. We formally identify the Duane-Hunt wavelength as a fundamental quantum-electric wavelength that entirely complies with the application of de Broglie's relation to electroinertial interactions. Finally, we demonstrate how the mass-energy of all particles of matter obeys Planck's "quantum of action" in both photoinertial and electroinertial configurations.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2011)
The physical nature of electric charge, massbound and massfree
The December 2010 issue of the Journal of Aetherometric Research continues the aetherometric discussion of the Physics of Uncertainty:
JAR02-08-01:The world of the quantum, which encompasses all particles of matter at rest or in motion, photons and massbound charges, is thought to be a world of uncertainty. Yet, the present communication treats the quantum as merely an invariant moment situated at the convergence of very different energy (fine-) structures and processes, all of which permit accurate measurement of particle velocities and their associated wave functions. In the aetherometric approach, a particle and its waves form an energy multiplicity. The outcome of the proposed algebraic analysis is a novel, non-classical and nonrelativistic theory of photoinertial and electroinertial linear momenta that treats heisenberg-ian "path distances" as functions of the de Broglie wavelengths, and all photoinertial and electromagnetic energy events as byproducts of electrical processes. Bohr complementarity is easily avoided, once the Heisenberg Principle is demonstrated to be an erroneous interpretation of the quantum nature of the energy processes associated with massbound particles.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
The Uncertainties of the Uncertainty Principle, Part 2:
What Heisenberg missed
This monograph inaugurates the publication of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:
AS3-III.1:The aetherometric analysis of de Broglie waves, as a function of input energy, is presented as a solution that is distinct from the classical and relativistic treatments of wave, momentum and energy functions. This monograph only addresses the photoinertial treatment, the electroinertial treatment being the subject of a follow-up communication.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
A nonclassical and nonrelativistic treatment of the so-called de Broglie "Matter-Waves" (1)
(The Photoinertial treatment)
It is with considerable pleasure that we announce the start of the publication of Volume III of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity, subtitled The Electric Aether and the Structure of the Electron. Its first monograph contains a summary of the volume as a whole. We have extracted this summary as a separate file, which can be downloaded at http://www.aetherometry.com/publications/direct/AToS/AToS_III_Introduction.pdf
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the November 2010 issue of the Journal of Aetherometric Research, which makes available the first part of a two-part feature presenting the aetherometric perspective on the Physics of Uncertainty:
JAR02-07-01:Unlike other physical theories, Aetherometry claims that the wave interference phenomena of massbound particles is caused by the diffraction of the electric waves of their kinetic energy, and not by a much misunderstood particle-wave duality. The new analytical treatment proposes that kinetic energy is captured field energy adapted to the inertial and magnetic constraints of massbound charges. The coincidence of two independent, nonclassical and nonrelativistic analyses - one inertial and the other electric - in the determination of the experimentally observed de Broglie wavelengths and momenta of electrons and massbound charges highlights the central contention that the paths of the accelerated charges in a beam are electric functions of its kinetic energy, and reflect in part the more fundamental interference properties of the underlying flux of a massfree electric field. Conversely, the interference properties of photons only directly reflect the interference properties of moving but decelerating charges. Written as an antidote to Richard Feynman's famous lecture, the present communication suggests that there is a method, after all, to count how many electrons pass through a slit, in a double-slit experiment.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
The Uncertainties of the Uncertainty Principle, Part 1:
Improbable Certainty and the Inconsistencies of Quantum Mechanics
(a counterpoint to Feynman's Lecture)
The October 2010 issue of the Journal of Aetherometric Research, dedicated to the 1941 Reich-Einstein experiment, consists of the following three communications (which originally appeared in Infinite Energy in the years 2001 and 2002):
JAR02-06-01:The present communication describes performance of what we consider to be the critical control to the Reich-Einstein experiment. We found that in a dark, unheated basement room the positive temperature difference above the top of a naked suspended metal box, as compared to the suspended air thermometer is, in general, sustained around the clock and is highly significant even by statistical analysis. No such thermal anomaly is observed with only the wooden box. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the thermal anomaly can be separated from the cooling effect of any convection currents arising from the ground (or the floor), and persists when the underside of the metal enclosure is directly exposed to these currents. It is therefore independent of any convection currents in a closed room, and specific to the unknown energy functions of a metal box. This simple control would have by itself proven correct the hypothesis that Reich had proposed regarding the existence of anomalous radiative fluxes capable of generating heat in seeming defiance of the Second Law, such as are responsible for the production of an excess thermal energy above the top of the metal box.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001, 2010)
The Reproducible Thermal Anomaly of the Reich-Einstein Experiment under Limit Conditions
JAR02-06-02:Originally the editorial for Infinite Energy 41:6 (2002), Dr. Mallove's article serves as an introduction to the Correas' reproduction of the 1941 Reich-Einstein experiment and to their HYBORAC technology.
Mallove, Eugene F. (2002)
Demonstrating Aether Energy
JAR02-06-03:In 2000, Infinite Energy drew attention to the thermal anomaly posed by a phenomenon associated with [certain] metal boxes. What has been called "orgone" energy can, it seems, be concentrated by specially-designed metal-lined boxes, which develop a sustainable temperature rise inside the box. Here the author draws attention to a phenomenon which emerged in the 1980s pertaining to a thermal action which affected the measurement of G, the gravitation constant, where forces acting on a metal sphere housed within a Faraday cage are affected by thermal radiation, as if electric charge is induced and held on the sphere, contrary to the physical teaching that charge on metal within and connected to a metal enclosure can only exist on the enclosure surface. The author's own experiments confirm this and, given that non-neutralized electric charge is set up on and within the three-dimensional metal form, this is deemed to induce a "vacuum spin" ("aether spin") condition which induces an inflow of aether energy that is shed as excess heat.
Aspden, Harold (2002)
Gravity and Its Thermal Anomaly:
Was the Reich-Einstein Experiment Evidence of Energy Inflow from the Aether?
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of the June issue of the Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology, which features the following communication:
JBHO01-06-01:This is the long-in-coming review article on current oncology, which, together with JBHO 1/5, presents a new model regarding the etiology of cancer and leukemia in particular, with an emphasis on leukemogenesis and the existence of auto-oncogenic vectors linking blood neoplasms. Amongst other features, the model proposes that functionally acquired cancers share incipient pre-leukemic and auto-immune stages affecting the erythroid compartment, and thus energy and oxygen delivery. It also suggests that, generally, these pre-leukemic symptoms go unrecognized. Together with the previous JBHO communication, this is the basis of the ongoing research project in the early detection of leukemia at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute. [Show Full Abstract]
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
Anemia, Polycythemia and Leukemia (1):
molecular biology and functional interrelationships of hematologic disorders
This communication constitutes the May issue of the Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology:
JBHO01-05-01:Abstract: The present communication unites in a novel model of the etiology of cancer very diverse contributions to oncology made since discovery of the Warburg effect. The model proposes a unitarian understanding of acquired malignancy as a neo-lamarckian adaptive disorder whereby a cell escapes organism and tissue regulatory controls to adapt to a condition of energy starvation (embodied in a variety of oncogenic pressures that are hypoxic or hypoxia-like in their effects), by abandoning its normal aerobic metabolism and by altering its growth-factor responses to support hyperplastic and neoplastic proliferation, and block normal differentiation. [...] [Show Full Abstract]
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
A Unitarian Biochemical and Bioenergetic Theory of Adaptive Oncogenesis:
from hypoxia and energy starvation (aerobic and ambipolar)
to the roles of HIF-1, IGF-I, and Vitamins C and D
This communication constitutes the April issue of the Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology:
JBHO01-04-01:Abstract: Rather than writing a review with a limited scope, we attempted to survey the span of medical and molecular biology research in the field of oncology during the last six decades: from the early breakthroughs in viral oncology and the novel notions of virus and viral cancer (onc) genes; to the role of DNA cancer viruses and C retroviruses in experimental carcinogenesis; through the discovery of cellular oncogenes and the biology of growth factors; to the expansion of the concept of oncogene and its types; and, finally, to the realization that cancer is a multiplicity of different disorders that appear to arise through nonviral auto-oncogenic processes involving adaptive changes and epigenetic responses to cancer-promoting pressures in the external and internal environment of the organism. Throughout, we have searched for the integration of an oncogenic vector with different degrees of transformation, seeking the commonality of proliferative disorders, somatic cancer and leukemia. We re-examine what separates transformation, benign and malignant, from differentiation, and how their reversible switch deploys graded responses related to states of hypersensitivity to, or independence from, key physiological growth factors.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
Viral and Nonviral Oncogene Theories of Cancer
This communication constitutes the March issue of the Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology:
JBHO01-03-01:Abstract: We examine in detail Wilhelm Reich's orgonomic theory of the etiology of cancer and his model of the cytological stages of cancer. The orgonomic model of cancer stands alone in linking the persistence and intensification of social and psychosomatic factors that negatively affect emotional expression with the onset of hypoxic conditions, local and systemic, that select for malignant phenotypes. The rarely broached main novelty of the model suggests that every manifestation of somatic cancer is preceded by increasing RBC dysfunctionality, and that the leukocytosis characteristic of most chronic leukemias is in fact an auto-immune reaction geared against RBC fragments and their (self-)antigens. Even though unproven, these are provocative suggestions that could turn out to be substantially correct. The same cannot be said for the orgonomic model's contention that the real cancer cells are amoeboid cells that arose de novo (heterogenically) from the vesicular byproducts of one or more dying or decaying tissue cells - or for Reich's proposed staging of cancer. In this context, the vesicle-based concept of a PA bion is found to be wanting and unable to acquire a functional sense - as it is employed to designate such widely different biological phenomena as to become merely a catch-all. In contrast, Reich's identification and isolation of his 'T-bacilli', despite some discrepancies, seems to largely coincide with the identification of mycoplasma. His proposed role for these T-bacilli in chronic inflammation and his experimental induction of leukemoid disease in mice injected with T-bacilli isolates are coadunate with current views of the possible role of mycoplasma in the co-induction of leukemia or leukemoid states.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
The Orgonomic Theory of Cancer
This communication constitutes the February issue of the Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology:
JBHO01-02-01:Abstract: The entire range of Reich's experiments with PA and SAPA bions - obtained by exposing tissue or varied crystalline or amorphous materials to extreme heats (of sterilization, autoclavation and incandescence) - is critically examined and largely replicated. We find that Reich's claim to the generation of 'PA bions' anew from decaying tissue (heterogenesis) or the swelling of inert materials (abiogenesis) lacks experimental proof, and that his notion of PA bions is too variable, even as a symbiotic collectivity, to allow precise taxonomical identification or a precise use. Yet, there is little doubt that in very different experiments Reich obtained diverse prokaryote-like cells which were extremely resistant to high heat. Whether these prokaryote-like cells were issued from thermally hyper-resistant spores or extremely thermophilic cells remains an open question in each specific instance examined. We also find equally wanting Reich's claim that 'SAPA bions' obtained from incandescent sand were generated anew. On this subject, we experimentally and formally demonstrate that it is possible to identify SAPA bions with the cyanobacterium Myxosarcina, and that it, and a variety of closely-related oceanic sarcina also found in the SAPA experiment cultures, present an unsurmised resistance to high heat and, whether in packets or as single baeocytes, exist as inclusions in carbonaceous and vitreous (quartz and quartzites) ocean sand.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
The PA & SAPA Bion Experiments and Proto-Prokaryotic Biopoiesis
This communication constitutes the inaugural, January issue of the Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology:
JBHO01-01-01:Abstract: To this day there is still no definitive model for the evolutionary emergence of eukaryotic cells. Before WWII, there existed two non-Darwinian models that have now been forgotten - the symbiotic and the orgonomic theories, which are contrasted in the present review. Both had in common the notion that the eukaryotic cell was simply a spontaneous assemblage of prokaryote-like vesicles. The orgonomic model further claimed de novo generation (heterogenesis) of eukaryotic cells (protozoa) from the spontaneous assemblage of such prokaryote-like vesicles out of dying and decaying tissue cells, or from sterilized soil infusions. However, both claims are found to be wanting in their experimental foundation.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2010)
Wilhelm Reich's Claim of the Heterogenesis of Eukaryotic Amoebae
It gives us great pleasure to announce the launch of the long-planned and long-awaited Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology. Its primary intent is to serve as an electronic vehicle for the publication of original work carried out at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute (ABRI) in the fields of biophysics, microbiology, molecular biology, hematology and oncology. However, the Journal and its editorial board will be pleased to accept any cogent theoretical or experimental contribution from outside authors. Unlike other ABRI publications, the JBHO is not restricted to aetherometric research. Please read the Editors' Introduction for more detail.
The Journal was inaugurated by the simultaneous release of its first five issues. Their descriptions can be found just above the present announcement.
All issues of the journal can be downloaded for free.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of the Journal of Science and the Politics of Thought, featuring the following communication:
JSPT01-02-01:In the second part of "Whither Science", we follow the emergence of an eccentric science from the pre-Socratic philosophers to Archimedes, and describe how an eccentric science then went on to become the major source of Royal Science across despotic, imperial and modern social formations. And yet, the problems that properly concern eccentric science have never received conclusive solutions - whether at stake is a consistent treatment of energy as a multiplicity, or of Space and Time as manifolds, or, simply, the question of what it means for a knowledge to be adequate and actual. We propose a novel approach to the conceptualization and functional solution of these problems - including that of the relationship between science and art - which arises from our foundational work on a complete physics of energy in both massfree and massbound forms.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2009)
Whither Science? Science and What Has Become of Its Method -
II. A Science without Origins:
Nomad, Minor Science and the Scientific Method
Akronos Publishing is very pleased to announce the long-awaited publication of the first volume of The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity, which we are releasing all at once in its entirety. The volume, subtitled Interferometric Aetherometry, constitutes a concerted attack on Relativity in all its forms - Special, General, and Larmor-Lorentz. It comprises the following seven monographs, four of which are entirely new, and one (the note on Dayton Miller) has been revised since its original publication on our site:
AS3-I.1:The AToS Volume I Abstracts page presents the collected abstracts for the entire volume.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001)
Consequences of the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment:
the demise of the stationary aether, the rise of Special Relativity,
and the heuristic concept of the photonAS3-I.2:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001)
The Sagnac and Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiments:
the tribulations of General Relativity with respect to rotationAS3-I.3:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001-2008)
Linear and angular light Doppler shifts and the Sagnac experiment:
Aetherometry vs. Relativity (1)AS3-I.4:
Correa P, Correa A, Askanas M, Gryziecki G, Sola-Soler J (2007-2008)
A test of Aetherometry vs Relativity, Special and Larmor-Lorentz:
The 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment -
Aetherometry vs. Relativity (2)AS3-I.5:
Correa, A & Askanas, M (2008-2009)
Death by peer-review:
Analysis of the 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment as a sociological test
of the legitimacy of so-called "peer review" in mainstream scientific publicationsAS3-I.6:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2008)
The Silvertooth experiment as a confirmation of the aetherometric
galactic compression fluxAS3-I.7:
Correa, P (2001-2008)
A note on Dayton Miller's supposed discovery of Aether drift
Akronos Publishing has just released a brand-new issue of the Journal of Aetherometric Research, featuring the following communication:
JAR02-05-01:This communication presents two different aetherometric approaches, involving very different fundamental quantities, to obtaining the value of the fine structure constant alpha and the fundamental values of physics. In one of the approaches, Aetherometry determines alpha from only two fundamental quantities, the electron mass-equivalent wavelength and the Compton electron wavelength. The second approach acts as a check upon the aetherometric determination of the electron mass-equivalent wavelength by employing other fundamental quantities: the lightspeed invariant c and either the mass-energy equivalent of the electron rest mass in electron-volts, or the Faraday constant. The aetherometric determination and computation of alpha is substantially at variance with that which is accepted in mainstream physics as being its value and expression. The results, as the authors argue, are unequivocal: the conventional value of alpha is wrong, and effectively a new physics was necessary for its correct determination and computation.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2009)
On the determination and value of the fine structure constant
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the inauguration of another new journal, the Journal of Science and the Politics of Thought. The Journal is intended as an electronic vehicle for the publication of original communications investigating the relationship of science - its method and practice as well as its various approaches - to thought, to the politics of thought. Please read the Editors' Introduction for more detail.
The announcement that follows describes the first issue of the Journal.
The inaugural issue of the new Journal of Science and the Politics of Thought features the following communication:
JSPT01-01-01:In this essay, the first of a three-part series on the nature and method of science, the authors relate the commencement of science to the animistic knowledge of savage societies, and the origins of Official Science as a Royal Science to the perversion of shamanism and the emergence of State societies. Official Science, however, will not gain autonomy until its separation from religion. The figure of Galileo Galilei is pivotal in bringing about this separation, and the event in turn introduces a new relationship between scientific investigation and Official Science. In effect, the separation of Official science from religion owes its impetus to the differentiation of an independent eccentric science that goes back to Anaxagoras and pre-Socratic Greek thought. It deployed aesthetic and ethical principles that congealed, in Galileo's work, into the enunciation and practice of the scientific method.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2008)
Whither Science? Science and What Has Become of Its Method -
I. Origins Of Science And Official Science: Culture and the scientific method
Science as an honest, self-corrective process of open inquiry is entirely an eccentric practice. It created a process of reasoning that was not dependent upon the designs of Power, or upon superstition, the passivity of feelings or apriori notions of common sense. It created a reason that could affect nature, that had discovered its method as a path to action - action upon nature and upon itself: a reason that could be put at the service of life. But this only deepened the crevasse between eccentric science and Royal Science, the latter constantly plundering the former to impose its axioms of significance, and limit its discoveries with dogmas.
Akronos Publishing has just released the October, November and December issues of Volume 2 of the Journal of Aetherometric Research. Their contents are as follows:
JAR02-02-01 (10/08):The authors review the basic concepts of work in mechanics and identify the shortcomings of a dogmatic mechanistic interpretation. Macroscopic and microscopic concepts of physical work are differentiated, and the various physical senses of displacement are contrasted. The authors show how the function for internal work is not reducible to 'pseudowork', and that it is missing a component term to denote the positive work done by the environment on a system. In nonbiological systems, it is this missing term that is associated with the replenishing of the internal energy of the system, energy which is spent, in turn, in counteracting the negative work done - through local gravity, for example - by the environment on the system. The authors examine the cases of the weightlifter, the skater and the statue, and finally present their own treatment of the electroscope as a system that performs electric work against gravity and constantly replenishes its internal store of kinetic energy from the local environment.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2008)
On the physical concept of 'work'(or how statues are silent and obliging)
JAR02-03-01 (11/08):Copper is often cited as an essential mineral. Copper-containing preparations are frequently employed in multi-mineral and multi-vitamin supplements. However, in the present communication, the Correas contend that the so-called 'biological need for copper' is a gratuitous and unfounded commonplace medical belief that is responsible (1) for the current lack of interest in researching the real biological effects of copper - which, in fact, are detrimental to health - and, likely, (2) for the slow and unwitting poisoning of people that consume such ill-advised supplements, placing them at risk for insidious neurological and sclerotizing diseases like Alzheimer's disease or atherosclerosis.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2008)
A note on the biology of copper
JAR02-04-01 (12/08):In 2002, two years before his brutal murder, Dr. Mallove recorded an Introduction to the DVD From Pulsed Plasma Power to the Aether Motor, an overview of a number of new power-generation technologies invented and prototyped by the Correas, whose demonstrations Dr. Mallove had personally witnessed and of which he was a fervent advocate. The present document is a complete transcript of the text of Dr. Mallove's Introduction.
Dr. Eugene Mallove (2002)
Introduction to the Correas' Video From Pulsed Plasma Power To The Aether Motor
It is our pleasure to bring to your attention the inauguration of a new Akronos venture, the Journal of Aetherometric Research. The Journal is intended as an electronic vehicle for the publication of aetherometric
investigations in pure or applied sciences, as well as in the philosophy of science. Although its primary task is to convey results of ongoing original work at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute, the Journal
invites rigorous and thoughtful contributions from outside authors, and commits to reviewing them openly. Please read the Editors' Introduction for more detail.
Volume 1 of the Journal retroactively collects together a number of communications previously featured on the Akronos website as individual web articles. For the first issue of Volume 2, please see the announcement below.
Akronos Publishing would like to announce the release of the following new communication, featured as Issue 1 of Volume 2 of the Journal of Aetherometric Research:
JAR02-01-01:In their book Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy, the Correas have identified the covalent bonding of oxygen and the H-bonding of water as a function of the toroidal geometry of orbital electrons proposed by Aetherometry. In the present note, the authors re-examine the complete nanometric structure and orbital diagrams of oxygen and water, and extend the aetherometric approach to carbon, nitrogen and the so-called sp hybrid bonds.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2008)
"A note on the functional structure, nanometric topology
and bonding orbitals of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water"
Continuing with the series Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II, Akronos has freshly made available the following monograph:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.12:In this communication, the Correas present a new model of the deviation of terrestrial gravitational acceleration from the normative theoretical value. The model identifies two distinct latitude-dependent antigravitational fluxes, a massbound flux subsumed under the notions of centrifugal reaction, force and acceleration, and a larger massfree flux that constitutes a field reaction. In this model, any increase of the field reaction flux above background levels leads to seismic activity, and the process is mediated by an antivertical wave (AG-wave) whose energy and momentum is subsequently transduced into the ordinary P- and S-waves. Accordingly, the Correas propose a new earthquake magnitude scale, based on the properties of AG-waves, and use the AG-wave model to connect an entire set of pre-seismic events that might be used as earthquake predictors - namely, groundwater and crustal dilatancy, release of hot, ionized geochemical gases, in particular radon, and anomalous MHz to kHz electromagnetic emission - and to explain periodicity and attenuation (in duration and intensity) of cyclic aftershocks. Further aetherometric analysis connects the pre-seismic high-energy ambipolar radiation released from the Earth's mantle or core to: (1) pre-seismic production of anomalous light and heat(s) by electron plasmas, (2) broadband attenuation of electromagnetic signals with increased noise (analogous to the attenuation induced daily by the solar ambipolar flux), and (3) pineal-mediated (in vertebrates) or magnetotactic (in invertebrates and also in birds) detection of pre-seismic ambipolar radiation during the initiation or nucleation phase of earthquakes.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2006, 2008)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II: Gravitational Aetherometry (10) -
Meditations on g Minor & π:
The Terrestrial Antigravitational Field Reaction
and a Massfree Model of Seismic Predictors "
Akronos Publishing is proud to announce the release of following new monograph
in the series Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.11:This communication presents the aetherometric model of mutually consistent quantum and subquantum descriptions of the gravitational field and the ultimate energy structure of the Aether lattice. The 'invariant' value of Planck's length is, for the first time in the history of physics, identified precisely and numerically as a finite modal value, and the variation of the corresponding wavelength function is provided for an Aether lattice composed of ultra-high energy massfree ambipolar charges in the 1015 to 1042 eV range. The value of the universal force constant G is in all cases ('invariant' and variable) found to be Planck's length times the graviton acceleration (the Reich acceleration constant KkrSS). Discovery of a Planck's length co-variant gyro-gravitational moment is also reported, and found to be entirely consistent with Planck's constant of moment in the quantum world. In the proposed model, it is the Aether lattice that sheds the real, massfree and ambipolar primaries of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, in the process of condensing phase-energy constructs of mass-energy and gravitons, along with cosmogenic radiation (CBOR, mCBR and rCBR). Nowhere is any evidence of a Big Bang found, or of supermassive neutrinos or mythical X-particles. Different subquantum fine structures are also assigned to gravitons according to whether they are part of phase-energy constructs, or emitted from the Aether lattice and resorbed by it ('transit' gravitons). All existing forms of differentiated energy are virtualized by the cosmic flux of a 1031 eV massfree ambipolar particle lattice. The possibility of locally engineering the lattice force function for purposes of space propulsion is examined in detail in light of the novel physics and its implications for the modification factors δ (of inertial mass) and ε (of so-called 'gravitational mass').
Correa, P & Correa, A (1998, 2006, 2008)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (9),
Quantum & Subquantum Aether (Anti)Gravity: Fine Variation and Determinations of G"
Akronos Publishing is pleased to introduce two new websites pertaining to Aetherometry: The Aurora Biophysics Research Institute (ABRI) website and the Massfree Technology Co website. In addition (as you can see), the Akronos Publishing website, which over the 7 years of our operation has become quite rich and complex, now has a new design and structure. We hope that these changes will make your navigation easier. Your feedback will be appreciated, as always.
Akronos Publishing is happy to inform you that we have just released the following free monograph (heretofore available exclusively to ISFA members) in the series "Philosophy of Science and the Politics of Thought":
Monograph AS1-8:Quoting from the abstract:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2004)
"Notes on MicroFunctionalism: Orgonomic, Molecular and Aetherometric Functionalism"
"Orgonomic functionalism, molecular functionalism and aetherometric functionalism are all forms of microfunctionalism to the extent that they pursue the singular energy transformations of nature and, in particular, the self-regulating properties of living systems. From a microfunctionalist perspective, to function is to follow the flow of energy and a function is a creation, a principle of continuous creation - at once a connection productive of difference, an analytical disjunction and a new synthesis, a singular conjunction (a functional identity). Microfunctionalism is 'the elastic form of thought' (Reich) that pursues energy functions."
Akronos Publishing is proud to finally present the last three of a group of four gravitational-series communications by Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa on the scientific, technological and political problems posed by exotic flight and lift systems, in particular those relating to gravity control. Originally intended (in 2004) for publication in Infinite Energy at the personal request of Dr. Eugene Mallove, the monographs have been fully revised and extended by the Correas in 2006. Quoting from the introduction to AS3-II.8:
"The present monograph - and the two that follow - were written for Gene Mallove and the publication that he created, with the idea of presenting the limitations of existing flight and lift technologies, together with the limitations of the main modern analytical models of gravity and antigravity. One of the essential contention of these papers is one that was dear to Gene - that it is most unlikely that any governmental skunkworks or black-ops have what it takes to understand gravity enoughto be able to engineer it through advanced technologies. Gene wanted to publish these communications in Infinite Energy, but we wanted to do so only after publication of the AS3-II.7 monograph.The three monographs are as follows:We had no ambition to be comprehensive throughout, only to provide the reader with an overview of what has happened in the fields of exotic flight and lift, with the attendant theoretical efforts that have tried to explain gravity (and antigravity) in the last 60 years. Our objective was to provide a context to better situate our own theoretical and experimental effort, ie Aetherometry, with respect to the novel theory of gravity and gravitation that we propose."
Monograph AS3-II.8
Aetherometric Theory Of Synchronicity (AToS) Volume II
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (6) -
Antigravity Lift and Exotic Flight (I): Critical Overview of Theories and TechnologiesMonograph AS3-II.9
Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS) Volume II
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (7) -
Antigravity Lift And Exotic Flight (II): Critical Overview of Theories and TechnologiesMonograph AS3-II.10
Aetherometric Theory Of Synchronicity (AToS) Volume II
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (8) -
Antigravity Lift And Exotic Flight (III): The Aetherometric Theory of Gravity and The Organized Fear of Knowing
50 years after the death of W. Reich in the Lewisburg Penitentiary, Akronos Publishing presents the Correas' original study on the physiological effects of exposure to Orgone Accumulators (ORACs) entitled Transiently induced hyperthermia in humans exposed to a controlled ORAC environment.
Experimental proof is presented for the immediate physiological effect of human exposure to a "medical ORAC" on body temperature taken orally. The effect is objective, reproducible and weather dependent; it is always positive on anticyclonic days, plateaus at 15 to 30 min of exposure, is independent of time of day and tested subject. Time course studies indicate that the temperature elevation increases with time of exposure, up to 45 min, with significant elevations occuring as early as 5 min of exposure. The coefficient of temperature rise is steeper for start temperatures closer to the normal temperature floor (35.7-35.9°C) than to the normal temperature ceiling (37.1°C). At the 35.7°C starting level and at 15 min, the coefficient is 0.04°C/min, whereas starting 1.1°C higher, at 36.8°C and at 15 min, the coefficient is lower - at 0.02°C/min. A typical mean ΔT value for the observed induced functional hyperthermia at 15-30 min is 0.6°C, with typical errors (SEM) of 0.06 to 0.13°C, irrespective of time of day on anticyclonic days.
The study also suggests a regulatory role for the pineal gland in the biological response to ambipolar radiation. The pineal gland, in mammals, is one of the key components of the neuroendocrine system. Its two major functions are the control and modulation of the circadian and circannual biological rhythms, and thermoregulation of the internal environment. The great interest and mystery of the functional role of the pineal gland is that its circadian function is in fact independent of light and photo-control. The Correas' explicit suggestion, and one that could be easily proven with an experimental arrangement, is that the pineal body is not really a photoreceptor organ, but an ambipolar sensor organ.
Akronos Publishing is proud to announce the publication of the Correas'
newest book
Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 3AThis is the first part of a two-volume publication about the new power technology of massfree energy: the Aether Motor/Converter. This volume details the Correas' investigation and reproduction of, as well as improvement upon, both the work of Nikola Tesla in his search for an Aether Motor, and Wilhelm Reich's discovery and invention of the Orgone Motor in 1947-1948. The book marks the beginning of a new age in science and technology - the age of massfree energy. Perhaps it will permit our epoch to finally begin to understand and utilize intelligently the stupendous energy resources to which the work of these pioners has provided a first approach.
The Discovery of the Aether Motor (1):
(Re-)Discovery of the Orgone Motor
For more detail and to order, please go to the Bookstore section.
Einstein's "Aether and the Theory of Relativity", an address
he delivered in 1920 at the University of Leyden, gives a brief historic
account of the concept of the Aether and discusses how the Aether is
conceived by, and how it functions in, General Relativity.
To quote a salient fragment:
According to [General Relativity] the metric qualities of the continuum of Spacetime differ in the environment of different points of Spacetime, and are partly conditioned by the Matter existing outside of the territory under consideration. This Space-time variability of the reciprocal relations of the standards of space and time, or, perhaps, the recognition of the fact that "empty space" in its physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic [...] has, I think, finally disposed of the view that space is physically empty. But therewith the conception of the Aether has again acquired an intelligible content, although this content differs widely from that of the Aether of the mechanical undulatory theory of light. The Aether of the General Theory of Relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinemassic qualities, but helps to determine mechanical (and electromagnetic) events.The latest addition to the Akronos website is a running commentary on Einstein's address by the Correas, which illuminates Einstein's text from an aetherometric perspective and explains how the massfree Aether of Aetherometry differs from the Aether of General Relativity.
On April 20, 2006, the USPTO laid open the first of a series of patent applications
filed by the Correas on the subject
of the Orgone/Aether Motor and Converter. For more detailed information, please read
the note newly added to the Akronos webpage:
First of a Series of New Patent Applications by the Correas on the Aether/Orgone Motor and Converter
Note added on July 10, 2006: The patent was issued on May 30th, 2006 as
USPTO patent # 7,053,576.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the long-awaited
publication of the book
Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 2B: The Discovery of Dark Massfree EnergyThis volume contains ABRI Monographs AS2-15 - AS2-17C, the monograph What is Dark Energy?, an introductory essay titled New Energy Physics and the Discovery of Ambipolar Energy, an index, and a postcript on the work of Grote Reber and its connections to the proton rCBR postulated by the Correas and to the ambipolar continuum. For a detailed description and ordering information, please consult the Akronos Books Catalog.
by Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa
Wikipedia is now in the throes of its yearly fund-raising drive. We are called upon to reach into our wallets in the name of helping "empower the world with free knowledge", Jimmy Wales has performed a heart-warming public self-criticism so as to calm the waters after the media storm raised by the libelous entry on John Seigenthaler, and Wikipedia's standby buddies from the journal Nature have been enlisted to perform a wholesale certification of Wikipedia as a source of 'accurate scientific information'. But what are the ingredients of the rather foul-smelling sausage that we are being sold by these 'saviours of the world'? This is the question which is being addressed in Akronos' newest publication,
Anti-Wikipedia 2: The Rise of the LatrinesThe question deserves careful consideration, since one should indeed beware of those who are aiming to "take back the world" - to become decision-makers on how and what children all over the world shall be taught, what information we shall all get on anything and everything, how scientists shall have to view science (if they intend to get funding), and what kind of activity deserves the label 'science'. Under Wikipedia's cyber-maoistic ideal of enforcing 'consensus', anonymous and committed cliques - sponsored by government, corporate, religious or official-scientific interests - are able to engage in systematic adulteration and ransacking of knowledge and information, while claiming a 'grassroots community' support for their antics. The 'grand global project of knowledge' peddled by Wikipedia and its partners under the banner of 'the wisdom of crowds', translates into a frenzied opportunistic rewriting of the entirety of knowledge and history - by way of the meticulous substitution of platitudes, salespitch and contrived falsities for facts, thought and truth.
Note on the Law of Electrodynamics" by Paulo and Alexandra Correa,
brings into focus the insufficiency of Ampère's Law of
Electrodynamics and the superiority of Aspden's proposed law (see the
companion feature: Harold Aspden's recent note "A Problem in Plasma
Science"), when it comes to addressing the manifestations of anomalous
cathode reaction forces in open circuits and in circuits closed by
charge flows associated with charge-carriers of different mass. It also
presents a fundamental aetherometric correction to the basic errors in
electrodynamics that have prevented the latter from reaching a
consistent and predictive understanding of charge interactions.
Wikipedia is a giant online project that describes itself as "The Free Encyclopedia that
anyone can edit", and as "an effort to create and distribute a free encyclopedia
of the highest possible quality to every single person on the planet in their own language."
Its English version currently contains 824,060 entries, and boasts of the fact
that its users "have made 29,296,102 edits since July 2002; an average of 10.98
edits per page".
The newest addition to the Akronos website,
Wikipedia: A Techno-Cult of Ignorancedocuments the experiences and observations gathered in the course of an attempt to place in Wikipedia a factual and informative entry on the topic of Aetherometry. The hallucinatory events which ensued crystallize perfectly what is corrupt and perverse in the workings of this "encyclopedic" enterprise, and the utter impossibility for such an enterprise to produce anything even close to a factual and balanced reference source - especially on any topic having to do with "dissenting" scientific research.
The article makes an eloquent and well-documented case against Wikipedia's pretensions to being encyclopedic; against its false claims of openness; against its representation of a democratic access to, and democratic enunciation of, knowledge; against its institutionalized falsification of facts; against its sordid attempts to monopolize knowledge and rewrite history by blanking out parts of our collective memory and replacing them with imprimaturs. In short, against the cyberbureaucratic fraud that Wikipedia is committing wholesale - the fraud of producing false knowledge on an encyclopedic scale.
On Nov. 1, 2005, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories announced that "if humans
continue to use fossil fuels in a business-as-usual manner for the next few
centuries, the polar ice caps will be depleted, ocean sea levels will rise
by seven meters and median air temperatures will soar to 14.5 degrees warmer
than current day..." You might think that this would be a preamble to
demanding investment by industry and/or governments in alternative energy
research. But you would be wrong - for it is, in fact, nothing more than
scare propaganda to resign you to even more gouging by the oil companies
at the gas pumps and the extortionist prices now being paid for natural gas;
all in order to bring us to our knees begging for more nuclear power plants,
and oil and gas exploration. LLN no longer hides its being one more power
mechanism dedicated to this sort of indoctrination.
By now you should have figured this one out. Recent years have witnessed a series of fear-mongering alarmist fads in pseudo-scientific meteorology and climatology, each promoted in succession by news media and mainstream science publications. Perhaps the most expensive example of these mass-hysterias is the pseudoscientific fad of 'global warming'. Our new feature,
'GLOBAL WARMING': AN OFFICIAL PSEUDOSCIENCEis an examination of the science behind the ideology of 'global warming', as well as the social and political forces driving its promotion.
by Paulo Correa & Alexandra Correa
Few scientists would dispute the fact that climate is changing on a planetarian scale, and there are good reasons to believe that some of the changing features are not part of a natural variation, but consequences of man-made pollution. What every good scientist will dispute, however, is whether this observed and ongoing change is, as the promoters of the 'global warming' myth dogmatically assert, an upward change in the atmosphere's mean global temperature - and whether the mechanism responsible for it is CO2 emission from fossil fuel combustion. Present-day climatology is vulnerable to these kinds of faddist dogmas - pushed forward as part of a political and media-driven agenda - because it lacks a functional, comprehensive, systematic and interconnected understanding of the nonlinear system formed by the atmosphere, the oceans, the land mass and the biosphere, and their interaction with solar radiation. The discoveries and methods of Aetherometry provide inroads towards developing such an understanding, beginning with a new understanding of the role of the Sun and solar radiation in modulating weather patterns over short and long-term scales.
Akronos Publishing would like to draw the attention of its readers to a
recent note by Dr. Harold Aspden
on a critical problem of Plasma Physics that relates to
the insufficiency of mainstream electrodynamics and the inconsistent temperatures
given for the Sun's surface, the Sun's corona and the Sun's core. It is always
good to have an occasion to reconsider Aspden's Law of Electrodynamics, and what
he has to teach about the plasma electrodynamic processes that are at work in
the solar core.
We are pleased to inform our readers and friends about the creation of a new
online encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Nomadica, whose purpose is to provide
knowledge about minor modes of thought and action - in science, philosophy and
art - that are fundamentally at variance with officially accepted paradigms
and ways of thinking and doing promoted by mainstream institutions.
"Encyclopedia" is too major and ambitious a term to designate such a minor effort. But with so few voices of cogent dissent out in the aether, and the senseless proliferation of inane online encyclopedias that brainlessly transmit false information, a nomadic project like the present one was inevitable. Experience has shown repeatedly that it is impossible for pioneering and dissenting endeavors to receive factual, cogent treatment in online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, that pose to be editable by the general public, but are typically subject to a de facto dictatorship by clubs of petty bureaucrats in the employ of mainstream institutions. The Encyclopedia Nomadica has been established especially as a vehicle for creating accurate, freely available encyclopedic information about pioneering and dissenting research. Editorial access is restricted to individuals, or collaborating groups, knowledgeable in the given subject matter, and is granted by permission or invitation only.
Akronos Publishing
The recently published introduction
to Aetherometry and Gravity by David Pratt outlined
an aetherometric critique of Pari Spolter's "alternative" theory of gravity,
and of force and energy in general.
In the current feature,
Pari Spolter's Dysfunctional Physics, Akronos Publishing
presents Pari Spolter's recent reply to this critique, and the Correas' subsequent
reply to Spolter.
Akronos Publishing has just released the following new monograph
in the series Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.7:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2002, 2004, 2005)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (5),
Quantum Aether Gravity: II. Electric Antigravity: The Monopolar Lift Effect
(and a Refutation of the Biefeld-Brown Effect)"
It is with great pleasure that Akronos Publishing announces the publication of a new
introductory feature by David Pratt:
Aetherometry & Gravity: an IntroductionThis is a succinct and poignant review of the new physics of the gravitational Aether proposed by the Correas and first initiated by W. Reich. It presents a whole new way of looking at gravity, filled with surprising takes on the behavior of electroscopes, pendulums, spinning bodies, etc, including a summary proof that the real value of terrestrial surface acceleration due to gravity is π2 m /sec2. Pratt's introduction also makes public, for the first time, the actual values in meters and seconds of both the apparent velocity of gravity and the force constant G, as discovered by the Correas. In a year dedicated to physics and the centenary of Einstein's Special Relativity, even as NASA supposedly confirms the latter with another multibillion civilian project, this is material that should oblige any serious reader to take a pause and breathe deeply.
On the Centennary of Albert Einstein's Special Relativity,
Akronos Publishing is honored to present Dr. H. Aspden's guiding thoughts for
a new epoch of scientifc and technological pursuit - on exploiting 'vacuum energy' as a power
source, and on understanding the real gravitational and electrodynamic nature of solar processes:
Tapping Nature's Energy Source: An Introduction to Electrodynamic Energy Science
Akronos Publishing announces the electronic publication of the following two
Focusing on the discovery of electrodynamic anomalous cathode reaction forces, Dr. Aspden traces the historical evolution of the hiatus in the comprehension of these forces to its resolution with the formulation of the Aspden Law of Electrodynamics.
Akronos Publishing announces its new feature
50 Years after Albert Einstein: The Failure of the Unified Fieldpresenting, for the first time, excerpts from W. B. Smyth's book Gone Dark about the supersecret project Rainbow (aka The Philadelphia Experiment) - which, allegedly, was initially designed to test the practical applicability of Einstein's different solutions to the problems of a Unified Field Theory (a 'generalized theory of gravitation'). Smyth's contribution suggests that none of Einstein's solutions - from the period of 1927 to 1944, and even up to Einstein's death in 1955 - found practical application in the efforts undertaken to electromagnetically camouflage military craft by attempting to alter the gravitational field surrounding them. Smyth also sheds an intriguing new light on the relationship between A. Einstein and W. Reich during those tumultuous years of 1941 to 1955.
The release includes contributions and commentary by Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa, Stanton Friedman and Dr. Malgosia Askanas.
Fact, Fiction or a Mix? You decide.
Hydrogen Fusion Breakthrough Announcement
25.12.04 16:00 EST
In the wake of the negative 2004 DoE Report on the 2004 Cold Fusion Review submitted by Hagelstein et al, the Correas - at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute Laboratories - have decided to make public their breakthrough solution to the vexing problem of the so-called Cold Fusion/LENR phenomenon. In a communication ("The Correa Solution to the Cold Fusion Enigma") that severely criticizes both the DoE panelists and the five presenters of the submitted review for having done such a poor job in their re-examination of the matter, the Correas argue that the erratic results that continue to bedevil the field stem from the actual lack of understanding of nuclear processes that plagues modern physics and, in particular, the specific slant of the five presenters of the submitted review. The Correa announcement of an unsuspected solution to the so-called "Cold Fusion/Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions" problem is bound to take Cold Fusion researchers and their sponsors by surprise, especially now that the DoE has confirmed and restated its negative 1989 opinion, and the journal Science has put the subject back on ice.
Once again, it is pioneering scientists from independent research laboratories that have taken up the forefront of the struggle to investigate and develop alternative physics and energy technologies. And, one might add, it will not be through the DoE or the ICCFs, nor through media such as the New Energy Times or Jed Rothwell's Vortex, nor at the LENR/CANR website (dedicated solely to the tribulations of 'metal lattice Cold Fusion'...), nor floating among the depressing pablum served up these days by the New Age, post-Mallove Infinite Energy, etc, that you will hear of it!
Perhaps sponsors of CF research as it has been conducted until now, will at last grow tired of literally throwing their money away on misdirected investigations; or perhaps a better and more intelligent management may yet seize control of the public purse to give tabletop hydrogen fusion a chance - at least as good a chance as has been given to thermonuclear fusion or to the quest for the fabled Higgs particle of Dark Energy. But who would count on it?
As the Correas state in their communication, if Cold Fusion researchers knew how to safely initiate and promote the desired fusion pathway under room temperature conditions, and how to extract heat from the electrodynamic interactions of protons, they would have long ago done so and have collectively solved the problem of finding a reliable, clean alternative energy source - free of any radioactive emissions. Indifferent or even disdainful of the critical analytical and experimental framework required to make sense of the complexity of the observed interactions, they were unable to extract the pathway outlined by the Correas - a pathway which produces neither neutrons nor gamma radiation. The Correas comment on their design for the Fusion Reactor employing the principles they have proposed: "Energy", they say, "could be taken out as heat, or directly as electricity."
Akronos Publishing is overjoyed to announce here, for the first time,
that the New Energy Technologies of the Aurora BioPhysics
Research Institute at last have their own information website at -
www.massfree.comThose interested in commercialization of these technologies will now have access to necessary information.
A new era has been begun that will challenge society, science and technology to reach well beyond their present-day paradigms.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the addition to its website of the
following feature:
[also available in PDF format]
What is Dark Energy? Does it exist? Is there a Massless Dark Energy that
was left over from the Big Bang? Is this Massless Dark Energy constituted by
SuperMassive particles? Would this not be an impossible contradiction in
terms? How can these supermassive particles explain the mass of ordinary
Matter - leptons and baryons - when they do not even explain their own
(super)mass? Why haven't these supermassive particles, or the Higgs
particles, ever been found, despite the costliest of searches for their
existence? Could this failure signal the bankruptcy of the Standard Model
and underline the misguided scientific direction and expenditures of
institutions such as NASA and the DOE? Could the Big Bang have never taken place and Dark
Energy be constituted, not by supermassive particles, but by Massfree Energy
that has existed as of all time? Could it be Dark Massfree Energy that, in
fact, explains the mass of all existing particles? Could Dark Massfree
Energy lie at the opposite end of the energy spectrum from where the search for
the Higgs still goes on? Could physics be laboring on a colossal mistake -
one that has served only for the sensationalist promotion of Star Wars and
Exotic Bomb projects?
These are the provocative questions which this straightforward communication addresses, from the physical and micropolitical viewpoints of Aetherometry.
Have you been wondering if there had been any further developments in
connection with the Correas' "Open Letter to Mr. J. Wilson of Popular Mechanics"?
Akronos Publishing invites you to find out about this, and other related
matters, from the newly released
Followup to the Correas' Open Letter to Mr. J. Wilsonwhich also features, for your added amusement, the incomparable duo of Ken Shoulders and Jack Sarfatti.
We are proud to inform you that the long-awaited book:
Nanometric Functions of Bioenergyis now available from the Akronos Bookstore.
by Paulo Correa, M.Sc., Ph.D. & Alexandra Correa
with an Introduction by Eugene Mallove, Ph.D.
This book, which constitutes the first volume of Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics, will take you through the extraordinary discovery of the exacting, functional nanometric circuits underlying energetic molecular and cellular systems. Opening the way forward to the first truly modern approach to precision nanotechnology, the book presents stunning new evidence for a new nanometric model of the water molecule, precise energy functions for DNA, RNA and their protein complexes, a new model of the van der Waals bonds, a new concept of biological order and its relationship to entropy, a new chemical algorithm for acid-base and redox reactions - and much, much more.
It's a journey that will forever change the way we look at biophysics, biochemistry, systems theory, and molecular biology.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the release of two
new monographs:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.5:in the series Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II.
Correa, P & Correa, A (1992, 2004)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (3),
A Note on Synchronicity and Manifold Commensurability"
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.6:
Correa, P & Correa, A (1998, 2004)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (4),
Quantum Aether Gravity: I. Role of Cosmological Leptons"
The following three articles by Paulo and Alexandra Correa, first published in Infinite Energy during
the last year, are now
available on the Akronos website:
AS4-03: A short appreciation of Nikola TeslaAS4-04: Contrast and comparison between the Papp engine and the PAGDTM/XS NRGTM Technologies
AS4-05: The myths of Orgone-charged Vacor tubes
Akronos Publishing has just released on its website a reprint of Paulo and Alexandra Correa's
tribute to Dr. Eugene Mallove,
Homage to a Peerless Friendwhich first appeared in Infinite Energy #56:18, 2004.
A letter we received today from one of our readers has prompted us
to update our Open Letter to Popular Mechanics with an
Addendum pertaining to the supposed production
of uranium in cold-fusion cells.
The August 2004 issue of the magazine Popular Mechanics contains a "feature article"
on 'cold fusion' by J. Wilson, the magazine's Science Editor. Mr. Wilson, instead of providing
the public with honest scientific information about Low Energy Nuclear reactions, has opted, instead, to produce a piece of sensationalist hype, filled with
inaccuracies, outright falsities, and confabulated horrors. Akronos Publishing has included
on its website a reponse to this article by Paulo and Alexandra Correa:
An Open Letter to Mr. J. Wilson of Popular Mechanics
The 7th monograph in the series Philosophy of Science and the Politics of Thought,
Monograph AS1-07:has just been made available at the Akronos Publishing website.
Correa, P & Correa, A (1998, 2004)
"Combat at the Gates of Thought (Doing Harm to Stupidity)"
"The combat between thought of the false (including truthful thought) and adequate thought (or thought of science) takes place at the gates of thought itself, as thought strives to discover concepts adequate to the functions of nature and existence. It is not a struggle between Dark and Light - and it does not duplicate any struggle between Good and Evil or Truth and Error. It is, above all, a combat with a dual aspect - against stupidity and in favour of a scientific method of thought - but it can only acquire this duplicity if its politics are those of Life and the living. So, it is also - and indissociably so - a political combat."
The website of Akronos Publishing closed on May 16 in
mourning for Dr. Eugene Mallove.
It reopened on July 6.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the release of the
following new monograph:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.4:This monograph, the fourth on the topic of gravitation, in the series Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II, addresses questions on the nature of inertia, the relationship between inert mass and gravitational mass, the characteristics of gravitational motion as compared to those of rotation and translatory motion with constant velocity, and the possibility of a unified set of laws that would apply to all those motions. Its surprising conclusion teases apart two distinct gravitational field interactions, primary and secondary, and proposes an entirely new functional role for the universal constant G.
Correa, P & Correa, A (2004)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (2),
Mysteries of Inertia"
AKRONOS Publishing has just released the sixth
monograph in the series Philosophy of Science and the Politics of Thought:
Present-day forms of social organization have incorporated so many of
the control and conditioning methods, rules, techniques and
dispositives of fascism, and insinuated them so deeply into everyday
life, that no one recognizes fascism any longer, nor its distinguishing
traits, for what they are. Hence, the term has lost its descriptive
and analytical power, its real senses and utility, to the benefit of
the dissemination of fascism throughout civil society - a sociological
phenomenon which a circumscribed meaning of the term is no longer able
to encompass.
Yet, to avoid repeating the grave mistakes of epochs past, to further the analysis of socio-historical processes or invent better potentialities for the living and its understanding, appears today, more than ever, to be conditional upon a real grasp of what fascism actually is, and what constitutes its defining difference. This is the challenge the present monograph takes up - from an entirely novel and provocative perspective.
Full abstract
Monograph AS1-06
Akronos Publishing has the pleasure of announcing the release of a new
video documentary, in DVD format:
The documentary offers a step-by-step account of the work of Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa at ABRI (2001-2004) to develop readily accessible, quiet, free, `round-the-clock alternative power generation systems based on modified Orgone Accumulators (HYBORACs), hybridized with black-coated Faraday cages. These HYBORACs are designed to optimally capture solar radiation, so as to function as sources of continuous (nonstop daytime and nighttime) thermal power capable of uninterruptedly driving Low Delta-T, Gamma Stirling Motors for 24 out of 24 hours. At its present stage, the HYBORAC technology is >1.5x more efficient at capturing solar radiation than passive solar collector standards, and nearly 3x more efficient at outputting work-equivalent energy than photovoltaics.
The research documented in this video has also been the subject of ABRI monographs AS2-25, AS2-26, and AS2-32.
The Book Division of Akronos Publishing is pleased to inform you
that the book
Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 2Ais now available. This volume contains ABRI Monographs AS2-08 - AS2-14, as well as an extensive introduction. For a detailed description and ordering information, please consult the Akronos Books Catalog.
by Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa
Other books currently in preparation at Akronos are "Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy (Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics, Vol 1)", and "Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 2B".
In response to popular demand, Akronos Publishing has made
available a printable version,
in PDF format, of "Pulse of the Planet Taken to Task".
The size of the PDF is about 8.6 MB.
Akronos Publishing has just made available on its website the following new monograph
in the series Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.3:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2003)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part II:
Gravitational Aetherometry (1),
The Aetherometric Theory of the Graviton"
This third AToS monograph on the topic of gravitation establishes the aetherometric foundation for an energetic theory of gravitation, analyzes the fine structure of massfree gravitons, lays down a new model of the co-creation of gravitons with massbound particles having discrete mass-energies - such as the electron and the proton - and demonstrates the commensurability of Space and Time manifolds in all gravitational interactions.
Akronos Publishing would like to announce the following new
additions to its website:
The monograph reports on the Correas' experiments with an improved HYBORAC design which permitted uninterrupted operation of the Stirling motor for over 48 hours. It also contains input and output power calculations, and a comparison of the improved HYBORAC/Stirling technology with existing solar technologies.
This is the fourth of a series of ABRI monographs dealing with the Correas' work on different HYBORAC/Stirling assemblies. The first two reports in this series were released by Akronos as ABRI Monographs AS2-25 and AS2-26, and the third (which is not a prerequisite for the fourth), co-authored by Dr. Eugene Mallove, is scheduled for publication in the Infinite Energy journal.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of
the following feature:
THE SERPENT'S TOOTH AND ITS EGGThis article is a long-overdue anatomy of the base, scurrilous, unprovoked smear campaign that Jed Rothwell and others have been conducting for several years on the Vortex-l list.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to inform you of the release of the second monograph
in Gravitational Orgonometry, which continues
the seminal Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), Volume II series.
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.2:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2003)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part I:
Gravitational Orgonometry (2)"
This is the second of a series of AToS monographs on the topic of gravitation, positive and negative. Subsequent publications in this series will be available only to members of the International Society of Friends of Aetherometry (ISFA).
Akronos Publishing is delighted to announce the launching of its new
Book Division, with the publication of the book
Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 1
by Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa
This book encompasses ABRI Monographs AS2-01 - AS2-07, as well as the "Introduction to Experimental Aetherometry, Vol 1", all previously published in electronic format. For a more detailed description and ordering information, please consult the Akronos Books Catalog.
Other books currently in preparation at Akronos are "Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy (Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics, Vol 1)", and "Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 2".
Reprinted below, with Dr. Mallove's kind permission, is the abstract of his paper
for the Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-10)
which will take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on August 24-29, 2003.
The full text of Dr. Mallove's paper is available at http://www.infinite-energy.com/resources/iccf10.html.
Eugene F. Mallove, Sc.D.
New Energy Foundation, Inc.
During the past 15 years, indisputable experimental evidence has built up for substantial excess heat (far beyond ordinary chemical energy) and low-energy nuclear reaction phenomena in specialized heavy hydrogen and ordinary hydrogen-containing systems.1 The primary theorists in the field that is properly designated Cold Fusion/LENR have generally assumed that the excess heat phenomena is commensurate with nuclear ash (such as helium), whether already identified or presumed to be present but not yet found. That was an excellent initial hypothesis. However, the commensurate nuclear ash hypothesis has not been proved, and appears to be approximately correct in only a few experiments. During this same period, compelling evidence-although not as broadly verified as data from cold fusion/LENR-has also emerged for other microphysical sources of energy that were previously unexpected by accepted physics. The exemplar of this has been the "hydrino" physics work of Dr. Randell Mills and his colleagues at BlackLight Power Corporation, which was a radical outgrowth from the cold fusion field that emerged publicly in May 1991.2 Even more far-reaching is the work in vacuum energy extraction pioneered by Dr. Paulo and Alexandra Correa, which first became public in 1996.3 This vacuum energy experimentation began in the early 1980s and has been reduced to prototype technological devices, such as the patented PAGDTM (pulsed abnormal glow discharge) electric power generator, as well as many published experiments that can be performed in table-top fashion to verify the Correa "Aetherometry" (non-luminiferous or non-electromagnetic aether measurement science).4 In an era when mainstream science and its media is all agog about "dark matter" and "dark energy" composing the vast bulk of the universe, there is a great need to reconcile, if possible, the significant bodies of evidence from these three major experimental and theoretical streams: cold fusion/LENR, hydrino physics, and Aetherometry. The aim of the present paper is to compare the substantial features of each field of investigation and to suggest how to move forward for the benefit of all with openness and a minimum of preconceptions.
1. www.infinite-energy.com and www.lenr-canr.org
2. www.blacklightpower.com
3. Infinite Energy, No.7, March/April 1996
4. www.aetherometry.com and www.aethera.org
It is with great joy that Akronos Publishing announces the beginning of publication of
the seminal Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS), with the release of the first
two chapters of Volume II, on the Gravitational Aether:
ABRI Monograph AS3-II.1:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2003)
"The Gravitational Aether, Part I:
Gravitational Orgonometry (1)"
This is the first of a series of AToS monographs on the topic of gravitation, positive and negative, and is intended to inaugurate a rubric on this topic accessible only to members of the International Society of Friends of Aetherometry (ISFA).
Akronos Publishing together with the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute
have created an International Society of Friends of Aetherometry (ISFA).
The purpose of ISFA is to provide a firm basis for the continued support of
aetherometric research, to lay the foundations for an educational infrastructure,
and to establish the conditions for responsible release of
the scientific information contained in forthcoming Akronos publications.
Akronos and ABRI invite all those who have a serious interest in Aetherometry
and its future to become ISFA members.
A more detailed description of the goals of ISFA and its membership privileges is provided in the ISFA Overview. To apply for ISFA membership, please fill out and submit to us the ISFA application.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce that its publication
"To Be Done with (An)orgonomists:
Conversations with (hopefully!) the last one:
A complete response to J. DeMeo's attack on Aetherometry"
has now been made available without charge to members of ISFA.
The success of the special offer by Aethera
for the DVD of the Correa documentary video
has made possible the creation of a professional edition of this DVD in a digitally remastered format, including new footage and interactive menus, in a new production by ABRI Studios.
The DVD provides an overview of both the PAGD and the ORgone/Aether Motor research work undertaken by Dr. Paulo Correa & Alexandra Correa at Labofex - Applied and Experimental plasma Physics (1987-2002), and at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute (ABRI) (1996-2002). It also includes a short review of the HYBORAC/Stirling Motor technology (2001-2002).
Introduced by Dr. H. Aspden and Dr. E. Mallove - advisors to this production - the video documents the essential aspects of two distinct and benign technologies of power generation. Filmed between 1987 and 2002, and using original documentary footage, the video is a basic introduction to the auto-electronically pulsed plasma research at Labofex which led to the identification of the autogenous PAGD regime, the invention of aPAGD inverter applications, and the construction of the XS NRGTM Converter System. The second part documents the basics of the ABRI effort to reproduce Reich's discovery of the ORgone Motor, as well as the improved Aether Motor invented by the Correas. Filled with simple demonstrations of massfree aether energy, in vacua (including Vacor lumination), in the ground and atmosphere, and in human beings, this video illustrates the existence of an energy realm which, until now, has been both ignored and grossly misunderstood. Most of its footage was first presented at the Second Berlin Conference on Innovative Energy Technologies, on June 15th, 2002.
ISBN 1-894840-19-4, ~104 min.
Individuals: | $129.95 + shipping ($4.00 US or $8.00 outside) |
ISFA members: | $59.95 + shipping ($4.00 US or $8.00 outside) |
Institutions: | $199.95 + shipping ($4.00 US or $8.00 outside) |
The above prices are for a single copy. We offer multiple-copy discounts. You are also entitled to a discount if you have previously purchased the non-professional edition of this DVD and wish to purchase the new edition. Please contact orders@aethera.org for all information about these special discounts.
To order: | www.aetherometry.com/Bookstore/DVD0001.htm |
The proceeds from these product sales will be used to help further the research of the Correas and their co-workers at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute. By purchasing this product you are directly contributing to the dissemination of knowledge which is overtly as unwanted by the scientific establishment as it is by so-called alternative fringes.
AKRONOS Publishing is pleased to inform you that the following
new monograph in Volume 4 of Experimental Aetherometry is now available on the Aetherometry website:
ABRI Monograph AS2-31:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2000, 2003)
"On the wave structure of energy:
Fundamental differences between de Broglie's theory of matter-waves
and the aetherometric theory of wave superimposition"
Part of the present-day derangement concerning the duality of particles and
waves stems from epistemological errors that are intrinsic to either the
classical or the relativistic treatments of de Broglie's theory of
matter-waves, linear velocity and inertial momentum. To this day, these
errors have adversely impacted any dynamic account of wave functions in the
treatment of mass-energy and kinetic energy. In the present communication,
the Correas analyze the fundamental errors in de Broglie's theory and propose an
alternative model for the wave functions of very different energy forms,
some massbound and others massfree - electrokinetic energy, thermokinetic
energy, electromagnetic energy, mass-energy and ambipolar massfree energy.
Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce the release, in DVD format, of
a joint ABRI/Aethera documentary production
This DVD provides an overview of both the PAGD and the ORgone/Aether Motor research efforts undertaken by Dr. Paulo Correa & Alexandra Correa at Labofex (1987-2002) and at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute (ABRI) (1996-2002). It also includes a short review of the HYBORAC/Stirling Motor technology (2001-2002).
Introduced by Dr. H. Aspden and Dr. E. Mallove - advisors to this production - the video documents the essential aspects of two distinct and benign technologies of power generation. Including original documentary footage filmed between 1987 and 2001, the video is a basic introduction to the auto-electronically pulsed plasma research at Labofex - Experimental and Applied Plasma Physics, which led to the identification of the autogenous PAGD regime and the invention of aPAGD inverter applications as well as the XS NRGTM Converter System. The second part of the video documents the basics of the ABRI effort to reproduce Reich's discovery of the ORgone Motor as well as the improved Aether Motor invented by the Correas. Filled with simple demonstrations of massfree aether energy - in vacua, in the ground and atmosphere, and in human beings - this video illustrates the existence of an energy realm which, until now, has been both ignored and grossly misunderstood. Most of this footage was first presented at the Second Berlin Conference on Innovative Energy Technologies, on June 15th, 2002.
ISBN 1-894840-19-4, ~104 min.
SPECIAL PRICE: $39.95 + shipping ($4 within US, $8 international)
TO ORDER: http://www.aethera.org
The above special price offer ended on June 25, 2003.
The current price is $129.95 + shipping ($4 within US, $8 international)
AKRONOS Publishing would like to announce the release of the following
new monograph in Volume 4 of Experimental Aetherometry:
ABRI Monograph AS2-28:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2002)
"Fundamental measurement of biological energies 1:
Overview of bioenergetic investigations"
The monograph traces the high points of our
understanding of the nature of the energies deployed by living systems,
from its shamanistic and religious origins to the current scientific
schools of thought.
Jeffery Kooistra is a self-styled "aether theorist" and an ex-employee of
Infinite Energy who writes the "Alternate View" column
for the magazine Analog Science Fiction and Fact. His column in the December, 2002
issue of Analog is a shoddy attempt to attack Dr. Eugene Mallove and the Correas.
The following new feature from Akronos Publishing contains letters sent to the editor of Analog
by Dr. Mallove and the Correas in response to Kooistra's column:
The Second Berlin Conference on Innovative Energy Technologies, organized by Binnotec e.V., took place on June 13-15th, 2002, at the Berlin Messe. AKRONOS Publishing has just released a report about the conference:
It is with great pleasure that AKRONOS Publishing announces the publication of the following
new monograph in Volume 4 of Experimental Aetherometry:
ABRI Monograph AS2-27:
Correa, P, Correa, A & Askanas, M (2002)
Atmospheric electricity, latent heat, and ambipolar radiation:
a new view of geophysics and meteorology, challenging the primacy of ionization theory
The monograph compares and contrasts two views of atmospheric physics: one based upon ionization theory, the other upon Aetherometry. It also reviews the impact of Vol.s 1 and 2 of Experimental Aetherometry upon a reformulation of basic geophysical and atmospheric processes.
AKRONOS Publishing has just released on its website a set of two new
interviews with Paulo and Alexandra Correa,
conducted at ABRI in the Spring of 2002:
The Spring 2002 Conversations at ABRI
The conversations range over a wide landscape of topics, including the discovery and identification of the electric Aether, the global state, the politics of energy and of science, the debacle of the left, the journey from the molecular to the aetherometric, and 9/11 and its consequences.
In keeping with AKRONOS' policy of openly demystifying the record,
and for the pleasure of our readers,
we have assembled together some of the responses we have received, or come across,
to the Correas' deconstruction of James DeMeo et al's Pulse of the Planet #5:
AKRONOS Publishing would like to announce the publication of the following
new monograph in the Labofex Scientific Reports series:
Labofex Scientific Report LS1-25:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2002)
"Aether Power from Pulsed Plasmas"
In this monograph the Correas, for the first time, introduce the reader to their model of the electron. They proceed to an examination of the normal glow discharge and identify, in Paschen's law, an unsuspected contribution from the "vacuum state" which indicates a local manifestation of emissions of ambipolar massfree radiation. Lastly, they apply their approach, in summary form, to the manifestation of anomalous cathode reaction forces in autoelectronically pulsed plasma discharges.
This is a provocative, experimentally-based report, due to be followed by an explicit detailing of the physical processes involved - processes which, to this day, remain unknown to conventional plasma physics.
AKRONOS Publishing is pleased to announce that it has added to its website
the following new feature:
Review of James Demeo's Pulse of the Planet #5, 2002
(or, The End of the Road for Orgonomism)
"Marksmen and thinkers. -- There are curious marksmen who, though they miss the target, depart from the range complacently proud of the fact that their bullet did at any rate fly a great distance (well beyond the target at any event), or that, though they did not hit the target, they did at any rate hit something. And there are thinkers like this."
[Nietzsche, "Human, All Too Human", II:I:198]
Dr. Harold Asdpen's extensive Opinion on the Correa PAGD invention.
This Opinion has never before been publicly available.
an article entitled
A Monist View of the Relation between Libidinal and Political Economies and the Problem of Fascism
The article appears as monograph AS1-05 in the Philosophy of Science series.
In this article, the question of the connection between desire and society,
in particular with respect to fascism, is examined by contrasting two
intimately linked but very different approaches - that of Reich in his
pre-American or Freudo-Marxist period, and that of Deleuze and Guattari's
biosocial theory. The two viewpoints correspond to dualist versus monist
conceptualizations of the connection between libidinal and political
economies. As the hydra of fascism once again raises its ugly head,
the issues brought up by this 1979 lecture remain more pressing than ever.
And from any viewpoint that seeks expansion of aetherometric knowledge,
the monist notion of the connection between desire and political economy
is an opening to understanding our natural and social histories as
biophysical productions that obey two distinct energy regimes.
The complete Volume 2 of Experimental Aetherometry
including the final three communications by the Correas regarding the exact nature of the massfree ambipolar electric Aether energy - which is of two types, orgone and DOR.
The three newly published monographs are as follows:
The complete Volume 2 is now available at http://www.aetherometry.com/.
From a recent (March 20) interview of the Correas at ABRI (soon to be available at the Akronos website):
PC: Tesla discovered ambipolar electric radiation, and Reich experimentally demonstrated the existence of massfree radiation of two types - OR and DOR - according to whether the effects were beneficial or detrimental to living systems. Tesla was convinced that ambipolar radiation could not be reduced to either fluxes of monopolar charges or to electromagnetic radiation, but he failed to adequately distinguish it from either one. Likewise, Reich failed to provide the energy and frequency spectra of OR and DOR radiations or to concretely identify his concept of 'orgonotic charges' - which share, at one and the same time , both electric and nonelectric characteristics. In fact, to make matters worse, he attributed to OR the two nonelectric phenomena he had discovered inside ORACs and simple Faraday cages, while claiming that OR partook of the characteristics of electrostatic energy.AC: For the past half-century, scientists and philosophers - even those rare ones who claimed to follow Tesla or Reich - have blissfully ignored these discoveries and the problems they pose . To this day, no one has found the spectrum of massfree electric energy, described its characteristics, or studied its physical interactions. Orgone energy has remained mythical, when not reduced either to negative ions, beneficial photons, fantasmatic neutrinos or heavy leptons. Take your pick.
PC: In the first of the three new communications, we experimentally show how the 'dual orgone effect" discovered by Reich - thermometric and electroscopic - can be obtained by simple transformations of Tesla radiation generated in the OR spectrum. In other words, how latent heat and electromagnetic energy can be obtained from the interaction of ambipolar radiation with Matter. Hence we are led to conclude that the nonelectric effects of the ORAC are ultimately driven by conversion of ambipolar energy of the orgone type.
AC: We conclude this first communication by using solar radiation as a means to introduce the entire frequency, wavelength and energy spectrum of ambipolar electric radiation, as well as the physical processes involved in the production of blackbody photons. For the first time, the spectra of DOR and OR are clearly identified - and so is their nature as massfree ambipolar radiation.
PC: Then in the second communication we apply the developed methodology to identify and stratographically 'seat' the solar-sourced OR and DOR energy impulses that drive the allotropic cycle of the most basic atmospheric components: oxygen, ozone and water. The very atmospheric stratification of the cycle indicates that the problem of absorption of the energy of the electric Aether has been badly posed. The very allotropism of the cycle betrays the existence not just of an orgone envelope, but also of an outer DOR energy envelope surrounding the planet.
AC: Finally, the third communication gave us great pleasure to write - aside from our obvious interest and desire. It simply proposes a totally different analysis of the microwave Cosmic Background Radiation - one that demonstrates how this cosmological blackbody is permanently issued from the kinetic energy of cosmological electrons, and therefore constitutes an indirect proof for the existence of a Cosmic Orgone Background Radiation (CBOR) which we now map onto the spectrum we identified and defined in the first of the three communications. In accord with aetherometric thermometry, we propose a very different temperature profile for the microwave CBR.
PC: We also propose an aetherometric model for the asymmetric creation of cosmological electrons from the matrix of Space and Time - and suggest that the CBOR is generated in the very process of asymmetric creation of Matter.
AC: Then we challenge radioastronomers and NASA to determine whether or not we are correct in predicting that other marks of the identified CBOR should be found from cosmological baryons (hydrogen and helium in particular), in the radio CBRs which we aetherometrically predict baryonic Matter will generate and 'we' should be able to detect in extragalactic space.
LB: It sounds like you are having a lot of fun, now that you have taken your gloves off.
PC: Well, the simple conclusion these three reports lead to is - there is no longer reason to view the microwave CBR as a twisted proof of relativistic cosmology. One can no longer continue to take the microwave CBR as a sign of an originary explosion of Space. General relativity and all its modern revisionist interpretations are simply wrong. At the confines of Space, in the 'vacuum', nonelectric Aether is constantly converted into electric Aether - with Matter being permanently generated and resorbed in the process. The microphysical pathways have now been identified - despite the inertia of an entire epoch, the inertia of officiating scientists as much as the inertia of protesting scientists.
AC: There are other ways to live on this and other planets than by fighting for land, glory, gold or black gold. But to change ourselves we have to become as much artists or creators of our future as we have to learn the bioenergetic language of the cosmos, and thus become scientists. With all the errors it contains - and for which we alone are responsible - this is our contribution to that learning - part of our creation of a different future.
"XXth Century Aether Wars"
This includes the following publications:
(First published in Infinite Energy #38)
(First published in Infinite Energy #39)
"Reichians tend to quote the residuals of the Morley-Miller and Miller experiments as evidence for a conspiracy to deny existence to the Aether. But the Aether they speak of is certainly not the Aether of Tesla or the ORgone of Reich; it is rather more like the Ur-Aether of Lenard, the lead figure of "Aryan physics": an electromagnetic fiction of a disembodied reality. Indeed, Reich himself disputed the validity of the two premises of the Michelson-Morley experiment which Miller sought to extend: that the Aether is at rest, and that light travels through Space. Hence, this fixation that Reichianism has on the Morley and Miller experiments is not the result of Reich's thought, but rather the result of the impotence of Reich's followers to actually follow his thought. Reich's own experiments had convinced him that there exists a massfree energy, an ORgone Aether - and that its existence did not require, in any way, shape, or form, the presence of an electromagnetic Aether drag. In Reich's model, it is not the Earth that entrains a stationary Aether, but, instead, a consistent motion of the Aether that propels forward the Earth, the Solar System and even the entire Galaxy or the Local Group.The question then arises as to whether Miller could have detected that aether motion - under the cover of Aether drag and without detecting the W to E motion of the OR envelope - once it slowed down and encircled the planet at a slightly faster rate than the motion of the surface or the rotation of the planet. At ca 1.8 km altitude, it seems unlikely that the value of an Aether drift at 9 to 10 km/sec could ever be real. In addition, Miller's speed and direction of the 'Aether Drift' do not agree with the more recent measurements made with respect to the CBR.
The model of a dynamic Aether proposed by Aetherometry fits in with the notion that the Michelson-Morley-type experiments should yield a null result, and also with the notion that Sagnac-type experiments should be able to measure the rotary motion of the interferometer. It is the only model consistent with all the other facts of Physics: the Earth neither moves through the Aether, nor is it impelled by some cosmic Big Bang or a Hand of God in a vacuum of Space. Rather, it is the Aether that moves the Earth, because the Aether is not stationary but in a perpetual state of ordered motion."
two new monographs in Volume 4 of Experimental Aetherometry:
Monograph AS2-25:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001)
AS2-25 Modified Orgone accumulator (HYBORAC) as drive for
low delta-T Stirling Engines
Monograph AS2-26:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001)
Modified Orgone accumulator (complete HYBORAC) as nighttime drive for
low delta-T Stirling Engines
It is only the mechanistic-mathematical distortion of the physical concept of temperature that 'scientifically' permits the continuation of a systemic failure to affirm as real, the thermal anomaly first identified by W. Reich in simple Faraday cages and layered ORACs. Employment of aetherometric theory - developed upon a systematic critique and re-evaluation of thermometric orgonomy laid by Reich - permits one to differentiate between the electromagnetic energy passively absorbed by a black cavity, and the nonelectromagnetic aether energy drawn in by the same cavity. When this cavity is materially configured as a Faraday cage, we find that the latter exceeds the former (AS2-05; AS2-06; AS2-07), with the result that there is a factual, verifiable thermal anomaly in these cage-cavities. In the present communications, we present evidence - at the very least - that this thermal anomaly can be employed to drive low delta-T Stirling engines for periods greater than 14 hours on an autumn day (seven hours of which into the night) - raising the possibility of a continuous thermal drive, at the very least during summer months, courtesy of the beautiful star in our neighbourhood - the Sun. And if the Stirling motor/modified ORAC coupling came to a stop, this was not because the To-T fell to zero, or went negative. No, get informed - the To-T remained positive throughout. This is irrevocable, simple, graspable evidence of 'free energy', as free as it comes.
Akronos Publishing has recently released on its website,
the extraordinary and seminal physical demonstration, by the Correas, that Tesla radiation is not assimilable to either electromagnetic field energy or to (ion) fluxes of massbound charges (Experimental Aetherometry, Vol. 2A, monographs AS2-13 & AS2-14). As a result of the intense interest generated by these reports among Tesla afficionados worldwide, Akronos Publishing is pleased to announce that it has decided to accelerate the release of the two-part continuation of this work on ambipolar massfree radiation emitted by Tesla and induction coils. These two essays, AS2-15 and AS2-16 in Volume 2B of Experimental Aetherometry, have just been made available.
In the first essay, the Correas tackle one of the most fundamental cornerstones of Maxwellian electrodynamics - the problem of magnetism and the magnetic field functions H and B, which they proceed to resolve from first principles - after having first untangled the glaring inconsistencies of classical theory - in order to address the problem with a totally novel and exacting methodology. Magnetic wave functions for both massbound and massfree charges are provided, and the precise values of the tesla and the gauss are, for the first time, consistently defined, in both classical and aetherometric systems.
In the second essay, the Correas return to experimentation with resonantly loaded Tesla coils, to provide a complete analysis of their massfree and massbound electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic functions (wave, field, current, energy and power), and demonstrate how these devices can be employed to magnify massfree radiation in excess of the massbound electric power they consume. The complete analytical process is presented as forming one of the operational modules of the Aetheroscope.
We would like to bring to your attention the following two monographs,
newly released by AKRONOS Publishing on its website,
Tesla coils have now, for over a century, been objects of great wonder and also mystery. Tesla himself employed their principle in his famous patent for wireless power transmission. Yet, despite attempts by a few dedicated experimenters (R. Hull, the Corums) who have proposed new theoretical approaches to the operation of these devices, the coil has remained essentially miscomprehended, precisely because it superimposes two distinct oscillatory electric fields, one associated with massbound charge and the other with massfree charge. Moreover, the coil outputs neither electromagnetic radiation, nor an ion field. The basic demonstration of these stunning facts is carried out in these monographs, where aetherometric experimental and theoretical tools are employed to differentiate, on the basis of fundamental physical effects, the ambipolar massfree radiation of Tesla waves from the radiative effects of photons - whether ionizing, HFOT or LFOT photons - as well as from the monopolar electric field effects of ion fluxes or electrostatic charges. These reports establish, from basic scientific facts, the existence of a longitudinal, massfree, electric ambipolar form of energy radiation which is emitted from these coils, and provide the fundamental tools for aetherometric analysis of their operation. This leads the authors to a demonstration of the correct physical meaning of such basic functions as inductance and the characteristic frequency of the coil, laying the foundations for what will become the complete aetherometric analysis of Tesla coils carried out in companion papers AS-15 and AS2-16. The fundamental magnetic and electric frequency functions of the massfree and massbound currents are identified. And an exact aetherometric proof that the electric wavespeed of the ambipolar radiation known as Tesla waves is not bound by c and typically exceeds it, is provided.
These two essays - AS2-13 and AS2-14 - are precisely what is needed before one can understand longitudinal, ambipolar, massfree radiation as something distinct from electromagnetism or photon energy.
We would like to bring to your attention the following monograph,
newly released by AKRONOS Publishing on its website,
Monograph AS1-04:
Correa, P & Correa, A (2001)
On Science, Actual Science, as the Higher Becoming of Philosophy
A short abstract follows below.
"How can we speak of machines in this microphysical or micropsychic region, there where there is desire - that is to say, not only its functioning, but formation and autoproduction?" [G. Deleuze, F. Guattari]J.J. Lee Hooker used to say he only sang 'real blues', or followed that which had 'soul'. Likewise, the higher becoming of philosophy has only one path to follow - that of the soul of science, actual science. Nietzsche knew this well and hoped to have laid the fundamental micrological functions of his doctrine of Time (eternal recurrence) and Energy (will to power). And Reich once attempted to create a method of thought (orgonomic functionalism) which was adequate to follow the changes of every natural process, and successfully laid the foundations for a micrological science of energy, a science that could think and know and see by including quantitative and qualitative multiplicities in all of its functions. However, Reich was never able to develop micrological functionalism to an irreversible threshold where all functions acquire their legitimate fine structure in the very energetic process of their autoproduction. Aetherometric functionalism begins the microfunctional journey anew - and redefines, in the process, the imbrication of distinct multiplicities in the same structure as the machinic property of energy. The result is staggering and elegantly simple: the very microfunctional equation for energy immanently carries the dimensionality and relation of superimposition between Space and Time redefined as Simultaneity. Structure can no longer be seen as the ally of determinism - since it is a microcosmos property (the fine structure of energy) - anymore than it can be reduced to probabilistic uncertainty.
In parallel, the application of the microphysical principles of aetherometric functionalism leads to the fundamental micrological concept of the (micro)function as encompassing both a principle of continuous qualitative and quantitative variation, and the very discontinuous determination of any and every invariant.
of the following new Philosophy of Science monograph:
"(Micro)Functionalist Thoughts on the Relation between Art, Science and Philosophy"
of the following new monographs in Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 2A:
is pleased to announce the publication of
"Introduction to Experimental Aetherometry Vols.1 & 2" by P. and A. Correa,
is now available on its website:
"So if we slide in our discourse from one register to the other, from Science to Philosophy or vice versa, this should, if anything, be seen as the sign of the power of aetherometric thought - that it can cut easily from one level to the next to pick out the effective elements at play in a field - on whatever level they are playing. For everything that happens in reality does not just happen on one register. Registers are superimposed on one another: political, economic, social, sexual, psychological, scientific, technological factors and structures coexist in the same Space and Time, in the same flux of energy and in the same durations of lives or in the same lives. So, in fact, to be able to connect in this way a minor scientific discourse, let's say to a philosophy that did not wish to be nihilistic or merely limited to deconstruction - as the philosophical discourses of Nietzsche or Deleuze, for example, intended - obliges one to effectively confront the political, the economic, the sexual, ethical, etc, issues associated with scientific research, just as there are scientific aspects associated with those other factors themselves when they are expressed, let us say, on a level that is even with the social structures they have been assigned to. It is precisely in this sense that there is a science that serves the State because it is a subject of the politics of that State, including its military politics. Likewise, there are political factors and consequences and micropowers associated with a unitarian science that employs microfunctionalism indistinctly as a philosophical, analytical or scientific and synthetic tool.
The deeper reason why one inevitably has to straddle both discourses - philosophical and scientific - comes from the fact that the basic steps that lead to Aetherometry imply at once some closeness to, and some distance from, both Philosophy and Science. It is not possible for us to raise the argument of the energetic nature of Space and Time without learning from Nietzsche's notion that Space and Time themselves need to be explained as a play of force, "the game that the aeon plays with itself." This was his own language employed at the advent of the concept of energy. And likewise, it is not possible for us to argue with Einstein without first reading the criticisms that Bergson and Deleuze addressed to him. It is not possible to relate Space and Time as distinct multiplicities, at once quantitative and qualitative, without taking account of Deleuze's criticisms; but also, likewise, without taking an immense distance from Deleuze's position, or analyzing it in order to demonstrate the errors and mistakes that prevent us from a new theory of manifolds.
So, effectively, Aetherometry only carries the load it needs to carry - because Aetherometry is not Deleuze's theory, it is not neo-Deleuzeanism, any more than it is a Reichian theory, or a neo-Reichian theory or an orgonomic school of thinking, any more than it is a Nietzschean current, any more than it makes the apology of anyone else. Aetherometry is about science. And science uses names with respect to effects that are actual or 'material'. And if Science today has ceased doing this, it is because its real creativity and discovery are virtually dead. Aetherometry is, in a sense, the continuation of the scientific project now virtually abandoned by a science that is subordinate to mass-marketing of technologies and the policies of mass-control."
From "Introduction to Experimental Aetherometry"
"The allotropic cycle of oxygen, ozone and water: Foundations of photo- and aetherochemistry"
The monograph appears as number AS2-09 in the ABRI Monograph Series 2, Vol.2, on the Aetherometry website, at http://www.aetherometry.com
In this critical monograph, the Correas stringently demonstrate that the atmospheric cycles of oxygen-ozone and water are chemically balanced as to their enthalpies.
We cannot underscore enough the importance of what the Correas propose for any current understanding of basic atmospheric metabolism, climatology, air pollution control technologies and the impact on global weather as a consequence of human activities (the status of the ozone layer, smog production, global warming, etc). It stands as the first scientific investigation of the underlying aether and resulting electromagnetic energies responsible for driving the allotropic cycle of the atmosphere. Unlike the now only too common, unscientific and dangerous popularizations of the effects of ozone - wrongly promoted as beneficial in water, food and air, and employed in such ridiculous medical practices as colon irrigation and water purification - this work of the Correas underlines how ozone and free protons act as fundamental poisons produced in response to ambipolar electric radiation, by the mediation of high frequency optothermal photon (HFOT) enthalpies. This critical monograph also proposes and demonstrates the correctness of the later views of W. Reich, in that the allotropic cycle of the earth's atmosphere can be treated, at bottom, as a cycle of constant interconversion of two distinct types of ambipolar massfree electric energy, precisely what Reich termed 'OR' and 'DOR'.
Finally, in the context of the creation of oxygen from ozone, the Correas also provide, for the first time, the critical physics and mathematics of the creation of matter by secondary superimposition of massfree energy. This subject, which will be treated at length in their upcoming volumes of Theoretical Aetherometry, is introduced in the present monograph to explain how massbound charges (negatrons) are created asymmetrically without pair formation in the context of aetherochemistry.
AKRONOS Publishing is committed to continue to regularly release works of scientific research that challenge our current understanding of nature.