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This is the place to thank those people that stood by us, throughout this last decade, without wavering - and thought that what we had done at Labofex was worth fighting the good fight for - to the end:
Dr. Harold Aspden, from England (http:www.energyscience.org.uk)
Mr. Uri Soudak, from Israel
Dr. Malgosia Askanas, from the USA
Dr. Rui Silva, from Portugal
Dr. Eugene Mallove, from the USA
Mr. Jack Ajzenberg, from Canada
In particular, the above were always untiring in their efforts. They all equally fought very hard to find us financing, and always encouraged us to continue. With the exception of Dr. Aspden, they have all seen various demonstrations of the autogenous PAGD technology.
We will not forget others who were involved at one time or another with Labofex, in its early days, and have remained supportive to this day:
Mr. Branko Malvoni, from Canada
Mr. Brian Head, from Canada
Arch. Norberto Correa, from Portugal
Ms. Graça Correa, from Portugal
Arch. Luís Balula, from Portugal
There were many others who helped us, and we would be gravely remiss to omit them, since they also stood by us without wavering, but were not directly involved in the Labofex effort. There are a few that we should thank in particular -
Dr. Arthur Axelrad, from Canada
Mr. Richard Parsons, from Canada
Mr. Mike Carrell, from the USA
Dr. Andrew Michrowski, from Canada