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The Evolutions of Stars and the Secrets of Nuclear Fusion

by Correa, Paulo N. & Correa, Alexandra N.

Published in December 2023.     120 pages.

Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity, Vol. 7

Monograph AS3-VII.10

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After reviewing the conventional theory of star evolution, the authors propose a novel theory of the relation of star size to mass as the main determinant of distinct lines of stellar evolution. They also introduce the reader to the complete new aetherometric method of computing exact nuclear reaction equations that fully balance energy and mass-energy, and explain how and why it is so. They use two foundational cases to formally and factually demonstrate the non-existence of neutrinos. Neutrinos were born from errors in calculations of so-called mass-deficit; they simply do not exist. The authors re-analyze all the known cycles of nuclear fusion, and demonstrate what energy terms and pathways are missing in each case, and how they are relevant to specific evolutions of star types. They identify the real nuclear gluons (that are unrelated to the fiction of quarks), their multi-particle structures and spins, and how they may decay into either gamma rays or ambipolons. The authors show how particular gluon structures are responsible for both the so-called "electron degeneracy" of dwarf stars, and the "neutron degeneracy" of neutron stars. Then they connect the various processes of fusion cycles to stellar evolution and differentiation, so as to entirely reconstruct the latter's evolutionary paths. The authors conclude by speculating about the fates of stars, and whether other dark stars arise besides neutron stars.