Akronos Publishing ·  Concord, Ontario, Canada ·  www.aetherometry.com
ISSN: 1915-8408

Design of XS NRG™ Autonomous Electric Vehicles

by Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Aurora Biophysics Research Institute

J Aetherom Res, Volume 4, Issue 3 (February 2025),  pp. 1-39

Article ID:   JAR04-03-01

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This document, written in 1993 as a confidential presentation to potential investors and now made public over 30 years later, discusses the (still persisting) problems associated with EV designs and the advances that had been made towards overcoming the limitations imposed by charge-storage systems. It then focusses on the application of the novel Labofex power-generation technology, the XS NRG™ System, to a radically new engineering solution of the problems inherent to existing EV technology.