Akronos Publishing · Concord, Ontario, Canada · www.aetherometry.com
ISSN: 1915-8408
Critical Appraisal of XXIst Century Energy Science and Technology (2): Causes of the Failure of the Electric Vehicle (EV) and Basics of the Autonomous Electric Vehicle (AEV)
by Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
J Aetherom Res, Volume 4, Issue 2 (February 2025), pp. 1-25
Article ID: JAR04-02-01
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Quite aside from the totalitarian measures taken by the smashing majority of governments worlwide to force consumers to replace the IC automobile by the so-called Electrical Vehicle (EV), the ongoing colossal failure of the EV can be attributed to two correlated scientific and technological shortcomings which conventionally-funded academic basic research has proven unable to address: 1) the problem of energy storage, which was falsely solved by the uneconomic and unsafe lithium battery technology; and 2) the inability to create an EV that carries onboard its own power plant, an energy- autonomous EV, or AEV in our terminology. The first shortcoming is also illustrated by the utter failure of the hydrogen fuel cell solutions. Yet, back in the 1990's, we presented GM with a technological proposal to create such an AEV (disclosed for the first time as an accompanying report in the Journal of Aetherometric Research) employing massfree energy extraction from the local "medium of space" by electron plasmas. But we were told by GM executives that the electric vehicle was just good PR.