Michael Tilley
Karl Popper famously characterized scientific progress as a continual falsification
of hypotheses. If, as the saying goes, one contends that all swans are white, experimental
efforts are best spent seeking out the black swan rather than merely counting further white
ones. The reader who has no interest in black swans or white ravens or a novel energeticist
perspective on the sciences of life had best avoid this book entirely; for the Correas have
looked into the pond of biophysics and found it teeming with black swans - symbolic of the
'dark' sea of massfree energy which aetherometry not only reveals but structurally defines
as the substratum of material reality.
Biology and Physics have resisted integration, the Correas argue, due to the failure of either to become a true science of energy. To this end, the Correas propose many novel concepts, beginning with a revision of system dynamics and thermodynamic processes. Treatment of the living as the analogue of the machine, for which only heat inputs and outputs demand consideration, inhibits real understanding of the functional difference of the living: the capacity to actively extract and order energy from the environment (and in forms exceeding the merely caloric). Their clarification of the actual physical sense of entropy promises much forehead-slapping for the open-minded thermodynamicist. Building upon their previous work on the fine structure of the electron, the authors elucidate more detailed pictures of both covalent and non-covalent bonding than current "ball-and-stick" depictions allow, beginning with water and allowing highly resolved bond distances and energies. Modelling the electron thus also offers a nanomechanism for the storage of energy in non-covalent h ydrogen bonds, whose power is appropriated by, for example, enzymes to guide their autogenous folding. The facile description of such auto-catalytic activity as "spontaneous" by contemporary science should be recognized for what it is - mysticism masquerading as knowledge. Some of the further exciting contributions of the aetherometric methodology include new functions for the internal power of a system, a coefficient of internal order, a recalibration of the pH scale to include redox potentials and not just acid-base heterolysis, along with the introduction of a new "pe" scale which measures the concentration of electrons and constitutes a true linear and real eV scale. They also demonstrate by experimental evidence the tenuous standing of the Central Dogma of molecular genetics, as well as the untenability of neo-Darwinism in the face of post-adaptive mutations in E. Coli and the teleological insufficiency of Survival to account for the will to power expressed in the living. The stereoscopic properties of biomolecules are envisioned as allowing the resonant induction of specific frequencies of ambipolar (massfree) electricity using examples such as the universality of protoporphyrin IX and the capacito-inductive potential of the chromatin-DNA complex in the nucleus. In closing, I would encourage the interested reader to seek the source. The discoveries enumerated here comprise but a fraction of the 'a-ha's' which lie tucked away inside Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy. Let the Correas have the last word: "Living systems are not the analogue of mechanical machines; they are systems or assemblages of nonlinear, nanometric-scale micro-machines. These machines have finite scale and energy limits, barely known at present, and their articulation involves not simply quantic interactions but also, and most importantly, subquantum ones that have resisted the analytical tools of modern physics." |