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Review of Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy by P & A Correa

David Pratt


Over the course of several decades Dr Paulo and Alexandra Correa have conducted meticulous and exhaustive experiments that demonstrate the existence of electric and nonelectric forms of massfree, nonelectromagnetic energy. Their findings are documented in many published works, and are also embodied in patented technologies ( Their work interfaces with, but in many ways transcends, other scientific research being conducted into "vacuum" and "zero-point" energies at the quantum and subquantum levels.

In Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy the Correas begin their exploration of the role played by massfree energy in biophysics, biochemistry, system dynamics, and molecular biology. They argue that biological systems do not obey the present-day understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. Current thermodynamics takes account solely of sensible heat or electromagnetic energy, whereas the total energy of a system also includes nonthermal, massfree energy - in the form of either specific latent heat or a novel electric form of radiation whose spectrum they have identified.

The Correas say they have demonstrated experimentally the existence of a reverse potential of energy flow involving the transfer of a nonelectromagnetic, nonelectric form of biological energy (massfree latent heat) from regions of lower energy density to regions of higher energy density. This draw effect sheds new light on noncovalent bond structures in biochemical systems.

They define living systems as self-assembling (autopoietic) systems made up of nonlinear nanometric machines. These machines are self-assembling molecular aggregates that constantly capture massfree energy from their surrounding media. The book explores the bioenergetic role of DNA, RNA, globins, ATP, and other fundamental biomolecules, and presents a new nanometric model of the water molecule, which builds on the detailed toroidal model of the electron that the authors have developed.

Living systems are characterized by an autonomous capacity to capture and order energy, whether ordered massfree energy in dynamic states or ordered mass-energy in its structures. Order arises through the structured accumulation of internal energy, but under conditions that minimize the discharge of energy from the system. The Correas argue that this increase in internal energy is inevitably accompanied by an increase in entropy. Entropy is not a direct measure of either order or disorder, but an indirect measure of the proportion of energy in a system which is in the form of sensible heat.

The authors present a rigorous critique of neo-Darwinism and its doctrine of natural selection of purely random genetic mutations. They argue for a form of neo-Larmackianism, citing evidence that genotypic changes can be directed by extra-genetic plastic forces. These forces are an expression of a system's capacity to increase and order its internal energy, and are involved in a self-regulated process of constant experimentation, partly in response to environmental stimuli.

This revolutionary work is packed with challenging and thought-provoking ideas, grounded in experimentation, and will be of interest to all those who doubt the ability of present paradigms to solve the fundamental problems of biology.